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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Chapter One: Casting Stones [FIN]

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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Welcome everyone to Cats of the Sun's very first Meta ORP!

This roleplay is the first step for our cats who have until recently, lived in their mountain home happy and content. But for the past year, it seems SunClan has turned a blind eye to its followers. Two-legs have stepped in and have deviated the river that ran through the gorge where the Clan cats made their home. The river dried up, taking the prey and many members of the clan with it.

But today, SunClan has finally spoken. And from here on, Clan life will change entirely.

In this thread, we as a clan will travel, fight, love, and maybe even die to save the clan we love. Be prepared for random in-character games! And remember that, at the end of this ORP, the new clans will be formed and our cats will be searching for someone to lead them.

- - - - -

Please be mindful of others. Let's make sure everyone has fun, okay? If anyone needs a refresher, here are the roleplay rules for the shop and a link to BS's ToS. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me over on Discord @linnyboowho#8921

"Help... Them..."

The dark cat murmured in his sleep, his paws twitching as if running, seeking the help he longed for. But then, through the mouth of the leader's den, the first golden breath of morning same. With a start, the old cat blinked into the dawn's first ray of sun, and with it, he rose. Sunseer stretched out his long legs and reached out with his paws, his sharp claws scratching the still cool stone. With a wild yawn, his sleepy eyes fell upon the rock wall by his nest and counted the pawprints that resided there. One, two large prints and three tiny ones. He blinked slowly and pressed his forehead to the marks for a few long moments before stepping into the mouth of his cave to greet the day.

Shaking out the sleep from his fur, his ears flicked, noting the quiet sounds of the dawn patrol leaving camp. The tom looked down upon his camp and nodded to the white she-cat as she lead the group outside.

Deep in the gorge, all else was quiet. He watched the stillness for a moment before closing his eyes as if he could shut out the memories of busy, healthy days, and turned towards the Cave of Visions. Once again, as he had every morning since Morningsky had passed, he would enter the cool, dark cave and take his place in the single beam of sunlight. He would sit and he would pray. For a sign, an omen, for anything but the silence he had received.

His mismatched eyes gazed upward, reflecting back the dwindling beams of sunlight that drifted through the cracks in the stone ceiling above him. But he saw nothing. Had the cats of the sun abandoned them as the river had?

Tears stung his eyes, his sorrow more painful than the bright, unblinking light. Thoughts of his strongest warriors who had died trying to find the lost river. To their medicine cat who helped every cat but herself until she withered away with her herbs. To his children who never got the chance to see anything but suffering. His mate who died giving their last kit what little life she had left.

"Sunclan, please, if you truly have not forgotten us, tell me... Tell me what to do to save them."

And at that moment, the sun went white.

Suddenly, he could see as though there were not feet of solid rock between him and the sky. The blue had been drained, bleached by a sun so impossibly large and close that the Sunseer could feel its heat rippling off his fur. But it wasn't the sun. No. Looking back at him were an unknowable number of cat's eyes, each reflecting their light back at him.

In one voice, they spoke;

"Go. Chase the stolen river and split as it does. Only in pieces will your clan survive."
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran

On silent paws, a near white she-cat ducked under the lichen curtain that covered the entrance to the Medicine Cat's Den, visible to any waking eyes as nothing more than a gentle breath of wind. But no eyes saw her. There was only one living cat in here now. The she-cat stepped forward, her fur like dawn-soaked mist, and looked around the home she had left not all that long ago. There was longing in her heart as she breathed in the scent of dried herbs.
Ah, but this was not the time for reminiscing.

Dovetail approached the Littleflower's nest, settling herself in beside her. She was still so small, so young... But hadn't she been like that once? She smiled sadly at her apprentice, a cat too young to have such burdens to carry on her small shoulders. The white she-cat gently swiped her tongue over the young one's colors before resting her head on Littleflower's shoulder, breathing a string of words into her ear. Her voice would echo throughout her dreams shaping them into an omen.

The river is full once more. On its tumultuous surface, four small flowers struggle to stay afloat. One turns back and is swallowed, but eventually finds itself stuck on the shore, constantly fighting against the current. The rest float downstream, dodging debris and swirling eddies. Each one takes a different path and fades out of view.

"Guide them, little one. And remember that you are not alone."

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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran

A shaky woosh of air fell from panting mouth. He was lightheaded, dizzy, as though he had been holding his breath for far too long. His eyes squinted against the bright light around him. He blinked, but nothing changed. Just endless, searing light.

The words echoed in his mind, sending ice through his veins.

"Go. Chase the stolen river and split as it does. Only in pieces will your clan survive."

He braced himself, trying to control the shudder that went through him. So much went through him at that moment. Panic, fear, relief, all of it all at once, threatening to swallow him whole. No, he refused to go under, he needed to calm down. Heart rapping against his ribs, Sunseer sucked in a large breath and held it. He squeezed his eyes closed but the white did not leave him. Slowly, he let his breath out.


He opened his eyes; again no change. He was blind. A strange blindness, was it temporary? He did not think so. Either way, it wasn't important now. Not with SunClan's words looming over him. He repeated them, letting each word coat his tongue, playing with inflection, tone. He sighed and shook his head. For once, their ancestors were clear. They had answered at last but this.. this was not the answer he had hoped for. The dark tom nodded to himself and stood, his legs still trembling slightly as he slowly made his way out of the Cave of Visions.

Pawstep by careful pawstep, he gingerly made his way back to the ledge that was his den, sending small pebbles cascading down the rock face as his paw slips a few times at the edge. By memory, scent, and exploratory steps, the leader of MountainClan, at last, reached his spot on the Tall Stone.

He stood, tall and dark against the sky he could not see. His claws dug into the rock at his feet as he chewed on the words he was about to speak. Sunseer threw back his head and yowled, doing all he could to keep his voice from shaking.

"May all cats, old enough or not, gather at the Tall Stone for a clan meeting!"
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Stew Aficionado

It seemed Skysong had found a way to curb the majority of Poppypaw's boundless energy. Taking her out early in the morning on dawn patrol, before most of the clan was awake. She was always groggy at first, but when she realized she was going on patrol, the energy would start to course through her. Poppypaw had always been a handful for the older cats around her, but Skysong found a way to reel her in.

This particular morning had resulted in her tumbling down a gentle slope when she lost her footing, and she was still trying to shake bits of twigs and dust out of her fur. Her paws ached from the stones that had shifted beneath them and sent her tumbling, but all in all she was all right. No cuts or any sort of pain she could see or feel.

The apprentice padded alongside her mentor, pushing into the camp side by side just in time to catch sight of Sunseer scrambling up to the clan's meeting spot.

"I wonder what's going on," she mused out loud to the pale pelted cat beside her.

Sunseer proceeded to call out for everyone to gather, and gather she did, hopping closer to the Tall Stone to sit and idly pick at one of her paws until everyone else had gathered. There was a bit of grit stuck between her toes.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
The pale tabby's tail twitched ever so slightly as she lead the dawn patrol back in through the mouth of the ravine. She was tired and hungry, but other than the lines on her face and her ribs showing beneath her near-white pelt, she refused to let it show. Keeping her frustration beneath the surface, that was a little harder. Skysong willed her tail to cease its twitching with a deep breath. It was not her fault, Popppaw had fallen. Slipped. It could have happened to anyone, really, now that the earth had become so dry and dusty. But she could not helo but wonder if the ruckus of the mistake had chased away prey. Her stomach growled angrily. She willed that quiet, too.

"Hm?" She raised her head to the Tall Stone as the call reached them.

She felt her eyes widen and a shiver move through her. Something was wrong, she could tell. But she gave her apprentice a knowing look and said, "Worry not, whatever it is, we have it handled."

Skysong leaped up onto a nearby ridge and picked her way up the stone wall, her ice blue eyes locked on her leader as she settled onto the Deputy's ledge just below him. She watched as his ears flicked toward her, but as his head turned to search for her, his mismatched eyes glossed over where she stood. She squinted and swallowed a gasp. Was he...?

"I am here, Sunseer," She said, her voice careful but steady.

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Long-Term Resident

The air in the camp was almost too still as Stormflight shook out her fur and gave it a couple of licks, trying unsuccessfully to move the dust from it. Perhaps she was imagining it, but since the river had dried up the world seemed to have dried with it- cool and shade and hope all draining away and leaving nothing but dust. One more lick and the warrior stopped, deciding the task was achieving nothing but making her more thirsty. Stormflight couldn’t remember a drought so bad, in her life or in the clan’s memory.

She turned her head hopefully towards the sound of the returning dawn patrol, but before she caught much more than the sight of a less than thrilled looking Skysong and a Poppypaw who might have been walking with a slight limp, the leader’s voice rang out from near the leader’s den. The scrape of stone and the uneasy note in Sunseer’s yowl was at odds with the calm morning air, and Stormflight hurried to join the clan as it gathered to hear what their leader had to say, eyes flicking worriedly between Sunseer and Skysong, searching for any clue as to what might be happening. The entire gorge had felt like it had been holding it’s breath lately, and this was what they waited on. Something, anything to help them after the loss of the river they so badly needed. Hopefully Sunseer had a plan now, but Stormflight could only feel deep seated worry as she waited now to hear it. None of the possible options were good.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" There was a groan from a low crack in the base of the ravine. The elder's den was simple to get in and out of, but there was definitely some creaking of joints as the old tuxedo she-cat pulled herself onto the rock.

When she shook out her thick coat, dust plumed off of her in clouds, "Where are those apprentices when you need them? Someone better clean out my den, or I'll have their ear!" She spat, crotchety as ever.

Swallowtail had once been a stunning she-cat. Her rich black fur and a wit to match her sharp golden eyes had many a tom chasing her in her glory days. Not that any of them had succeeded, not for long anyway. She had done her duty to her clan and bore kits, raised them into fine Warriors, but... Most of them were gone now. It was getting harder for her to remember, but she believed one of these whelps running around was her blood. But as she settled herself in a sunspot and began to groom herself, it was easy to see the age in her. She couldn't quite reach certain parts of her pelt anymore. And while her eyes were still sharp, her hearing was fading faster than her memory. And now with this drought... She was really just a slip of a thing now.

She looked up at the dark tom on the stone and waited.


Long-Term Resident

Camelstride paced evenly back into the camp, giving the deputy a wide berth as she did so. It was a little frustrating to have graduated to being a warrior and still not feel able to provide for the clan, but she gingery she-cat knew it was for the most part out of their paws. Speaking of paws, she couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for Poppypaw. Skysong’s expression was calm, but her twitching tail betrayed irritation. Then again, Poppypaw seemed more or less completely unfazed by her tumble down the rocks, so perhaps Camelstride was worrying over nothing.

She trailed the apprentice to the highstones, sitting next to Poppypaw as she tried to work a stone from her paw. The apprentice had sticks, leaves and dust all over her.

“Here, let me help you,” she offered mildly, nosing some leaves off the apprentice’s head and grabbing a twig with her teeth to pull it from Poppypaw’s fur. Camelstride was barely a warrior herself, and she still occasionally forgot that her and Poppypaw weren’t still both apprentices, even though she and her littermates were a few moons older than Poppypaw.

As she helped Poppypaw, she kept flicking her eyes to Sunseer and Skysong, as more and more cats filtered into the daylight, crowding around. Camelstride’s fur lay flat as she waited to hear what their leader wanted. She was ready to do her part in anything that was needed of her by the clan, whatever it may be.


Stew Aficionado

Thistlefur grumbled as she followed Swallowtail out. Her coat was equally as dusty, but more prickly and unkempt. She was practically the epitome of her namesake. The drought and loss of prey hadn't helped her already typically sour mood. "And I'll have their tails!" she wailed behind the tuxedo, huffing as she settled her rump nicely beneath her.

The old she-cat settled herself in a way to help Swallowtail with her harder to reach spots. In case the other wished for the help.

"What is it now, Sunseer, less prey, less water, less everything?" Huffing, she spoke aloud, but it didn't mean the tom cat would hear her. She was just talking aimlessly.

"The way things are going, there won't be anything to feed even the youngest and strongest of us. We're withering away, and yet, SunClan hasn't spoke to us in moons!"


Stew Aficionado

Rounding out the dawn patrol, Nutpelt shouldered her way into the camp behind Camelstride. Her apprentice had come a long way in the last few moons. Even if there wasn't much to do, with the water and prey leaving, she was proving herself. At least in Nutpelt's eyes.

The clan was gathering, which Nutpelt had heard just before entering the camp, and she padded along behind the other she-cats to sit at the foot of Tall Stone. She could hear Thistlefur from a nearby sun spot, grooming Swallowtail no doubt, and rolled her eyes at the older she-cat's groaning.


Long-Term Resident

Dapplelight trailed Thistlefur and Swallowtail, her stiff old joints aching as she stretched them out, every toe separating as she extended her back legs. She purred a chuckle- in spite of everything, the other two old she cats were as predictable as the rising sun, and there was comfort in that. “I’m sure that’s what Sunseer wants to see the clan about,” she said to them both cheekily, as she took up a position the other side of Thistlefur. She noticed Nutpelt glancing in their direction and shot the younger she cat a knowing grin as she began to wash herself.

As much as she teased them, Dapplelight adored the other two cats, and she was increasingly worried about Swallowtail in the absence of the river. She knew others in the clan were stretched thin, and had little mind for the old cats’ moaning, but it was just stress. Hopefully Sunseer did have something more on his mind than the elders den bedding- but then, Dapplelight thought with a rush of sympathy, of course he did. It was a hard thing to lose a mate, let alone a medicine cat as well. She just hoped that things wouldn’t get any worse for the beleaguered clan.
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Long-Term Resident

A familiar meow rang out through the camp, and Damsonflower hurried towards the she-cats emerging from the elder’s den, hearing the unmistakable tones of his kin complaining. His thick black and white fur clearly marked him as one of Swallowtail’s relatives, although he was rather different from her in personality, it had to be said.

“No need to have anyone’s ears, or tails,” he said amiably, dipping his head to the three she cats, “as soon as Sunseer is finished speaking, I’ll make sure your bedding is fresh.” Damsonflower sat on Swallowtail’s free side- far enough away so as not to crowd the fragile old cat, but near enough that his earnest voice was audible, since she was hard of hearing now.

“Do you want me to get your back, Swallowtail?” He asked, somewhat gingerly- the old she cat was increasingly cantankerous in her old age and declining health. He couldn’t even offer any respite either- no-one could bring the water back, and without it there was little prey, less water- pretty much as Thistlefur had described. “You too Thistlefur- need any help?” He was risking a verbal bat around the ears, but he’d endure it if he could help the old she cats feel even a little bit more comfortable.
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Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
"Bah, dogwash, all of it. SunClan left with the river, yellowbellies the whole lot of them," She spat, flopping herself down dramatically, "None of Sunseer's whimpering is going to bring them back."

The old she-cat shivered at the coldness of her words, but was thankful of the warmth of the elders around her. She wasn't sure if she truly believed all that, deep down, but as it stood... Well, to say her faith was rocky was an understatement. She licked a paw and flicked her ear dismissively.

"Don't mumble, Dapplelight, it's unbecoming. Speak up!" She said, puffing up her own chest as she raised her voice, shifting so that she could share tongues with Thistlefur. Their mewling was interrupted by a much younger voice. She raised her head and flicked her ears towards the young tom, with a sharp yowl, "What was that?" But her voice softened to a growl as she recognized her grandson, "Oh, Dandelion, it's you. Such a good kit, yes once we're finished listening to whatever codswallop Sunseer has to say. Here, come sit with us." She moved over, making room for him while laying on Thistlefur's tail.

It must have been surprising at first, the hard switch of the old hag to sweet grandparent, but this was to be expected. Swallowtail was not shy about picking favorites, and she always had a soft spot for her kin, even when she couldn't remember their names.

@Subducting @PeterPan_da144


Stew Aficionado
Dandelionclaw had been just emerging from the warriors den - his method of coping with the drought seemed to be sleeping through the day. He'd reasoned that if he was asleep, surely he wouldn't be able to feel hungry or thirsty, right? Of course, there were somedays where the gnawing hunger in his stomach felt less like a rock in his gut and more like a bug, itching at the insides of his belly relentlessly. It was days like those where he couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard he tried. Today, however, had been a good day for snoozing, until his leader called everyone to attention.

Groggily stepping out, he thought he heard his name being called and turned to see the elders speaking to one another, and to a fellow warrior, Damsonflower. Licking down a few stray strands of fur, he approached Swallowtail, who had mentioned him and perked his ears in curiosity.

"Good morning, Swallowtail." He mewed. "What can I do for you?" He asked expectantly. @Blinded By Silence @Subducting


Stew Aficionado
Robinflight had been on the dawn patrol with Skysong and while the she-cat had been stalking cautiously across the branches, for they had become brittle with the heat and dry terrain, even from a higher vantage point, Robinflight couldn't find any prey to be had. It was as though all the birds had flown off one day and never were to return. She couldn't blame them even if they had - the trees were hardly livable nesting areas now and with the river dried up, any creature seemed to be struggling to find a good meal.

It's not like we can make like the birds and fly out of here. She thought with a sigh as she made the trek back into camp. It seemed to be good timing too, for just as she landed on the ground level of the MountainClan camp, Sunseer chose to call every cat together. Turning her gaze away from her leader, though she kept her ears perked if he should start speaking, she began to search for her longtime companion, Riversong among the gathering cats. @NatiStorm


Stew Aficionado
The drought had been hard on every cat, but Silverstreak had especially felt the loss in her family. Her parents had died, starving away to nothing and while she had a few kin members remaining, Silverstreak was becoming starkly aware of how alone she was feeling every day that passed. She desperately wanted something to cling onto, some sort of hope or happiness, but the idea of finding a mate during this disaster... it just seemed to be in such poor taste.

When Sunseer had called the Clan together, she didn't feel as though she had anyone to sit with her and so she took up a central sitting location, peering up at the Tall Stone, and at her leader, to see what he had to say to all sitting below him. As she stared, she found herself squinting at him - something was wrong with Sunseer, but what could it be?


Stew Aficionado
Dustfeather's family was everything to him. His parents had passed before the drought occurred - something he was vaguely relieved about in hindsight. They didn't have to witness what MountainClan had become. Initially, he'd worried they'd be looking down upon him with disappointment from SunClan, but according to some of the elders, SunClan had left with the river and abandoned MountainClan altogether.

But he still had family left in the Clan. His mate, Duskwing, and he had gone through good times and bad, but they'd managed to raise a family together and their kits had somehow already grown into fine warriors. Dustfeather was rarely seen without the company of someone in his family. Today was no exception as his son, Finchchirp trotted over to him and settled next to him, just outside of the warriors den, to listen to whatever it was that Sunseer was going to announce.

Please, please, let it be good news.


Stew Aficionado
Salmonstripe was having more than a bit of difficulty with this whole drought affair. She had been named for a fish - one of her mother's most favorite things in life, but without a river, there were no fish to speak of and Salmonstripe, despite being named for them, was no replacement. She wasn't entirely certain what they were meant to do now. Dovetail, their medicine cat, had died and Littleflower... well, she was certainly capable, but she was closer to Salmonstripe's age, not to mention her own apprentice, Fernfire. Then there was Sunseer, their noble leader... Salmontripe scoffed as she gathered at the base of the rock, coming up to sit beside Stormflight. Sunseer seemed to have the exact thought on how to fix this as everyone else in the Clan, which was to say, nothing at all.

Flicking her tail from side to side with impatience, she turned to the blue-grey she-cat beside her.
"What're the chances SunClan's made a miraculous return and will be returning the river to us come nightfall?" She asked her Clanmate. @Subducting


Stew Aficionado
Branchtail had always considered himself a cat who could ease the moods of others -after all, he was a handsome cat and a flirt to boot, who wouldn't want to be flirted with? Yet, when the drought hit and both the land and cats within it began to dry up, Branchtail came to the conclusion that flirting wasn't going to solve every problem. He'd been admonished for his nonchalant attitude. Of course he was worried about the state of the Clan, but their future was something that their leader Sunseer had to deal with, not his warriors. Flexing his many toed paws, he strolled over to the first she-cat within his line of sight: Nutpelt.

Settling next to her, he glanced from their leader on the Tall Stone and then back at Nutpelt. His brows furrowed in sympathetic concern, he found himself purring softly at his Clanmate.
"How are you doing today, Nutpelt?" @PeterPan_da144

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
The black and white she-cat rounded, thumping her tail against the ground, "What?" She hissed at the newcomer, "Oh, it's you. What can you do? Clean the damn den, for starters! And then--" But her return to her normal catty self was cut short as Sunseer lifted his voice once more. Frowning, she turned, braced for more bad news.
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