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From the Swamp they came


Snickers did accept the clean before Milkyway skittered off with the others. The pale ghoulie looked back to his tail. "Whimp." he muttered before looking over the case. "Trinkets." he hummed as he trailed his claw through them before wandering over to the to fix this?

That was simple. Snow drew up to the side, turned around then raised his back legs to SLAM the fan. He watched one of his more industrial herd mates do this before to a large machine before.... Snickers on the otherhoof hissed sharply at the sudden jarring snagged the rabbits foot to chew on to help with his growing stress.

Prompt C- Fix the engine


Stew Aficionado
Firebug buzzed along slowly. Inquisitively. The light was definitely the boat, right? But as they grew closer, they realized... No. It wasn't the boat.

Frozen in mid air, eyes as wide as saucers, Firebug barely managed not to collide with the massive beast. It was the size of an Earth pony, which was much bigger than the little bug was. As it swung its head towards Firebug, without even noticing the other pony from the boat, Firebug let out a yelp and swung around, buzzing madly away.

Nope, nope, NOPE!!!

Firebug flew as fast as their little wings could carry them, until they ran into some pony else. Thumping to the ground, they scrambled backwards. "Not again!" they shouted, legs up and in front of their face, before they realized.... It was just another pony. Several other ponies, in fact! Other ponies from the tour group! With a wheeze, Firebug managed to pull themself up and shake their rump clear of mud.

"Oh, it's just you guys! Thank goodness! Whatever you do, don't follow the green lights!" Hooves were waved back and forth as they shook their head. "Green lights equal big, bad monsters. We need to find the boat!"

"Oh! It must be over there!" Without much thought, Firebug turned towards a purpleish light in the distance. Thinking that most definitely must be the light of the boat.

Silly Firebug follows Prompt D, thinking it's the boat


Grizzled Veteran
Acid looks around and notices someone already lighting a lantern so he makes his way to look at the engine. Before he gets there though he see's a ghoulie kick the fan and narrows his eyes. What the heck were they thinking!!!!!!!!!! Doing more harm than good more like it. He doesn't even wanna go near the ghoulie out of irritation. Knowing that he would lash out if spoken to he instead moves to see if he can find the tour leader.

Prompt b


Grizzled Veteran
[Prompt D- Follow that Light!]

Chalk trudged through the muck with gusto, stopping only for a moment when Firebug rejoined their little gathering, "Oh silly, green lights are only lights." It wasn't until she spotted the purple light in the distance that she squealed, "LOOOOK! It's a light that isn't green! A fine light! I NEED IT!" Whether or not it was actually a capturable object, however, was yet to be determined, not that Chalk minded. She just wanted, and mommy gets what she wants.

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Prompt D

Okay, maybe Mysterie had been wrong about how many dead bodies ended up in bogs, but could you blame them based on all of the murder documentaries circulating on streaming services lately? They'd figured there could at least be one skull or tibia loose in the stream somewhere, but the most they'd found so far with their search party was a rock that vaguely looked like a thumb bone and gotten waist deep in some thick mud.

However, despite the disappointment and the mud, they were grinning ear to ear.

"Calm yourself, ladybug!" They chuckled as Firebug crashed back into their group in panic. "A monster bearing green light? Sounds like you must've bopped your noggin when you flopped out of the boa-"

And then, as though summoned by sheer discussion, a distant purple light caught their attention. If it hadn't been for Firebug's acknowledgement, they would have lifted a muddy hoof to rub their eye. ... Well, wasn't that just a real hum-dinger? They nodded and started to follow it.

"It's certainly not the boat, flutterby! The light's gone bust since you were catapulted!" They continued, paying a glance back to the rest of their group. "But if it's some kind of creature as you said, perhaps it knows a way out! Follow me if you be brave enough to face it!"



Stew Aficionado
Twilight Flight would never admit it, but he'd been startled when the other pony came charging suddenly from the darkness. They also claimed to have seen a monster. Comforting. His courage was starting to waver, but everyone else in the group seemed determined to keep wading through the muck. Not wanting to be left alone, Twilight kept with the group following the light.

Prompt D


Grizzled Veteran
With the dark red and charcoal coloured pony coming back in such a panic, Genevieve immediately struck off in the direction they'd come from. She didn't know what she expected find in the darkness surrounding the muck she stood in but... she didn't expect nothing, which was exactly what she seemed to be getting.

The small ghoulie pouted for only a moment before she noticed the faint purple light. Squinting off in that direction after the ponies that began to trudge toward it, she made her way after them.

Prompt D
wc: 79


Long-Term Resident
After some rummaging, she was able to find an old, albeit weathered first aid kit and wrapped the bite the best she could. Her eyes were better in the dark than some, so as she was looking for things that might come in handy to help with the boat, she paused, looking around.

Noticing Orion has lit the lantern, and that Snow was doing their best to work on the engine, she took te locket to examine it closer. "Did anyone notice anything memorable about the tourpony? Mane color? If they were a pegasus or unicorn?" she wondered, eyes fixed on the detached hoo under the bench - the comically large - albeit dead eyes staring back at her inevitably making her uneasy.

Moving to Snow's side once more - she realized they were only really working with one good eye. Fixing the Engine seemed like a good thing to prioritize.

@SwordOfTheNagas "I can see pretty well in this lighting. Can I help you?" she asked, looking at the well dressed pony - the only one that seemed to be focused on getting them out of this mess they were trapped in.

Prompt to Fix the Boat
(I messed up last time guys XD I meant to put the search the boat prompt, not search party.) XD


Stew Aficionado
Dawn was pleased to see others coming to her aid and she nodded at the others who stepped forth. Once they set off, she found it didn’t take them too long to come across one of their lost companions. The pony didn’t seem truly hurt and they had others to look for, so she pressed on.

When she spotted the light coming through the bog, however, she found herself compelled to follow it. She had no doubt she would find her way back to the group... eventually. But she had come here to learn more about the bog, not to go on some epic quest to save the lost and wandering.

So, turning her paws away from the others, she started to stalk the light, her gaze fixed on it.

(Prompt D)


Stew Aficionado
The items in the boat were curious, Shadow Claw was worried about the tour guide now. "We should probably light the lantern and start looking for the guide" he said, though he was sure no one was going to listen

Light the lantern? (prompt a)


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 5
Res: 4
@belloblossom , @ChexaRain , @Bouquet of Diamonds , @Absolutiones , @RozeyBear

Lights in the Depths

You five deviate from the not so clear path following this light. Words of caution thrown to the wind as you wade towards it. You get to a fair distance and notice the light is waving like a flame. As your group nears one of your number recognizes that it is much like the creature that forced them to flee earlier, but surely it's not it's just a trick of light.

1. Sami
2. Cheza
3. Bou
4. Absolutiones
5. Bello

(rubs hands time to see who gets the pretty and also time to add some suspense)


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 15
@Shadrya & @Revel

Light Makers

You both managed to not only put a candle in the lantern base, but the matches caught quickly. You have plunged the boat in light. You notice things you didn't notice before. There is a journal, an overly large fleece ball, and what appears to be a wallet.

Do you:

Help the others? (a)

Snoop the Journal and Wallet? (b)

Finding the fan master

Alone and in the mostly dark you search for the tour guide. You peer off the boat on the left first seeing no sign there, you turn to the right side and surprise yourself as how did you all miss them climbing back on the boat and then hiding under the back benches clawed hooves over their eyes mostly mumbling and mummering that "why did I loose that bet, ben knows I hate the dark, and noises, and the bog." And you realize with a start that they are the tiniest ghoulie you have ever seen. They look to be drowning remaining costume that is most certainly made for an earth.

Do you:

Comfort? (c)
roll a d10

Leave them be? (d)

@SwordOfTheNagas & @Straye
Surprisingly the engine doesn't start when it's kicked. It also appears the fan cage has a dent in it and if the blades had started it would have caused them to scrape and perhaps cause the fan to not be able to be repaired. You both set about repairing the damage caused by the kick and perhaps trying a more gentle touch to get it going.

-Rolling to see the end of this I will edit the prompts in here afterwards for this one-
For clarity sake:
20 It's fully Repaired no repercussions! Congrats!
15 - 19 It's iffy on if your patch job will hold.
2 -14 It will get you off the bog, but will be horribly slow and need proper repair immediately
1 It's completely unusable.


You managed to repair the engine? Maybe. You also removed the dent in the cage, by removing the wires from the cage making it a hazard, but whatever it works.
You both look at the controls and realize you both don't know how to start or drive this boat. It's not a standard boat at all. You might have thought it was simple, but looks can be deceiving. It's more a wonder you didn't crash sooner with all the questions being pelted at the driver.

Do you:

Look around? (e)
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Grizzled Veteran
@Absolutiones ,
And finally the reveal of

Colored by Rozey!

You can keep them or run with the others. Keeping them causes you to leave the game. (there are other prizes at the end of this game)

@belloblossom , @ChexaRain , @Bouquet of Diamonds , @RozeyBear

You four are startled when this beast screeches at you. You turn tail and run and wind up getting lost in the bog for a bit, but manage to make your way back to the now lit boat. You can see that you really were not as far from it as you thought.

Do you:

Get back on the boat? (f)

Find Help? (g)


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 8 8
Acid looks around and takes a few moments to register what is happening. His ears hears the soft voice and he looks in the direction of the now seen to him ghoulie. He frowns. So this guy lost a bet huh? He's had his share of lost bets. He makes his way over and stands near them." Hey... It's going to be okay. Things might seem bad but you aren't alone.. and hey. We'll all manage to figure out how to get back. Let's just calm down yeah?" He isn't the best at comforting but he has to do something. Sorta sad leaving the ghoulie like this. "Take a few deep breaths okay?"


Stew Aficionado
Dawn's fur bristled in alarm when the light turned out to be connected to a beast and more than that, when that beast was clearly hostile! She turned and ran, finding her way back to the lit boat. Her chest heaving, she looked around to the others who had remained there. She leaned her head forward, moving her mask out of the way and taking slow, deep breaths - only to sneeze when she inhaled the strong stench of the bog that surrounded them.

Lowering her mask back onto place, she turned around, facing the bog again. She glanced at her tail and set herself with a firm determination. She would get help... Or she would get her answers about the local wildlife in this place. She'd been scared once before, but she wouldn't scare so easily again. Glancing back up at the boat, she turned away and began to trudge back out into the murk.

(Prompt G)

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Prompt G

Mysterie wasn't as much startled by the creature itself, but by the sound of the splashing that the others made as they fled. If it hadn't been for their commotion, they would have gladly stayed behind and tried to communicate with the creature. Instead, there they were blindling running after the spooked ponies, and found themselves colliding head first into the side of the boat.

Needless to say, they needed a moment to collect themselves.

"Ow-ow-ow!" They hissed, shaking their head about. "Thank the stars I wore my mask! I'd've knocked myself to a murky grave there if I hadn't."

They breathed deeply, allowing the throbbing sensation in their forehead to subside, and scanned the bog around them. ...No signs of life out there, but they couldn't give up just like that! It's not like they had a concussion to worry about.

"Gotta be something out there that knows a way out." They muttered, glancing back to the boat. "I'll bring it back here once I find it."

And with a confident nod, they trotted off into the dark.
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Once Orion successfully lit the lantern he noticed a few things and thought to himself "where was everyone?" also there was large fleece ball, a fleece ball Orion pondering to himself "is there a large cat on board" he joked to himself, and a wallet, these things didnt bother him so he left them where they were and started to look for the others.

Help the others? (a)


Stew Aficionado
Firebug buzzed along behind the group, quiet but on edge. They didn't want to seek out the boat alone, so they stayed with the group. One of those beasts surely wouldn't come at their entire group, right?

They couldn't have been further from the truth.

Sure enough, the faint purple glow wasn't the boat. It was yet another thing. Firebug let out a yelp of surprise as they bucked midair, before turning and running. Forgetting about the others. All they wanted to do was get away from the thing. Wheezing as they ran, hooves barely grazed the ground as they flew. Buzzing, faster and faster. As quick as they could. Eventually, they reached a little bit of a clearing? And there was light. Noooo!!!!

They skidded midair, before realizing... Wait. That was the boat... The small Changeling dove for the boat, disregarding any other ponies on it. They thumped against the bottom, before scrabbling about. Finding a spot beneath a bench to curl up (much like the driver, without noticing it, and under a different bench). They tried to catch their breath as they just sat there, curled up, eyes wide and searching.

Firebug gets back on the boat (f)


Grizzled Veteran
Oh my god it was a BEAST! Rather than run, Chalk found herself dragged with the others when they ran, giggling the entire way when she finally decided to turn and run with them. "Oh my gosh this is so much FUN!" She squealed, only to collide with Mysteries' back when they ran into the boat, tripping up and grabbing the side of the boat for balance.
"I feel a little dizzy, heheh.... Wait, nooo, I don't want the boat!" With a quick shake of her head, she bounced off after Mysterie, screeching the entire way,
"Take me with youuuuu!"

[Prompt uhh.... G?]

@Bouquet of Diamonds


Snow looked to the female nodding as they worked in tandem to get the engine remotely working. There seemed to be only one thing to do honestly. He took a look around.

Prompt E -- Look around.