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From the Swamp they came


Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 37 37
Orion looked to his right and saw a soft glow, Orion thought to himself "ooo what is that?" he was a curious pegasus so he leaned over a little on the boat ignoring what the guide had told him eariler suddenly you feel a jolt from the boat "what did we just hit, he said to himself"

Orion lost his footing and fell into the bog


Grizzled Veteran
Chalk squealed with the sudden tossing of the boat, turning her attention to those who went overboard and using her wings for leverage to pull up someone, chattering away the entire time.
"Nono I wanted an old body part, not a new one, you're so silly!"
With a bit of effort, she managed to get a grip on Snow and attempt to drag them back into the boat, seeing as they were the first one to catch her [admittedly short] attention.

[She's fishing up for Prompt B, +1!]


Grizzled Veteran
On Deck
@Absolutiones , @belloblossom , @Bouquet of Diamonds , @ChexaRain , @Cheyriddle4 , @Revel , @RozeyBear , @Shadrya , @Straye , @SwordOfTheNagas

By some extreme fate you all have survived falling out of the boat, but you notice a few things are missing.

The first is it's quiet and dark, boat's fan is not turning, the spot light is out, and the engine is off.
Second the Bog Hog Mascot wearing tour guide is no where to be seen in the control seat.
And finally two (2) of the other passengers are also gone having been thrown either by the boat's abrupt stopping or being pushed off in the rush to grab others... They can not be seen in the immediate area.

Do you:

Start a search party? (prompt a)

Investigate the air boat? (prompt b)

Panic wildly? (prompt c)

(don't post until I have posted the other group's prompts please!)


Grizzled Veteran

@YupItReallyIsMe & @PeterPan_da144

You both have hit water either being pushed off the Bog Hog Express or by some wacky fate just slipped out of notice. You feel soaked, mushy, dead and decaying vegetation under your butts. The muck is thick, but not as deep as you might have previously thought. You smell awful, reeking like rotting eggs and sewage.

Out of the corner of your eye you spot a light. Could it be the Bog Hog express? Was it always green?

Do you:

Follow the Light? (prompt d)

Stay put? (prompt e)


Stew Aficionado
Firebug went overboard. They were just trying to hold on, but in the scuffling of hooves, ponies trying to help each other. Making sure no one fell off. The smaller changeling was missed, and toppled overboard. Gasping, they flailed their hooves and tried to pull themselves up out of the water. Thankfully, it seemed the water wasn't as deep as they thought, even for a small one such as them. They sat in the muck, whipping their head around to try to figure out where they were. Wait... Where was the boat?

Wrinkling their nose at the smell around them, Firebug stood and tried to shake out their wings as best they could. Being grounded right now would suck. A green light in the distance caught their eye... And that was all they could see. Had they really gotten that far from the boat?

Huffing, Firebug shook their wings out more. They were dry enough that they could flutter, and flutter they did. Just above the murky water. Glancing around one more time, they couldn't see the boat anywhere. Shivering, they turned towards the light. That had to be the boat, right?

Firebug is following the light


Snow sighed as he looked to his tailmouth. His left eye was blocked due to the patch while the right was blazing. "Snickers. Drop." The tail mouth dug in the fangs a little on Milkyway before dropping the tail. @Straye The ghoulie then glanced to the vibrant one that tried to help. "Thank you...both." @ChexaRain

Then the pale yellow ghoulie stepped lightly over to the giant fan. He poked his head around the fan itself to see if there was anything to clue them into where the guide went. Snickers was a hissing upset mess, his white scales were covered in muck and rotting vines. The head kept headbutting Snow's side to get the pony to clean him off.

Prompt b -- Investigate the boat


Stew Aficionado
Dawn Charm gazed around at the others, noting at first the lack of the guide and heaving a sigh. They wouldn't be available to answer her questions about the local fauna in the area, then. Straightening up, she looked to the others.

"Is everyone alright? No injuries I hope?" She could usually apply some improvised first aid - she hadn't brought a kit with her that day, but she suspected there may be something of use in the boat. She scanned the group and noticed that it was smaller than usual. There wasn't just their guide missing.

Gazing out into the bog, her tail curled close to her face and she glanced down at it, nodding.
"Well, we'd best go out and find them." Someone else could look for an emergency kit - if there was one. She turned to look at the others. "Well, I'm happy to go strike out into the bog and look for the others. Who else is coming along?"

(Prompt A)


Grizzled Veteran
Dusting off her little hooves after doing her part to help, Chalk giggled at the idea of venturing out. "Yes! I wanna go looking! We could find things and bring them back for everyone else, wouldn't that be something?" She squirmed excitedly and wasted almost no time jumping into the water, though she made sure she kept a hoof on the boat and waited for others to join her in the waist-deep section of water.

[Prompt A]


Grizzled Veteran
Shadow Claw wasn't certain leaving the boat was a good idea, however, staying on board was also not the best idea, especially now the mascot suited pony had disappeared. He wasn't an unkind pony but wandering the swamp when you didn't know the safe places seemed like a REALLY bad idea. "I think we should look for supplies in the boat" he said, "heading out without a map or anything will just get you lost too and you'll be no help to the missing ponies", he added. Hoping others would listen to him, despite his ... creepy... appearance.

Investigate the air boat? (prompt b)

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Mysterie stared at where the bog handler had once been standing and moved their gaze across the boat. Well, all hopes of fishing someone out of the bog were for not. No frets though! It was the thought that counted, right? They wrapped their fluffy ruff back around their neck, the wetness from the side that had been in the water making a slapping sound against their back as they did so, and meandered toward Dawn Charm.

"I will accompany you, fellow bone officiano!" They chimed, nodding affirmatively up toward her, before turning their attention to Sidewalk Chalk. "Yes, that's the spirit! I have a feeling that our bog handler wasn't being honest about their 'no-corpse souvenir" policy, and with them nowhere to be found, I can practically feel the bones calling out to me! Let our search begin!"

Prompt A

@ChexaRain @belloblossom


Grizzled Veteran
Having survived from the jolt. The quietness is quite something. He gazes around and frowns... This simply isn't good. Both choices aren't exactly appealing.. Stay and who knows how long it will take for someone to find them. Go search and will get dirty and who knows what will encounter?!?! Though how will they find anyone if they don't go out searching? He takes note of how the groups are forming and sighs. Probably best that perhaps there are those that stay in case. He goes to look around the boat some more. Maybe even if to find a flashlight that could help. "I'll stay for now."

Prompt B


Long-Term Resident
Prompt A

"You're welcome," she assured gently, without any hostility or accusation, wincing only a little as the snake released her; it never crossed her mind to ask if the tail had a venom she needed to be concerned about. Being careful to make sure the other small ghoulie found her feet before turning to the commotion. Despite how shy Milkyway usually was - she was always one to think well under pressure and quick to react when survival over her initial tendency to panic - and given the turn things had just taken, a clear head was necessary.

As much as Milkyway would have liked to join the search party, the snakehead tail's fangs had sunk deeper into her leg than she'd like to admit. The idea of the murky bog water closing around the wounds left a distaste in her mouth.

@ChexaRain @belloblossom @Bouquet of Diamonds
"Search party friends - let's look for an emergency kit and try to find flares, and maybe some rope. If we can create a tether, then we can try to keep track of everyone! Are there any unicorns among us that can use their magic to light the way?"

She turned to those who were still deciding, "If we could have anyone mechanically inclined stay to help fix the airboat, maybe we try to repair the vessel and follow rendezvous with the search party." she suggested, gesturing to the fan, and the now-vacated seat where the guide had been. "Perhaps it could be hotwired?

Limping her way over to the snakehead who was nudging its pony half who was carefully trying to assess the fans, she tutted. "You look awfully distressed. It must be that slime, huh? Can I help?" she offered, showing the snake she wanted to help by pulling her shawl from her shoulders, holding it up harmlessly - it was knitted from a soft, thick material. She was seemingly undeterred by the fact that she'd felt its bite just earlier - understanding it was just trying to cling onto something to help. @SwordOfTheNagas


Stew Aficionado
Prompt A

Welp. That didn't go as well as he'd hoped. At least Twilight Flight managed to keep all his limbs out of the stinky bog. That was about the only upside as it seemed the vessel was currently stalled and without a captain. The others that were still on the boat seemed to be splitting into groups. One faction was gearing up to search the bog while the other was going to stay back.

After a short internal deliberation, Twilight decided if he had been the one who'd slipped into the swamp, he would want someone to come help him. "I-I'd like to come too! I want to help!" He fluttered after the search group.


Orion was lucky he knew that, but he was noticing a few weird things, it was quiet was was super creepy, and he had noticed that the boat fan & light wasnt working either, this was getting too creepy for his liking, he tried to look around the see what he could see but it was no use he couldn't see anything , "where are the other ponies", he said aloud. Orion got up and started to search the air boat hoping he could find some pony or atleast a torch so he could see.

PROMPT B - Investigate air boat


Grizzled Veteran
By some miracle, Genevieve found herself back on the boat. Her fur was wet and she felt muck clinging to her but she didn't mind it so much.

She noticed a familiar face after all the excitement, another Ghoulie named Snow that often visited her home. But... right now she wasn't worried about chit-chat. Right now she noticed their group seemed... smaller.

She quickly agreed to help with the ponoes forming a search party. After all, if she was out of the boat looking, than maybe she'd happen upon ofne of those creatures that she'd heard about.

Prompt A
wc: 72


Scopto was curious as to what the light was, but was unsure of it. Unsteady. With a sigh, he glanced around, and, unable to see anything, moved towards the light.

(Following the light)


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 2
Res: 2
Gonna do the boggy bath group first!

Light Followers

@PeterPan_da144 & @YupItReallyIsMe

You both follow the green light, it doesn't seem to be getting brighter but it does appear to be moving. As you get closer you stumble upon a large beast. This creature could, without a doubt, be the same height as an average earth pony. It is staring at you both seeming to look at your very souls.

(Raffle time! who gets the first of these mystery beasts!)

1. peter
2. yup

(don't worry there are more of these hiding!)


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 2
Res: 2
And a little more suspense.

Investigating the boat

@SwordOfTheNagas @Revel , @Cheyriddle4 , @Shadrya

You four investigate the boat, the engine isn't running due to taking on damage from the abrupt landing. Searching the contents of the boat reveals the head of the mascot costume lodged under the line of benches in the boat. You don't find who was wearing that head though. You managed to find a locked box labeled "Curse Repellant" stuck in the costume head. Unsure of what the contents are you all put it aside for the moment to find;
An empty candle lantern, some candles, a match box, old newspaper clipping about the bog hog tour, a rabbits foot, four leaf clover, golden horseshoe, and various other good luck charms.

You also find a broken locket, inside there is a picture distorted by water damage showing a strange creature.

Do you now:

Light the lantern? (prompt a)

Try to find the tour guide? (prompt b)

Fix the engine? (prompt c)

(edit: don't mind the random number I forgot to turn it off.)


Grizzled Veteran

This beast has chosen you! It is called a pard and their lore will explain a little more about them. All you need to do now is if you accept this pard you are out of the game entirely. Led back to the tour guide center.

@PeterPan_da144 This beast scared your little pony from the shadows, so they didn't get a clear look other than a black shape glowing green. You have fled and joined back up with the search party.

Search Party!
@belloblossom , @ChexaRain , @Bouquet of Diamonds , @Straye , @Absolutiones , @RozeyBear

You six have formed a search party to locate the missing members of the tour. After slogging through the muck for what feels like hours, but is probably only a couple minutes, you come across Firebug, who seems to be shaken by something. You all take off in the direction Firebug had come from as Scopto and the tour guide are still missing.

Off to the side of your slogging journey, you see a greyish purple light.

Do you:

Follow the Light? prompt d

Stay on Course? prompt e

Go back to the boat? prompt f


While investigating the air ship orion comes across, An empty candle lantern, some candles, a match box, old newspaper clipping about the bog hog tour, a rabbits foot, four leaf clover, golden horseshoe, and various other good luck charms.
As it is pitch dark and he cannot see much he gets one of the candles that he found, opens the candle lantern and strikes a match to light it so he can see, the candle lantern's light is just enough to be able to see the old clipping about the tour "so mysterious" orion thought to himself, Orion takes the golden horse shoe for luck.