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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[FIN] (Stone/Ravine/Water/Fawn/Mouse/Leaf)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 10 10

Leafpaw wasn't happy, not about the eagle and not about her brother rushing headlong into battle and not at the thought of her parents' faces when they came home - because they had to come home, didn't they? There wasn't really any alternative, they had to come home one way or another. Flickerfly and Goldenspeckle loved them both very much and while it would be very sad if Fawndance was taken away, Leafpaw wouldn't mind it so terribly much (though she'd never say it out loud, of course) if it was Fawndance being taken away and not herself or Mousepaw.

She was having a hard time holding on - maybe she would allow herself to be buffeted away by the eagle's wing and slink back to her mentor. Waterfall could be proud that Leafpaw had tried to fight the eagle, to face her fears... Or maybe she would be mad at Leafpaw for surging ahead when her mentor had tried to protect her.

All thoughts of how her peers could've construed her as went out of her head when a sharp beak pierced into her shoulder and she detached herself from the eagle and fell limply onto the ground. At least its talons were holding Fawndance, she thought numbly. That way she wouldn't run the risk of getting impaled by them, right?

Leafpaw misses her attack on the eagle!
HP: 2
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 6 6

Previously, Ravineflight's jaws had been clamped around the eagle's leg. But with it whipping around to attack Leafpaw, its muscles surged and its wing buffeted Ravineflight harder than she would have hoped. With a grunt, she released the leg, but she lashed out at the eagle. Hoping to rake its side as she fell. She missed, thumping to the ground on all fours. "Leaf!" she shrieked, bundling to the she-cats side. Ravineflight firmly got her jaws into the apprentice's scruff and began to pull her away.

"Mouse brain!" she muttered softly, knowing the orange she-cat was soft and not much of a fighter. It was commendable, though, that she ran in to save her brother. But such a small cat shouldn't lose her life like this.

(( Ravineflight misses the eagle ))

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 16 16

The moment Leafpaw took a hit from the eagle and thumped to the ground, Waterfall let out a screech of anger. "How DARE you!" She scurried out of reach of the eagle, before turning around and launching herself at it. The blue she-cat aimed directly for its back. This would drive Fawndance into the ground, but it would also hopefully drag the eagle down enough for them to pin it. She just hoped Fawndance didn't get hurt too badly from the impact.

(( Waterfall hits the eagle! ))

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 16 16

Mousepaw's head had been cool and quiet while he attacked the eagle. He was much like his sisters mentor in that aspect, somehow managing to keep their cool even under the strongest of pressure. But the moment he saw his sister slump to the ground bleeding... Something snapped.

He shrieked in unison with Waterfall, one of the loudest sounds the quiet apprentice had ever made. He resumed his assault on the large bird with such ferocity that he would have scared himself, had he been paying much attention. All that mattered to him was that this bird felt at least as much pain as it had just inflicted on his sister. Ultimately, he would prefer it to die, but at the very least, he would leave it broken and bloody.

(( Mousepaw hits the eagle! ))

HP: 5
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 15+
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Stew Aficionado
Battle Notice!

One or more of the cats in this patrol is at half their HP or lower! You may now choose as a group whether you wish to proceed with this patrol and fight the eagle until its demise, in which you run the risk of entering cats into a Death Raffle if their HP hits 0, but have the option of having any survivors be entered for patrol exclusive scars OR to chase off your enemy, which will ensure that no cat runs the risk of dying in this patrol.

Please vote below on whether you would like to continue the patrol at the risk of your cats


you would prefer to chase off your enemy.

If one person chooses to chase off the enemy, that will be the decided option.​


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 16 16
With a furious cry of frustration, the eagle drops its prey - it can find a meal easier than this, but it needs to get into the air first. Hopping and shuffling its claws, it extends its wings and snaps its beak into the nearest cat, trying to gain space to flee - or at least to get the satisfaction of killing one of their number.

The eagle hits Ravineflight for 3 damage!
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 8 8

With a thud, Fawndance fell to the ground. Bleeding and pained, it was an effort to get her paws tucked under her and pushing up. She thought of her kits - adults though they were, and her mate at home.
"Let's go!" She mewed, but she couldn't get her paws off the ground. Curling her tail towards her to avoid it being stepped on and torn from her, she tried to find the strength to move away from the eagle and run home with her patrol.

Fawndance misses her attack!
HP: 7
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 9 9

Stonebelly barely noticed that Fawndance had been let go by the eagle, because all he could see was his mate getting injured. Blinded by rage, he lashed out wildly at their feathered assailant and missed completely. This eagle had made a big mistake (as if it hadn't already) because now it was personal.

Stonebelly misses his attack!
HP: 10
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 14

Leafpaw felt weak, but she stood up. She'd heard her brother's cry - his roar, more like. She couldn't just lay there, no matter how badly she felt. She wobbled onto her paws and slashed her claws at the fleshy, featherless talons of the eagle. She wanted to hiss, to express some manner of battlecry, but she couldn't muster up the energy. At least she could do this much, she thought, as her claws found their purchase.

Leafpaw hits the eagle for 3 damage!
HP: 2
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 1 1

Ravineflight takes a hit from the eagle! -3 HP

Ravineflight misses their attack on the eagle!

HP: 7
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

Ravineflight threw herself at the eagle again, doing whatever she could to take it down. She got a gash to the flank in doing so, which made her stumble back.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 17 17

Waterfall lands her hit on the eagle! +5 damage to it

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

Waterfall decided to really get into the fight and would launch herself at the eagle, battering its head with her strong paws. It seemed disoriented! Good.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 11 11

Mousepaw misses his hit on the eagle!

HP: 5
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 15+

Mousepaw missed his next attack on the eagle, and he would spit angrily at it.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 19 19
Flapping its wings hard, the large feathered beast took a step forward when it felt claws slice onto its feet - only to step onto a cat below it! It caused the eagle to become off-balance, but its talons still sliced into the cat beneath and it heard an unhappy yowl from beneath it.

The eagle lands an attack on Fawndance for 3 damage!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4

Fawndance did scream when the eagle pressed its talon on her. She could feel new wounds being torn into her flesh while her previous ones from earlier in the fight continued to weep. She, too, was weeping for the pain of it all. She needed to get up, to get away, to see her mate and her family again. MountainClan was her everything - but... but rather than fighting to get away, shouldn't she be fighting to protect those who were not as badly off as her?

Would Tigersun love her less if she came home having run, or would he respect her more for fighting against the looming feathered fiend above her? For all the moons that she knew her mate, she still wondered if he would rather her at her side, despite her cowardice, or to be a spirit in SunClan, proud of her for going down fighting. Her throat was thick as she hissed at the eagle hoarsely and tried to push it further away from her, so that she could escape. Maybe she could continue the fight, if she could only catch her breath first.

Fawndance misses her attack on the eagle!
HP: 4
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 17 17

Stonebelly's initial wild hit had missed, but it's second one did the trick just fine. With a snarl, he sliced at the underbelly of the eagle, which was exposed thanks to the off balance. He would gut this predator for harming his mate. How dare any creature think about hurting Ravineflight? He would end them all; they'd survived so much already even before coming to MountainClan? The audacity of this one pesky eagle to think that they could bring down the pair of them! He'd show this bird just how stupid it was.

Stonebelly lands a hit on the eagle for 5 damage!
HP: 10
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 8 8

Leafpaw was becoming more and more aware of the scent of blood in the air and the fear of it attracting others to the scene caused the ginger apprentice to freeze in her tracks. She turned her gaze to her brother, Mousepaw, who continued to fight and shook her head, trying to come out of it.
"Let's get this done fast and get home soon, Mousepaw!" She called over to her brother, though she'd missed her moment to attack in that moment.

Leafpaw misses her attack on the eagle!
HP: 2
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