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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Chapter One: Casting Stones [FIN]

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Grizzled Veteran

Duskwing looks to her mate, to her children. She knows what staying here could lead this poor little family to. She doesn't want them to fight, she doesn't want them to go, but she knows she can't stay.

She leans into Dustfeather's side. "We've had our differences, but" She playfully flicks her tail against his ear "I'm not leaving you to your own." as she goes to her children. One determined, One afraid, and One that had followed her here.

She presses her muzzle to Finchchirp's head. "You are so brave little one, I am so proud to have you as my son. I would have loved to have spent more time seeing you grow. Just yesterday it feels like you are still that tiny little kit beside me." She licks his ears. "I will miss you my little finch, may your legs carry you high amongst the branches."

She turns to Buzzardstrike. "Oh my fierce little buzzard. The way of a warrior is never safe. Those that choose to stay face, as much or worse, dangers than those of us that leave." She presses her noes into Buzzardstrikes fur. "Stay or Go I can not make those choices for my kits, for my brave warriors that were so small once. I would gladly drag your brother with me everywhere, but that wouldn't make him or me happy. If I did, what kind of mother would I be. Fledglings have to leave the nest sometime. Finchchirp's nest just happens to be here."

She turns to her final daughter Sparrowtail. "What say you my little sparrow?"

[Duskwing cast her stone to leave]

Sparrowtail looks at both her parents and her siblings. She see's the internal debate that her sister is going through. She sees the grim determination that her brother has. what makes a clan? The leader and medicine cat? or the families that live in it? Is it still a clan if it is split in half?

She looks at her mother and father. Proud warriors who are leaving because of their belief in Sunclan.
Sparrowtail truthfully doesn't know if Sunclan is real. She hopes it is for the sake of those who believe it so much so to tear a family apart. She glances at Deadeye and Mothwing's kit who is staying.
She wonders what the older warrior will do. She'd heard the horror stories about their eye and the cautionary tale to keep children from straying from Sunclan.

She looks at her paws, then back up to her family her gaze looking over all the cats in the clan. "I'm..... " She nods to herself and looks over to her siblings "Leaving, If I stay I could help sure, but if I go I can help more. I'm not the strongest." She looks to Buzzardstrike. "or the most graceful of us in the trees." She looks to Finchchirp. "Treewalking never came easy to me, but maybe, just maybe I can use my nimbleness to scout for them."
She brushes up to Buzzardstrike. "If you stay or if you leave with us, you are my sister. I will never forget you, or your weird fascination with dead things."

She presses her muzzle in to Finchchirp's pelt. "You better stay safe, you birdbrain. Treewalking is great, but don't forget what happened to mom. I better not find out you fell like she did. I will come back just to scratch your ears off. I'll miss you."

[Sparrowtail cast her stone to leave]

@belloblossom and @kovak


Grizzled Veteran

Willowfang looks over at his halfsiblings and full siblings as they cast to leave or stay. He considers his future with both. Staying and hunting for a smaller amount of cats? or Leaving for the unknown with Sunclan leading the way. He looks to those staying so far; Dapplelight, Thistlefur, Damsonflower, Streamheart, Swallowtail, Silverstreak, Finchchirp, and Palepaw. Four elders, three warriors, and one lone apprentice.

He makes up his mind then and there. His moms might not like it, but he can't leave when the combined elders and apprentice out weigh the warriors.
[Willowfang cast his stone to stay.]

Lilacmoon watches as her clanmates separate into two groups. this truly your wish? To drive us apart? She sees one of her kits choose to stay. She wants to scream, cry, and drag him over to the side of leaving. She looks over at Duskwing and Dustfeather's kits hears what Duskwing tells her children and she stops her thoughts. She sighs casts her stone then goes to sit next to Goldenleaf. This day is not over and she can only imagine how much worse it will be.

"Goldenleaf, Sunclan won't abandon them here will they?"

[Lilacmoon cast her stone to leave]

@Nym (feel free to disregard if Golden isn't feeling up to talking.)


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He had to change her mind.
Mothwing had never felt so fragile before; so completely and utterly out of control as the world did what it wanted with his family. Everything had been a decision; coming here for love, taking a warrior name, staying. Mothwing, even with the famine, hadn't ever felt like he couldn't handle what was thrown at him.
Not until then.
He stared at his daughter, mouth opening to shout one of the many objections he had, only to close when Dapplelight spoke. Yes, maybe she could convince Palepaw. If the elders spoke of how they didn't want her by their side then maybe he could sway her stone, Sun Clan and leader be damned. Nothing was final when it came to his family. His eyes flicked to Dustfeather, who also struggled with a similar situation.
"Which one was yours, Palepaw?" Mothwing asked, moving to the pile with every intention to undo the sentence his daughter had given herself. Palepaw moved to intercept, huffing as her father shouldered her away.
And then Petalpaw came bounding over.
He had thought his love for his children was great, and he was right, but nothing compared to that soul-shattering panic as his daughter summoned him. Perhaps someday he'd overlook the events with guilt, but not now. He briefly glanced at Palepaw before immediately bounding off after his partner, finding her so small and fragile in a sea of worried cats.
"My sun," he whispered, pushing his large frame against hers and curling his frame around, gently grooming her forehead with soft hums. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. You're okay, my sun. It's okay."
@Tigeria [Also working on a sep Palepaw post]


Grizzled Veteran

Fernfire looks over the 2 divided sides. Sunclan if we must split then so be it. He pads up to Littleflower and touches his noes to her cheek. He knows what he will tell is not what she will want to hear. He's been studying medicine underneath her paws since he was a kit, she is his mom that he never had. Sunclan brought him to this clan, by accident or by fate he's not sure. Sometimes he still sees glances of Dovetail or Stonepaw in his dreams.

"I'm staying here. I have to, how can I leave them without a medicine cat? This is why Sunclan sent me I'm sure. You believed me when I spoke about Dovetail. To most I was just an ignorant feral kitten talking about things I shouldn't know. Thank you for teaching me how to be a medicine cat. I'll miss our talks of herbs, and how catnip doesn't solve everything. I still don't see how that is possible if everyone that sniffs it is so happy." He smirks at the very long running joke between the two trying to lighten the mood between them.

He leans his head and rubs his cheek against her shoulder. "You've always been like a mom to me, and I hope I can do you and Sunclan proud. I'll miss you Littleflower, but I know we will meet again.

May the sun forever light your path, and the moon keep it's memory."

[Fern casts his stone to stay]

@Nym (I'm sorry for so many pings we have lots of cat plots)


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The brief moment Poppypaw was there gave her just a moment to nuzzle her friend and whisper a thank you before her father came bounding over. Palepaw was certain, even as her father and Dappelight protested. She shook her head and raised a paw to defend herself. Her father, unfortunately, was faster than she had prepared for and began moving straight to the stones.
"Papa, stop!" Her voice rang firm and even irritated as she moved to stop him, ears flattening against her skull. He couldn't take her decision from her like that! It was between her and Sun Clan! Rules were rules for a reason!
If the guilt beginning to blossom wasn't enough then her sister appearing with bad news about her mother was certainly more than enough. Her father ran off and Palepaw was left with her sister.
Her heart hurt.
"B-because," get it together, convince them you were mature enough for this decision. "You heard Littleflower; they're going to struggle. They'll have no one but themselves. Not even Sun Clan. There are so many of us, and all of you will have so many paws to help. They won't."
She glanced back at the elders, avoiding eye contact with Dappelight directly. Call her a coward, but she was sure she'd hear enough of it once they were on their own.
"Besides," she turned to look at Petalpaw, ears flat and tail low. Would they all hate her forever? "With less of us here it'll be easier to get food than before. There was already a shortage. Lessening the hungry mouths might help. It won't be as bad. So please, don't worry."
She knew that wasn't enough. Knew her mother would forever be hurt over her decision and Petalpaw might grow to feel disappointed in her. Mothwing surely would. But, life was limited and she wanted to live a life she was proud of.
She finally turned to look at Dapplelight and raised her head. "I don't care about guilt; I'm doing what I feel is right. That's enough for me."


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Relief she hadn't known she needed flooded her system as Lilacmoon found her place beside Goldenleaf. Gratefully, Goldenleaf buried her face into her mate's shoulder and heaved a sigh. This wasn't easy, but at least they had each other.
"No," she murmured, lifting her head to watch Willowfang. Her heart sank and she steeled her body so Lilacmoon could lean into her. "We're Mountain Clan, no matter if together or split. Sun Clan would never abandon our own."
Her eyes swept over her children, both from Goldenleaf and Lilacmoon's broods. No matter any of their decisions she felt a swell of pride in each one of them. They were following their hearts.
"When we find a home we can come back, moon. We'll see them again."
Getting the entire Lilacmoon x Goldenleaf family who has voted, Golden Mama is proud of you; @belloblossom


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The clan had fallen into a mess of hushed, raised, angry, and sorrowful voices. It drowned any thoughts Littleflower tried to parse through, leaving her a frozen statue as she stared at her clan with large eyes. Some heeded her warning, some ignored it, and some argued. The very first message given to her felt like a curse. She tried to find her father's gaze, seeking reassurance she never requested. He wasn't looking. Had he noticed her at all this entire time?

No, stop.

She had always operated independently of her father. You had to when your parent was the leader of a clan. He was too busy -- too occupied to be the constant support she might have wanted. She had never complained, either. Her own goals had always forced her to partake in the distance her father created. She hadn't wanted others to assume she received her rank because of favoritism, and, additionally, a part of her was afraid her mother's death would be in vain if she didn't make something of herself. Littleflower was used to playing tough, but right that moment it suddenly felt so hard.

She wanted to crumble, too.

She hadn't noticed Fernfire at first. Not until his nose pressed into her cheek and snapped her from her stupor. Her eyes softened as she viewed him, heart-melting as the only answer she could ever think he'd have came from his mouth. Of course he was staying; that was so very Fernfire.

"I know," she whispered, gently brushing her forehead against his. "They'll need someone. They'll need you."

She would miss him -- miss the boy who had been very much of a son to her. The boy who had made her proud with every step he took, even if it meant she would have to chase him down at times and drag him home. Fernfire would make an excellent medicine cat, she had absolutely no doubt of that. She had so much more to teach him, but there wasn't enough time. The clan needed him now, as it had needed her far too early. That was something she understood.

"I will always love you, Fernfire. My son."

They had never actually confirmed it, and maybe never would have, but if they were to split ways and never meet again she would never forgive herself for leaving that truth uncertain. He was her son, even if not by blood.

"I am so very proud of you."

And with that, her decision was made. She would go with her clan and leave Fernfire to care for those she left behind.

Littleflower has voted to leave the mountains.



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Rainbowfish had listened patiently, taking all into account. The sides were splitting fairly evenly. Both sides had a chance at this rate, but... the "staying" team was at a huge disadvantage. A large number staying were elders, who were forced to retire out of safety. Could they really pull their weight at their age? It wasn't about if they deserved to live or not, it was about the objective fact it'd be harder to stay in the mountains. A famine, older cats to care for, and fewer numbers.
It seemed almost like a death sentence.
He wanted to see beyond. Wanted to find the fish he so loved and was excellent at hunting. Wanted to find a mate and have a family. Pass on a legacy somewhere safe and all theirs. But as he stood there all he could think about were the faces of the friends he left behind, dying a miserable and painful death.
Yeah, no.
"I don't wanna hear it," he called as he rolled a stone into the staying pile.
Rainbowfish is voting to stay.​


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Tigersnarl was irritated. So much drama! Just let the kids make their choices and go on your merry way. Just cry somewhere privately or make more kids, it didn't matter to Tigersnarl. It was time to make hard choices, even if it hurt your ma and pa. What could you live with? What would make you happy? Where did you want to lay your head down for the last time?
He knew where he did.
And, honestly, he could just leave if things got too hairy. Piss Sun Clan off -- it didn't matter to him particularly.
"Screw it," he barked, knocking a stone into the stay pile. "Not like I have anyone who is going to miss me."

Tigersnarl is voting to stay.
Last edited:


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She was so glad she had left the children with Bone Keeper.
It broke her heart, but... they were safer with him, even if it made her a pariah in the clan. She had arrived as a kittypet and struggled to prove her worth from the very beginning, but when she ended up pregnant by a stranger she refused to reveal and then left her children to him at the first sight of the famine she risked everything. Rumors spread, gossip flew, and Blossompetal knew it might be a choice she'd never shake from her image in her lifetime, but it had felt right.
How could she raise her children in the clan that was so clearly dying?
And now served as another moment she felt relief for her choice. They'd grow up without her, but at least they were off this forsaken mountain. They'd be okay.
But would she be?
Blossompetal silently slipped through the crowd and wordlessly rolled a stone into the leaving pile.
Blossompetal has voted to leave.
@Blinded By Silence (Bone Keeper reference)


Grizzled Veteran

Petalpaw knew her sister so well that she knew this was Palepaw's way of trying to help. She looks at the three warriors that had now opted to stay. "Again why? We barely became apprentices. We haven't exactly been trained to hunt since the prey is so scarce. I feel that if we stayed we'd get in the way. Plus mama....mama's been farther away lately. Just now she got "lost" when you said you'd stay. I.... don't want mama to keep getting lost like that."

She looks at her paws in deep thought. If I stay with Palepaw we'll all get to stay together, but mama and papa don't really want to stay. If I leave mama will be hurt worse than her eye. Papa won't laugh or be happy. She thought od how could Sunseer allow an apprentice to stay alone. He can't force anyone to leave or stay, but he might be able to talk to Palepaw. She looked at Sunseer and Skysong, then looked directly at her sister. "I think papa is right. You can't stay here alone. There several warriors staying true, but there's not enough food for us, even if only two cats stayed there might not be enough for even them.

I don't think you should stay. Guilt aside mama always says Sunclan will show us the way.... and, and those stories about mama's eye. I don't want to stay here with no food, but I don't want to leave you here too. I know papa and I can't tell you why it's bad to stay here as an apprentice, but maybe Sunseer and Skysong can."

She bounds off to try and speak to Sunseer or Skysong.
"Skysong, Sunseer! Can I ask either of you a question? Should an apprentice be left alone to stay here or should they stay with their family?"

@Nym and @Blinded By Silence


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Ohhhh, Palepaw was really getting frustrated now. Why was it that Littleflower was allowed to apprentice under a ghost and everyone congratulated her on shouldering medicine cat duties way too young, but when she tried to lift her own weight it was an issue? She closed her eyes and inhaled as her sister ran off, exhaling shakily.
Of course she didn't want to hurt her mom, but Deadeye was strong. She wouldn't be broken forever, not with her dad there.
Wait, was Petalpaw talking to Sunseer?
"Oh would you stop!" She groaned, trailing after Petalpaw and leveling her gaze with Sunseer and Skysong.
"There were no rules about ages or ranks. I followed the rules and cast my stone. That's enough, isn't it?"


Long-Term Resident

Damsonflower touched his nose to Swallowtail’s ear gently as she sat back down, feeling a rush of warmth for the old cat. He watched the rest of the clan anxiously, eyes darting between Palepaw and Dapplelight, hoping that between the elder and Palepaw’s parents, that his apprentice would be convinced to leave without him having to intervene. But when Petalpaw bounded off to yell at the clan’s leader and deputy, followed swiftly by Palepaw herself, the tom stood quickly and bounded towards the sisters, pelt filling with worry as he waited to hear what Sunseer would reply.

@Blinded By Silence @Nym @Tigeria


Long-Term Resident

Snowdrift grimaced as he watched the apprentice Petalpaw dart forwards to yelp at Sunseer and Skysong, and felt his heart twist sadly watching Mothwing rush to comfort Deadeye. The clan was already fracturing, but Littleflower’s omen was perfectly clear to him as he walked silently to the stones and moved one to the leaving pile.

Snowdrift has cast his stone to leave.


Long-Term Resident

Patchpounce bounded over to the stones, eyes gleaming. She sighed and turned to the group of cats determined to stay and bowed her head respectfully. “It’s admirable to stay, but I believe the clan’s future lies elsewhere- or at least, my part in it does. May Sunclan light your path.” It was not without a heavy heart that she chose to leave, but Patchpounce’s paws already itched to set on the path down the river, and she knew she wouldn’t be satisfied without knowing what lay far from their territory. If she stayed she’d live the rest of her life, long or short, in intolerable curiosity.

She turned to Pidgeonflight, padding to her mentor who had decided to stay, and ducked her head, almost like a kit. “Thank you, for all the wisdom you shared with me. I’ll carry it with me wherever we go, I promise to you.”Patchpounce felt her heart twisting with grief-she had never thought she would be separated from her mentor- not like this, anyway, but she couldn’t stay.

Patchpounce has cast her stone to leave.



Long-Term Resident

Stormflight was a pretty isolated cat within Mountainclan. Her parents were both dead, and her littermate had died too. Never having taken a mate, and with her apprentice newly given her warrior name, the she cat was not incredibly close to her clanmates, at least outwardly. She gazed at the elders and the growing crowds of both cats who would leave and those who would stay, trying as always to keep her emotions from showing. But watching Tigereye and her siblings decide to leave solidified her resolve somewhat, as did Paleflame’s decision to leave, not to mention the sight of so many starving cats planning to make the journey. Staying was dangerous, certainly, but the journey would be no picnic either, and she was ready for the challenge.

She also didn’t quite feel ready to leave Tigereye without any guidance either- as much as she had more than earned her warrior name, Stormflight fretted over the lanky cat (uncharacteristically for the stoic warrior). She knew Tigereye felt slightly self conscious in the clan, and it drove her towards recklessness at times. Stormflight dreaded to think of the she cat rushing into danger somewhere far away. She’d never sleep a wink again not knowing what had ever happened to her. She finally stopped fidgeting with her stone and nudged it into the leaving pile, and moved out of the way, ready to let some other cat have their turn.

Stormflight has cast her stone to leave

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
As the pressure rose and the tension grew, Skysong did her best to keep her face a mask of neutrality. Breathe in, breathe out. Keep calm. All will be well. These thoughts kept repeating quietly in her mind as she watched families be torn apart. She hated this, hated that it had come to this. She felt her blood begin to simmer, but she squashed that down. Breathe in, breathe out. Good.

When her name was spoken, Skysong's piercing blue eyes flicked down to meet the two young apprentices who had run up to the base of Tall Stones. She flicked her ear, listening patiently, her tail tucked neatly on her paws as she looked down at them.

"Must I repeat myself? Now is not the time for squabbling. You are apprentices, not kits. Act like it." Her words were harsh, she knew, but true. She lifted her head and looked to Sunseer. She could see the same messages playing behind his sightless eyes. Breathe in, breathe out. But he had never been good at masking, not like her. Poor soul, she thought, and spoke, "Sunseer? What say you? Should an apprentice be left alone to stay here or should they stay with their family?" She repeated the question, just in case.

'Breathe in. Breathe out.' He repeated inwardly to himself. But this message had faltered and grown quiet, pushed to the back by all the words being thrown about. Said or unsaid, it didn't matter. Guilt pressed down on him hard. As his clan crumbled around him, he spiraled inwardly, dredging over every decision he had made since taking the title of Sunseer; was there anything he could have done to prevent this? Made it easier? Saved any of those cats...

He hadn't realized he'd been holding his breath until Skysong's voice pulled him back. He gasped and withdrew his claws from the stone, shaking his head. He blinked at her worriedly. A paw was deciding to stay? He swallowed hard and cleared his throat, hating this all so much. But it had to be done. If hating him saves their clan... SunClan, let this be worth it.

"It is not my place to make any cat stay or go, as much as it pains me to say so. If SunClan disapproved, the sky would darken," He realized, he had no idea if it had or not, but the warmth on his fur made him believe it had been as clear as it had been this morning. "Each cat is given the right to choose. To take away that agency, it is not the Warrior's way. I'm sorry."

@Nym @Tigeria


Grizzled Veteran

Just hearing Streamheart confirm herself staying made Pigeonflight's gut sink even deeper. She wanted her daughter to go with the clan and have a better life, a better opportunity! But she already decided. ""You're a very brave and loving warrior," she reassured. ""I couldn't have asked for a better daughter."

Patchpounce then chose to leave. ""May Sunclan guide you and the clan to where they intend of you," she said, nuzzling her apprentice. ""I am honored to have mentored such a wise and enthused apprentice like you, I do hope you never forget us and your old home. Tell kits stories of this place their ancestors once lived, let them know we will still be living on." In the end, she really did wish Patchpounce and the rest the best. She did not really know what was out there waiting for them, but a skilled warrior like Patchpounce would be of a great asset to those leaving.

@NatiStorm pidge to streamheart
@Subducting pidge to patchpounce


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She had to fight the desire to turn around and go 'see', instead biting the inside of her cheek. She gave a respectful nod to both the deputy and leader, dipping her head low. She knew her choice wouldn't be a popular one, she just hoped her family would someday forgive her.
"I'm sorry I disappointed you," she whispered to her sister and gave an apologetic smile.


Grizzled Veteran

Deadeye collapses into Mothwings side as he comforts her. She doesn't register as her two daughters race each other to speak to her leader and deputy.

She startles as she hears her kids yelling and bickering before the clan. Her world starts to come into focus as Mothwing grooming starts to feel less like he's grooming the very tips of her fur to the more accurate roots. She blinks and turns to Mothwing and tries to voice her concerns about their daughters, but her voice hasn't come back yet.

Then finally it all snaps into place, the prophecy, the vote, the shouting, her daughter casting a stone. Sunclan be damned if she lets her precious babies be hurt because of their need to be dutiful. "I, I need. I need to go, them I need. get them."

She stumbles to her paws, she doesn't care about the vote right now her babies need her. She takes very rough and sluggish steps towards her kits. Her vision narrowed down to just them.

She is on an extraction mission she needs to speak to her daughter let her know the true dangers she faced here as an apprentice. She remembers Palepaw gushing about littleflower and how cool it must have been to be taught by a ghost. And how badass she was since she was an apprentice. She couldn't think.... No, she would and clearly did.
Paw steps far more sturdy now that she had a mission.

She catches the end of Sunseer's speech she knew what his words would instill in her daughter.
"Palepaw" it wasn't a yell it wasn't angry it just was a mother calling home a kit.

"Sunseer I have served this clan several moons, now is not the time to sugar coat what will happen to those that stay or even those that leave there is no guarantee of safety for a warrior. For those that remember the last famine, when our own Littleflower was, but a small paw herself. Sunclan brought her a mentor, found this little kitten lost in a sea of grief. Sunclan spoke directly to that little kitten and asked what should never have been asked of a kitten, but it was needed. I ask then, " she turns to palepaw "Palepaw do you truly know the horrors we faced? Do you know the shape of a cat that is nothing, but bones and fur? Staying will be hard no matter a title, titles mean nothing when death is at every sunrise. I remember the last famine for it is what I have sought to never happen again. I was a fool hardy soul leaving unprepared and I was brought to my paws. I went and hunted against Sunclans words, during the last famine, foolishly thinking I could save the clan from what we thought was the end. I fought for my life that day, I brought back that hawk, but at the cost of my eye because if I didn't which kit would be next? Which elder would go hungry one to many times? If this is truly your calling I will not, can not stop you." Her voice never left that mothers call throughout her whole speech.

She awaits her daughters answer.

@Nym @Blinded By Silence incase sunseer wants to talk to Deadeye.
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