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[CYOA] The Second Floor


Grizzled Veteran
[Only those quoted may respond!]

The temptation of finding a secret floor proves too much to pass up, and as you leave the Security room you can't help but look for it.
On the shelf you notice a stack of flashlights, and you make the very quick and wise decision to grab one and a couple of the rolling loose batteries, juuust in case.
It doesn't take long, no sooner had you crossed the foyer the tiny blinking light of a security camera caught your attention, and you veer to the left of the entrance turnstiles in favor of this rather boring looking door.
You go to push it open and notice its wedged shut, but a little elbow grease and patience manages to get the door open enough for you to slide in.
You look down behind the door to see what caused it and sigh at the sight of one of the staff bots, knocked over and out of power it seems.
Wiping your brow, you turn back to the stairs... well, what should have been stairs.
You're instead staring into the dark, with a ladder plummeting into the depths.
That's really... odd.
But on the bright side, you can see a light down there.
Mustering your courage, you climb down, but the further you climb, the more the musty smell of old food hits you.
The bottom of the ladder isn't anything you recognize, it almost feels like just dirt... indoors?
You turn around, and now you understand why.
There's a rather shambled old building down here, the faded letting of an old pizzeria just above the darkened entrance.
You quickly take out your flashlight when you realize that light you noticed before is long gone... it seems something wanted you down here.
You try to shine the light thru the glass of the front door, but it's too caked with dust to be very useful.
You can just make out a checkered tile floor and some old tables pushed to the sides of an old stage.
Without warning, an old soda bottle rolls out from the withered shrubbery to the left of you, and a quick flashlight pan of the area shows drag marks going around the side of the building from behind the bushes.
Maybe looking around outside for a bit seems like a good idea?
You could also follow the drag marks, or maybe you should just try the front door and look around inside?

[Roll 1d100 along with your choice!]

Responses must be in by the 23rd, 11:30 PM EST
This will be your thread for the remainder of the game!


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 8 8

Who needs a survival instinct when you look as good as Jaxx did? That reasoning had gotten them this far, anyway, and he wasn't about to change things up anytime soon. That's how ponies got hurt. If it wasn't broken, then it didn't need fixing, and that logic had carried him down into the depths of wherever.

Looking around outside was boring. The drag marks, though? Now that was almost an idea, but the scowl that tightened across their face reminded him of what Nain would say. Ah, Nain, Nain, Nain. He had promised his spouse to not do anything they wouldn't do, and Jaxx was pretty sure Nain wouldn't go after what they had always rolled their eyes about in horror movies.

So that left try the front door and look around inside. He was hungry, anyway.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 50 50
Esme definitely wants to make absolutely certain there is nothing to miss by looking around outside . She certainly hopes the night air will at least be entertaining.


late to the party
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 64 64
Glance decides to check the front door and peek around inside. Maybe there's something interesting in there - drag marks are too obvious, though. Someone probably doing some WORK, or something.