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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Chapter One: Casting Stones [FIN]

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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Skysong focused her mind on counting the stones. How many were there? Too many, now. She sighed, letting her exhaustion show for a moment of mourning before she separated out the undeeded stones. One by one the pile grew larger. A stone for a friend here, family there. She swallowed, pressing her ears back to try and shut out the bickering that was happening around them. And then the scattering of stones pulled her from her solemn counting.

"Poppypaw," She did not yell. Did not even raise her voice. But the cold disapproval stung like ice, "Enough." Skysong raised her head, looking at Poppypaw but speaking to the clan as a whole.

"That is enough," She said louder, "I understand that this is a lot. This is a lot. But now is not the time for teasing or fighting." Her tail swept wide, gesturing to the large pile of rocks. "It is time to sit down and figure this out. Not only for us, but for those we leave behind. Those we've lost."

She looked up at the dark tom above them all. How did he do it? She hoped she would never know.

"The stones are ready, Sunseer."


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
As Sunseer stood, he could feel the tensions rising with his clanmate's words. Each voice was like a claw in his heart. The clan was already in pieces, it seemed.

He was relieved when Skysong raised her voice and went to gather the casting stones. She was such a smart cat, far less hesitant than he was. Sunseer swallowed, trying not to think how much more weight he would have to put on the snowy she-cat's shoulders now that his sight was gone. He listened as she brought the clan to a halt with that cold voice of hers.

"You were right, Morningsky. She will make a good leader one day," He murmured quietly, impressed at her control of the situation. He shifted again at her queue and moved along.

"Skysong is right, now is the time to decide. We all understand the situation at hand; the mountains cannot support us anymore. There is simply not enough food for us all. SunClan has told us to split as the river does, and I believe that this here is the first. The decision is yours and yours alone, whether you stay here and wait out the drought, or leave the mountains to search for a new home. When you are ready, cast your stone."

Mountainclan, you are given two choices. Do you stay behind, praying that your loyalty to your home returns the favor? Or do venture out into a whole new world, risking it all on the chance that there is something better? Each cat gets one vote, but unlike last time, this will not decide the fate for all of us.

What will happen to the cats who stay?

While the mountain may not be able to support the entire clan, it may be possible for some to survive here. Remaining in MountainClan will not be easy, but it is possible that a smaller group of cats could outlast the drought.

Cats who decide to stay in the Red Mountains will retain the name of Mountainclan, their backer, and their clan icon. For the duration of the drought, a special set of rules will apply to the mountain cats.​
  • A hunting game will be posted every month, requiring a set amount of food points to be earned. This number is based on the population of the clan. This game will be harder than normal hunting games!
  • Each user may play the hunting game once per day to try and earn enough food. There is no roleplay required for this game.​
  • If the amount of food required is not met, a death raffle will be held. This will continue for an undisclosed amount of time.​
What about the cats who leave?

Like last time, as the cats leave the mountain, they will be faced with challenges to overcome. This Meta Event will have one challenge per week, this decision being the prompt for week one.

Once those who make it to the new territories arrive and the Meta ends, three new clans will be made, two of which will be run by users like yourself! If you want to form your own clan, there will be a thread to submit your idea into, so spend your time here gathering members and forming ideas and alliances!

So, everyone, the choice is yours?
Will your cat stay or will they go?

Please have your answer in by 7/24!​
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Grizzled Veteran

Pigeonflight was returning back to camp with Skysong and the rest of the dawn patrol. It was nice to be on a patrol with her mentor, as well as Poppypaw, Skysong's new apprentice, and a few others such as Robinflight. Sometimes the warrior wished that she was still an apprentice herself. To have less responsibilities and have lessons often, rather than being the one to teach them, how things change over time!

She remained in the back, confused as to why Sunseer was calling for a clan meeting at this hour. Cats were still asleep! When Sunseer announced that SunClan suggests leaving the mountain and follow the river, the already small cat dropped herself to the ground, unable to process things. Her family, her life, her kits... Wait, where were they?

She saw dear Streamheart in the crowd, and shyly crawled her way over to her daughter, as well as Silverstreak. Her poor head was spinning, internally having a panic attack. Poppypaw's enthusiasm was not helping her either. Pigeonflight's heart was breaking. She could not leave her home. She will not leaver her home. But if the clan was already considering leaving, because of SunClan? She did not know what to do, or what to believe. Luckily, Skysong commanded for Poppypaw to calm down, and the warrior was able to take a short breath before leaning into Streamheart.

She thought about all the cats that she knew in the clan, that she would be watching leave. She had an idea of who was most likely already willing to leave, but who was going to stay? She saw some of the elders, such as Swallowtail and Thistlefur. Would they be okay with finding a new home? She then overheard Swallowtail and Dapplelight express wanting to stay behind, to not slow down the to-be nomadic cats.

"I'm glad I found you," she whispered into her ear. It was true, the clan was starting to struggle the past few moons with everything that has been happening. It was hard to admit, but if Streamheart desired to follow SunClan's decision to leave and relocate, all Pigeonflight could do was hope and wish her daughter a better life wherever they might venture off to. "I know that things have been more difficult lately, and I want you to know what you decide, I'll be supporting you, whether we're still living together or not." Pigeonflight shuffled herself to sit up a bit, wanting to get a boost of confidence when saying her next line, loud enough for the rest to hear. "I will be staying here. This is my home, and will stay my home." Pigeonflight shook a bit, she was not really a cat to be super vocal and express herself, but she felt like this was something the clan needed to know. The idea of also leaving Split behind -- even if they were not mates -- she could not bare to. He meant too much to her too, and it would be too much to ask him to follow the clan from a distance. It just was not fair.

She silently approached Sunseer and Skysong, giving them both a short nod before picking up a stone and placing it on the side of remaining in Mountainclan before making her way back to Streamheart.

"Don't think about me and your father when making your decision, my love. Think about yourself and how you would like your future." She gave a slight smile, trying to even try to reassure herself.

"Since this was said by SunClan, remember that Floodkit will be watching over you."

@NatiStorm -- pidge to streamheart
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Stew Aficionado

Eclipsefur had been out hunting for the clan, not a patrol, not a scheduled hunt but with the clan needing food she could never just sit around and do nothing, so she'd gone out, finding nothing but a scrawny sparrow that had been busy pecking at the dusty ground, so busy that it hadn't noticed the very small cat creeping up. It was barely a mouthful for a Paw, let alone and adult but it was better than nothing. By the time she'd returned she'd found the clan gathered. Oh Mousedung she thought to herself, what had she missed? She dropped the sparrow on the kill pile and ran, catching the tail end of Skysong's words. figure what out? why were there stones ready? she wondered, eyeing the crowd of cats, seeing if she could see the Medicinecat, Littleflower, her kithood friend had seemed to always known what she wanted to do while Eclipse just kind of .. went with the flow and was just another warrior, no one special though she was far from envious, she was proud of her friend even though they didn't get much of a chance to just play or hang out like they had as paws, it seemed like only yesterday but a long time ago all in one.

Her jaw dropped and her heart thudded in her chest at Sunseer's words .. Split?! ... what...but ....they were Mountainclan, she didn't want to separate from any of her clanmates. Then he went on to comment on whether they were staying here, or leaving to find somewhere with more food and water, well that sounded like a good thing but .. to split the clan? Eclipsefur was torn, her chest twinged a little. She manouvered through the crowd a little, hearing comments here and there. Her ears swivelled back and forth as she crept, it wasn't hard when she was hardly any bigger than a paw and scrawnier than the sparrow she'd killed. She tried to stand tall when she was in a more open space

"Mountainclan isn't just this place... Mountainclan is US... this community, these cats who we've hunted with, fought alongside, loved and lost" She sighed and took a moment. "Anywhere i go, i carry Mountainclan with me" She added, though she would be sorry to leave behind the burial places of those they'd lost over the seasons, if Sunclan said that leaving was what was needed for the clan to survive, she would follow Sunseer, splitting was a painful thought but she moved forwards when it was her turn and cast her stone in favour of leaving "I trust in Sunclan.... and i trust in you Sunseer" she whispered to him. She walked away, to let another cast their stone, her heart heavy, she sat herself near the edge of the gathered cats, a tiny, scrawny scrap of scruffy fur, unkempt and poorly fed, she was definitely not an impressive looking cat but she was proud she'd said what she had to say.

@Blinded By Silence (he doesn't have to have even heard her whisper, but curtosey @ since she did speak to him)


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As the clan divided and bickered amongst themselves she had sat there, contemplating. The omen she had been given resonated too similar to their current situation -- was the flower that stayed behind the cats who did not come? Constantly struggling, only to be shoved continuously back into place?
She had to say something. Anything. Anything to help swap the cats who had agreed to leave themselves behind.
"I was given my first omen last night," she called, stepping forward and rolling her stone over. She wasn't committing yet, even if some already had. "The river is full once more. On its tumultuous surface, four small flowers struggle to stay afloat. One turns back and is swallowed, but eventually finds itself stuck on the shore, constantly fighting against the current. The rest float downstream, dodging debris and swirling eddies. Each one takes a different path and fades out of view. -- It's us, isn't it? And what will come of us. I do not agree we should leave behind our own. We are many, now, and work better as a team. How could we leave those who had, for generations, fought by our side, just because it'd be hard? Our pace will be slower, but we are meant to be one. How can we call ourselves a clan if we leave behind those who need us?"
She paused, turning her attention to the elders. "We're a clan, until death. I implore you to change your minds. There is nothing but hardship if you stay behind."
Littleflower does not cast her stone currently.


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Daisypelt regarded Snowdrift briefly, unwavering and unbothered. He had his opinions and that was fine, but it was time to act. She was pleased by the shift in action when the time for voting arrived, snapping her attention to the stones in earnest.
She approached Sunseer and Skysong as Littleflower spoke, pausing for a hair of a moment. Regardless of what the elders did, she knew where she stood.
"We can't stay here," she answered, placing her stone on the side to leave the territory.
Daisypelt has cast her stone to leave the mountains.


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Goldenleaf had been quiet the entire time, watching each cat with narrowed and considering eyes. She knew her opinion, but anyone who understood Goldenleaf would know the answer as she strode to the stones.
"We'll need all paws on this journey if we expect to make it." She rolled a stone into the pile to leave the mountains, bowing her head to Sunseer and Skysong. "I intend to be a few of those paws."
Goldenleaf has cast her stone to leave the mountains.


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Minnowclaw regarded her half-sister, Daisypelt, with an expression of disgust. Yes, Daisy was right, in a sense, but her ability to focus entirely on the facts was... well, quite like their father, wasn't it? Additionally, where was he, even? This was something he'd live for -- a chance to start preaching the rights and wrongs of what a true clan cat ought to be, evidently landing on what benefitted him the most. Oh, sure, if her mother heard her internal thoughts she was sure she'd do her best to offer a completely neutral viewpoint, but Minnowclaw wasn't the type to not take a side. She wanted to be nothing like her father, and yet she could feel that internal frustration brewing.
No, she wasn't going to cause a scene.
She slipped past the other cats and followed after her mother, taking a moment to scowl at Daisypelt before grabbing a stone.
"Mountain Clan is wherever my people are, and if they choose to leave the mountains then I will go with them." She set her stone on leaving the mountains and peered at her elders. "I just hope all of us make this journey. Littleflower is right, you know."
Minnowclaw has cast her stone to leave the mountains.


Stew Aficionado

Poppypaw continued to help Skysong gather the stones, much quieter and more reserved now.

It was only after she gathered them all that she really realized what was happening.

The clan was arguing, the elders were refusing to leave.

Ears tilted back worriedly.

"We should all go, as one. Even if the prophecy states that we should split, it doesn't mean we split now. Splitting later, in a new home, with new prey and territory would be a better idea. That way, no cat is left behind to wither away alone."

For once, some very sage words from the overly energetic cat.

Poppypaw casts her stone to leave the mountains.


Stew Aficionado

Thistlefur raised her chin as Skysong called them all back to attention so that Sunseer could address the clan once more.

She remained silent as cats padded forward to take their stones, before finally hauling herself to her paws. Slowly, she wove her way through the throng of cats to paw a stone closer to herself.

Green eyes turned to Littleflower.

"One turns back and is swallowed, but eventually finds itself stuck on the shore, constantly fighting against the current," her voice rang out, before her head slowly swiveled towards the rest of the clan. SunClan's words.

"I will cast my stone with my sisters, but I have hope for those who stay behind, even if that includes me. This gives the rest of the clan the best chance of survival for such a journey."

Thistlefur holds her vote for now, waiting to hear what the other elders have to say.

@Blinded By Silence @Subducting (Swallowtail and Dappleflight) @Nym (Littleflower)
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Long-Term Resident

Blinking owlishly at Sunseer, Dapplelight felt a mingled sense of grief and relief. She knew instantly that she, and Swallowtail and Thistlefur, would more than likely stay in the mountains, and she tried her best to keep her composure as she imagined watching the clan trickle away downstream. She watched Pigeonflight cast her stone to stay, blinking in mild surprise, but before she could move to speak, the medicine cat’s voice rang through the camp

Dapplelight felt a chill run through her at Littleflower’s words. One turns back and is swallowed. It was at least a relief to know that the young medicine cat was already so capable, thought the old warrior, and it was a shame they hadn’t time to celebrate what an achievement for Littleflower delivering this prophecy was. The clan ached for Dovetail, and for Littleflower to have to shoulder the burden of taking care of the clan and communicating with Sunclan so soon, in such dire times, must have been a lot for the young cat.

“Littleflower, the clan is lucky to have you,” she said warmly, nodding her head in respect, “and you have a big heart. But such a journey would be hardship for us, just as much as staying here.” She raised her voice, addressing Poppypaw and Minnowclaw along with Littleflower. “You are all spirited, strong cats, and your desire to take care of your clanmates speaks well to the future of the clan. But for the clan to have a future, it needs to have the best chance of surviving the journey. You can go without guilt, and honour those of us you leave behind by making sure Mountainclan continues on, strong as ever.”

She turned to Thistlefur and Swallowtail with a nod, before standing stiffly to walk to cast her stone.

Dapplelight cast her stone to remain in the mountains.

@PeterPan_da144 Thistlefur, Poppypaw @Nym Littleflower, Minnowclaw @Blinded By Silence Swallowtail
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Stew Aficionado

Nutpelt was growing more concerned by the minute. More and more cats were casting their stones to leave the mountains, yet the elders were continuing to be stubborn and stick to their decision.

"Please," she begged of them as she walked closer. "It's not too late to change your minds."

Nutpelt has not cast her stone yet.


Stew Aficionado

The old orange she-cat looked towards Dappleflight and Swallowtail, a small smile on her face. The pale pelted she-cat cast her stone, and the look in Swallowtail's eyes said she would not budge. Thistlefur flicked her paw and nudged the stone into the pile she chose.

Thistlefur votes to stay in the mountains.


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Lynxstrike, deep inside, knew what she had wished she could do. The elders weren't helpless, no, but they were far weaker. It'd be a struggle for a well-bodied cat to stay behind, but a gaggle of older cats? Yeah, that didn't sound like it'd bode well.
She wanted to say she could stay, but that'd mean leaving behind her family. She knew Littleflower wouldn't stay behind; she had too many responsibilities for the many lives that would be leaving. Her siblings she doubted would stay, and her other mother? Unlikely.
Still, she hadn't heard from the rest of her family yet. She fretted for a moment, long limbs slowly bringing her towards the stones. She brushed against Camelstride on her way up, lowly rumbling towards her sibling as if to encourage them into motion.
Her decision was not swift nor confident, but Lynxstrike reluctantly moved a stone into the option to leave the mountains.
Lynxstrike has cast her stone to leave the mountains.


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Staff member

It was an easy decision for Ashenwillow -- why stay here where almost certain death was inevitable? The elders had made their choices, and ones he didn't agree with, but he didn't want to stay behind and find his end far too early. Sun Clan had sent a warning to both the leader and medicine cat in hopes to help them live, and, well, Ashenwillow wasn't one to turn his nose from fate.
It was easy enough to roll a stone into the pile to leave the mountains.
Ashenwillow has cast his stone to leave the mountains.


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Palepaw had listened to the group from the very beginning, shifting her weight paw to paw in thought. She was young still, so the option seemed fairly clear -- she should leave with the others. But... but! She was young, that was exactly the point. She wasn't a kit anymore and could be of use to the others if she offered her paw (heh). Her mother and father would be devastated, sure, but Palepaw wasn't their only child.
Besides, Mothwing always told her to follow her heart, as he had once upon a time.
"I'm staying," she called, moving to grab her stone. She was paused by the sudden shift of her father, who had been deeper in the crowd.
Palepaw has not cast her vote yet, but is currently leaning on staying.
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signed an NDA
Staff member

No. No no no no- Palepaw was NOT going to stay behind. Mothwing had been pressed into the side of his partner, Deadeye, only to be torn from her flank when his daughter announced her decision. Everything in him screamed no -- she wouldn't make it. He'd lose her -- they'd lose her. She was too young, too inexperienced, and, most importantly, their daughter. It was selfish of him, he knew. Others might also be losing their daughters and sons to their decisions, but not him. No. All he saw when he looked at his pale daughter was the small kit he had met the day Deadeye went into labor; the small life he had promised to protect.
"No," he barked, head vehemently shaking. "I forbid it. You're an apprentice; your spot is beside the rest of us. With me and your mother."
He knew deep down he couldn't forbid anything, but he was grasping desperately for straws.
Palepaw tilted her head towards him, frowning with a worried tooth digging into her lip.
"Papa, I can't leave them on their own. I won't. I know you'll never forgive me, but- I wouldn't be able to live with myself."
And with that she rolled a stone into the staying pile, causing a sharp cry from her father.
Palepaw has cast her stone to stay in the mountains.
Mothwing has not made his decision yet.


Long-Term Resident

Damsonflower turned, anguished, from Swallowtail, to listen to Sunseer, closing his mouth on the words he was about to try and use to convince her to come. The fur on the back of his neck lifted as he listened, and even more so when Littleflower shared the prophecy. He glanced around at his clanmates, feeling his heart sinking in dismay as he realised the clan truly would split. It would be absolutely impossible for him to leave Swallowtail, Thistlefur and Dapplelight on their own here, but it would be awful to watch the rest of the clan leave. Nevertheless, he knew what he had to do.

Striding to the stones with a confidence that he didn’t truly feel, Damsonflower picked a stone out with a heavy heart. “I think leaving is the right thing, and I don’t mean to abandon my clanmates who will undertake this dangerous journey,” he said self consciously, “But I cannot leave my only kin behind to starve. I will also stay behind.”

Damsonflower has cast his stone to remain in the mountains.


Long-Term Resident

The golden she cat was listening to everything going on around her, taking it in and considering. She felt for the elders, but Littleflower’s pleas were enough to make Camelstride’s mind up. She could never leave her family, no matter how honourable the warriors who stayed behind were. Her family were in some ways oddballs in the clan, with their mother Zoey being an outsider, and whilst she felt every bit a warrior of Mountainclan, the bond between her and her littermates was stronger than any code.

Lynxstrike’s fur brushing against hers stirred Camelstride, and she stood to follow her sister, and she nodded reassuringly to her, casting a glance in Littleflower’s direction and blinking reassuringly as she moved her stone into the leaving pile. It would be quite the journey, but they would surely all stick together and find a new life in a better territory - it made sense, and as somber as she was to leave clanmates behind, the young warrior couldn’t help but feel the slightest sense of excitement towards what they might find down the river.

Camelstride has cast her stone to leave the mountains.


Grizzled Veteran
Riversong felt a familiar heat rise to her cheeks at Robinflight's comment and she turned her gaze away for a moment to keep her composure. Of course Robinflight followed her sometimes, they were close, it's what friends and clanmates did... Right? But the way she said it... Despite how bone tired she was, she couldn't help but smile as the heat from the thought spread through her.

With a flick of her ears, Riversong dismissed the thoughts and turned her mind back to the matter of her clan. "I think you're right." She said looking back to Robinflight. "We should leave this nest, make a new home for ourselves in a healthier forest." Would they find a better forest? What actually awaited them past their territory boarders? Only one way to find out.

"Of course we will. Nothing can beat this team." Riversong gave the pale calico she-cat a gentle headbutt before standing. With a gleam of adventure in her eyes that only Robinflight would recognize, Riversong moved to cast her vote, rolling the stone to leave her birth home.

Riversong casts her vote to leave the mountains.

(@belloblossom Riversong to Robinflight)
"Well then Floodkit is going to be sorely dissapointed that he'll have to continue watching us here. Pigeonflight, Mom, I'm not leaving you." Streamheart gave her mothers shoulder a few reassuring licks. "If you and the elders are staying here, you'll need all the help you can get and I'm a great warrior to have around." She sat back proudly in her mock confidence.

Honestly, she did want to leave with the rest of the clan. Staying here seemed like a death sentence. But she knew why her mother couldn't leave, it was part of what made her own decision to stay so easy as well. For now, Streamheart would put on a brave face and do what she could for the more stubborn members of her dying clan. With a sad smile, she pawed her stone in place. "I'll do my best to care for them." Streamheart said to her Leader and Deputy with a dip of her head before she returned to her mothers side.

Streamheart casts her vote to stay in the mountains.

(@kovak Streamheart to Pigeonflight, @Blinded By Silence Streamheart acknowledging her leaders.)

Flamestripe felt his heart fall as he listened to the cats around him argue back and forth. As Littleflower spoke up, his attention turned to her. Perhaps some cats were meant to stay. Did Sunclan really want to split up their already dwindling clan this way? Was this really the only way to survive? If that was true... Green eyes gazed at the faces those gathered. How many more faces would he never see again, how many more clanmates would he lose forever?

With heavy thoughts, the ginger tom cast his vote. "I will follow the will of Sunclan and help our clan find a new home." After a respectful bow of his head to Sunseer and Skysong, he moved to sit near Goldenleaf and a few others who had already cast their vote to leave.

Flamestripe cast his vote to leave the moutains.

(@Nym Flamestripe just sitting near Goldenleaf for now, free for interaction, no pressure)
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