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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Chapter One: Casting Stones [FIN]

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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Sunseer peered out over his territory, hoping for a change, any at all, of the white that burned behind his eyes. He was unsurprisingly disappointed. But so were they, he thought, imagining the gathering of cats beneath him. Were they all there? He parted his lips to pull their scent over his tongue; it was hard to tell. But from the mumblings and complaints he could catch from below, no one was happy. He sighed, shifted his feet, and steadied himself. Such was the life of the Sunseer, he had learned. There was no making everyone happy.

"MountainClan!" He began, his strong voice echoing off the red stone walls of the ravine, "We know why the river disappeared. Two-legs captured our river and trapped it within their walls, taking our prey, and the lives of so many of our clan." He paused a moment of silence for those they had lost.

"I have spent every day since seeking guidance from our ancestors. I know many of us doubted whether or not they would answer. Even I..." He shook the doubt from his mind, "MountainClain, I come to you bearing their words. SunClan has spoken!"

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before reciting the prophecy he had traded his vision for; "Go. Chase the stolen river and split as it does. Only in pieces will your clan survive." Sunseer opened his sightless eyes, raising his voice above the backlash he was bound to receive, "I believe they are saying we need to leave, following the river." He swallowed hard. Leaving... had it really come to this?


Stew Aficionado

When Skysong replied to her, Poppypaw flicked her tail in acknowledgement. Still digging at that little piece... In her... Got it! She spit it out to the side, where no cat was sitting, and licked over her paw gently. It felt all right, didn't feel broken or bloodied. Poppypaw was leaner than a majority of the other cats her age, and smaller, too, so she seemed to take tumbles easier. That and she didn't seem to be as beaten up when it came to the prey and water situation. Still, she was a little thin.

"Oh, thanks, Camelstride!" she purred to the ginger she-cat who came over to help. Camelstride wasn't much older than her, but was always really nice to her. Poppypaw had been the only one who survived in her litter, and both her parents had been lost since the drought and loss of prey. Her spirits were surprisingly undampened, however. As much as the older cats griped that SunClan had left them, Poppypaw could feel, deep down in her gut, that wasn't true. She knew there would be news soon. Perhaps that's what Sunseer was calling for now.

With Camelstride's help, Poppypaw's pelt was clean. Just in time for Sunseer to speak up again.

Eyes widened, ears perked up, Poppypaw was on her paws in an instant. "SunClan has spoken?!" The apprentice began to vibrate with excitement. She bumped into Camelstride rather vigorously as she turned to face her. "A prophecy! Everything's going to be ok!"

@Subducting (Camelstride)

Thistlefur had rolled her eyes as Dappleflight padded out behind them to sit. The paler she-cat had a knack for always seeing the bright side of things. Thistlefur was really, truly convinced that SunClan had left them to rot in the mountain. Her tail twitched behind her as she grumped, licking down a particularly unkempt patch of chest fur. It was then that Dansomflower hurried over, greeting his grandmother, Swallowtail, and the others. Thistlefur shifted and sat a little straighter, looking the tom cat over. He was far too young for her, but if she was still breeding age... She wouldn't have minded it. He got his good looks from his grandmother, after all.

A big harrumph and a slap of her meager tail. "Thank you, Damsonflower. At least someone knows how to treat their elders." She returned to grooming herself, even turning aside to help Swallowtail out. At least she could be comfortable now, having been dragged from her den by the summons. However, another cat approached them now.

"She wasn't calling for you, Dandelionclaw!" she hissed a bit grumpily now. "Too many cats," followed in a mumble, her tail whipping out from beneath Swallowtail - who had gently sat down on it before. She was thoroughly annoyed now.

Then Sunseer spoke again. There was another big roll of her eyes as her pelt fluffed up. "And how, exactly, does SunClan expect us to follow the river?" Her gaze turned up towards their leader. "We haven't been able to catch enough prey for a while now, we're all weak and tired. How are we expected to go off galavanting and following the river to somewhere new? In pieces we will survive, they say!" Thistlefur spat her words. "I don't think any of us will survive!"

@belloblossom (Dandelionclaw) @Blinded By Silence (Swallowtail) @Subducting (Dappleflight/Damsonflower)

Nutpelt had been sitting dutifully at the base of Tall Stone, waiting for Sunseer to speak again. The elders continued to grumble and huff and puff in their corner, though she didn't dare try to hush them. A few more glares were sent their way, though. Even if none of them were to see it. Perhaps Damsonflower or Dandelionclaw could get them to quite down, since the two toms were there. A few good licks to her chest to even out the fur that had started to rise in irritation, and then she was waiting again. Tail tip twitching.

It was then that Branchtail sauntered over. Ah, the flirt. There was a little snort from her. "No better or worse than any other cat, thankfully," she would say softly. An ear flicking to acknowledge him without taking her eyes off Sunseer and Skysong.

At Sunseer's words, the she-cat took a few moments. As the rest of the clan reacted - kits excited, elders irritated - she sat calmly, absorbing the information. As Thistflefur rambled and went off, Nutpelt bristled beside Branchtail. She stood and barked over towards the elders. "And none of us will survive if we continue to stay here and let the Two-Legs take all our water and prey!" Her tail lashed. "If leaving is our only hope, then we should do it!"

@belloblossom (Branchtail)


Grizzled Veteran
The loss of the river and the drought was felt by every cat in her clan but today, Riversong was really feeling it herself. Although it was still early, the grey and white dappled she-cat was already tired. Lately she'd found herself with less and less energy. Today felt like her energy had wasted away with the dying world around her. Since the loss of her family, Riversong seldom left Robinflight's side and though she wanted to be near her friend and clanmate now, she was thankful she hadn't been selected for this mornings patrol.
Riversong would have stayed in her nest all morning if not for Sunseer's call. Summoning the will to stand and make her way over to the other warriors was more difficult than she expected. Moving rather sluggishly, she finally made it close enough to hear Sunseer's words and not a paw step closer.

As Robinflight came into view, Riversong's mood shifted. There was still no energy to be had, but a tension she hadn't realized she was holding released and relief washed over her. She greeted the pale calico she-cat with a slow blink and a light purr before turning her attention back to Sunseer. Riversong listened with great interest as their leader spoke.

"Leave and follow the river?" Riversong echoed quietly. With a worried look she turned to Robinflight. The clan was already so weak, could they really travel in this condition?

(@belloblossom Riversong to Robinflight)

Streamheart stretched with a long yawn as she made her way over to stand with the others before the Tall Stone. She looked around for her mother as the clan gathered. Weaving her way through her clanmates, she settled herself next to another grey stripped she-cat, Silverstreak.

She stared up at her leader in shock as he announced the words of Sunclan. Their ancestors wanted them to leave? ...Well, it did make sense. What was left for them here?

"I'm not sure how to feel about this." She mused aloud.

(@belloblossom Streamheart next to Silverstreak, open for interaction.)
(@kovak Streamheart looking for Pigeonflight, open for interaction.)

Flamestripe sat grooming his long tail fur as the other warriors went about their morning routines. As Sunseer called the clan together, he rose and took his place among the other warriors. He listened to the quiet, and not so quiet, conversations around him but was much to shy to join in any of them before their leader made his announcement.

How long had they waited for an answer from Sunclan? And this is what they get? If they were supposed to leave their home, why hadn't Sunclan told them sooner before they had lost so much? Why now? The bashful tom knew it wasn't his place to question such things and mentally chidded himself. If Sunclan said go, then they should go and if Sunseer thought this was best, well then he would do his best as a warrior of Mountainclan to help his clan move.
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Stew Aficionado
Riversurge was a paranoid and superstitious tomcat. How could he not be, when the spirits of their ancestors always looked over had been silent for so long? And now, there was this supposed prophecy from out of the blue, telling them they had to follow the river. Riversurge flexed his claws - not him, right? They didn't mean that the entire Clan had to follow his lead, right?

Calm down, Riversurge. There's Riversong in the Clan too. SunClan doesn't mean either of us, right? Or... or maybe they mean BOTH of us! He thought in sudden dread. He looked around at his fellow Clanmates, relieved to see that none of them were looking in his direction, expectantly or otherwise.

Releasing a large sigh of relief, he got to his paws and anxiously scuttled towards the Tall Stone. He fidgeted a great deal before he worked up the nerve to address his leader.
"S-So, um, when are we meant to leave?" He curled and uncurled his tail. "Th-That is to say, are we all leaving tonight, or... um... is there any chance that the Twolegs will give the river back?" @Blinded By Silence


Stew Aficionado
Dandelionclaw, who had only just woken up moments ago to having his name be called, was properly hurt and irritated when Swallowtail practically racked her claws over his ears with her harsh tone, with Thistlefur right on her tail with another snarky comeback. Flicking his ears back, he retorted.

"Well, it's not my fault you can't remember the name of your kin over your Clanmate!" He told the grumpy monochrome elder. His gaze turned to Thistlefur and felt suddenly eager to leave on this SunClan prophecy as soon as possible. When Nutpelt approached, he nodded along with her. "Nutpelt's right, and so are Sunseer and SunClan - we have to leave. You're right, too, Thistlefur, we're tired and we're weaker than we have been, but I don't want to stay here only to wallow in my misery and self-pity. I'll leave that to the older generations." He spat, whirling around with a lash of his tail. Oh, he did not enjoy being growled at first thing in the morning.

Hauling tail over to where Sunseer and Skysong stood poised, he glanced down at Poppypaw as he passed the apprentice. He smiled at her enthusiasm and then waited expectantly to hear when they would be leaving for... well, wherever it was that SunClan was sending them. @Blinded By Silence @PeterPan_da144


Stew Aficionado
While Robinflight was happy that she'd found Riversong with little issue, she found her friend tense -until the grey and white she-cat spotted her, that was. Robinflight tried not to grow too excited at the way that Riversong blinked at her, but she couldn't help but echo the purr that greeted her with one of her own. She settled next to the scarred cat, noting the three long claw marks along her shoulders with a grimace. The memory that those scars carried would always haunt Robinflight, even though the scars themselves were long since healed.

Following Sunseer's announcement, Robinflight found herself tilting her head in consideration. Maybe they could fly away like birds after all. She could hear the elders complaining - but that's what elders did, complain about change, as though they'd never experienced it before in their lifetime. Poppypaw, one of the few apprentices left in the Clan, was practically vibrating with excitement and Riversong... Robinflight could see the worry in her friend's eyes even if she were a tree-length away.

Brushing her tail over Riversong's, she leaned closer to the she-cat and purred softly,
"Joke's on SunClan, I've already got a River I'm following." She mewed with a smile, but went on on a more serious note. "You've got me at your side, Riversong. Maybe it's time to leave the nest, like our ancestors say. It'll be easier for some of us than others," She glanced towards the bickering elders, who had pulled some warriors into their conflicting attitudes by this point. She rolled her dual-colored eyes and turned them back to Riversong. "We'll be fine, if we stick together, either way." @NatiStorm


Long-Term Resident

Camelstride had been considering such an outcome for a little while, but even the calm, collected she cat couldn’t help but let her eyes widen a little in shock that it was actually the path that Sunclan was having them take. Even in her short life, she had assumed until recently that the river would somehow return, or that other guidance from Sunclan would help them survive in their changing territory. But this somehow felt as inevitable as the river once had, winding down it’s course- of course they couldn’t stay here. Camelstride turned solemnly to Poppypaw…

Whom she found herself nearly nose to nose with as she leaped up in excitement, as if she expected Sunclan to order them to set off that very moment. It was such an enthusiastic response that Camelstride was surprised into a purr, and she pushed her forehead into Poppypaw’s for a moment in a gesture of warmth. “You might just be right about that,” she replied- more cautious than Poppypaw, but not pessimistic, “It’ll be a hard journey, but we’ll give ourselves a better chance of survival than staying here,” she mused. Her ears flicked towards the elders and Camelstride felt a pang of sympathy towards the old cats. It must be hard to think about leaving when you had lived here for so very long and were past the days of being an active warrior.


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
The near-white she-cat studied her leader closely, her lips forming a hard line. He was blind, she was sure of it. How? Was he sick? Or had this been some work of Sunclan? They had taken the poor tom's mate, his children, and now his vision... And then Sunseer's words found her. She felt her breath leave her all at once, as though a large cat had slammed into her.

Skysong did her best to hide her surprise and, more importantly, her dismay. The Mountains were her home, their home. They were weak from hunger and thirst. They had elders and apprentices with them, how would they possibly make such a journey? She looked out over the crowd of cats, and heard them argue. She reigned herself in.

"I'll get the stones," She said to Sunseer and jumped down from her ledge without awaiting his approval. Whether she agreed with this course of action or not, SunClan had a plan. They always did. And she had a job to do. And so the she-cat went about gathering and counting the scattered pile of stones that lay at the bottom of Tall Stones. There was one for every cat, so that each member of the clan, young and old, could cast their vote on whatever decision was placed before them. It had been a while since they've used them. This would calm them down, she thought, give them time to think, not react.

She had some thinking to do herself, it seemed.


Long-Term Resident

Damsonflower shot Dandelionclaw and apologetic look as the other tom got the sharp end of Thistlefur’s tongue. Before the half-awake warrior could respond, however, Sunseer spoke up, and Damsonflower’s heart dropped. He glanced at Swallowtail and Thistlefur, his fur filling with anxiety. Could they even make such a journey? Swallowtail’s hearing, her memory… unconsciously, Damsonflower pressed closer to his kin, opening his mouth to try and offer some reassurance.

Before he got there, Dandelionclaw and Nutpelt spoke up, and Damsonflower felt his optimism sink even further as worries turned to sniping. He wasn’t one to get into arguments on the elders’ behalf- he knew the old she cats didn’t need him talking for them- but he couldn’t help feeling a pang of worry over his clanmates’ impatience with the orderly cats. It would take a lot of convincing to even get them to go along in the first place, not to mention keeping them safe and relatively healthy during the journey.

“I won’t let you struggle through the journey alone,” he said quietly, looking at Thistleclaw, Swallowtail and Dapplelight, “I know it seems hard but I’ll be there with you, making sure you’re all okay.” He was trying to sound reassuring but his tone came out as pleading, gazing in dismay at the crotchety elders. Sunclan help them, he prayed silently, desperately hoping their ancestors wouldn’t forget the elders who had served their clan so faithfully for so long. And me, he added in his head, feeling a mounting sense of apprehension.

@PeterPan_da144 @Blinded By Silence

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Her dark ears flattened and she promptly turned up her nose at the young Warrior as he left. "Hmph. What are they teaching you kits these days? No respect." But the fire within her had dimmed as she felt her foundation shift with this news. She huffed, lifting her chin in a show of strength she did not have, she looked to her grandson with eyes of liquid gold, "You're a good Warrior, Damsonflower. Your parents would be proud to hear you stick up for us old folk." She nuzzled him gently, "But I won't be going." Swallowtail knew all too well that even with the aid of those around her, her old bones would never make it to a new home. She didn't want a new home, either. Dry and dusty as it was, she had been born and raised here. Raised her kids here. And their kids, too. No, this is where her bones would lie.


Long-Term Resident

Before Stormflight could form any sort of response to Salmlonstripe, Sunseer spoke, and Stormflight felt her emotions tumbling over one another, like pebbles down a cliff. The thought of leaving their home was painful- what was Mountainclan without the mountains? Resignation, though, and determination won out, and with them the oddest sense of peace. As her clanmates bickered, all Stormflight could muster to say to Salmonstripe sitting next to her was,

“Well, that’s that.”

Sunclan must know what they were doing, but even without their guidance, it was quite evident the clan couldn’t survive in the steadily drying peaks. They were worn thin, and the prospect of striking out was at least something- as dangerous as it was, it was also a little thrilling. If they were going to meet their doom as a clan, they’d meet it by at least doing something. Although there was one part of Sunseer’s prophecy that was more concerning.

“I’m not sure I like the sound of surviving in pieces,” she said to Salmonstripe worriedly - the clan already seemed to be fracturing around them, as some cats reacted to the news with eager excitement and some with stubborn hostility. She glanced towards Sunseer, wondering how he’d react.



Long-Term Resident

Dapplelight bowed her head in acceptance, hearing Sunseer’s words. It seemed that Sunclan had not abandoned the clan, but it was perfectly clear to her that they wouldn’t all make it. Closing her eyes in a moment of quiet grief, the old cat tried her best to compose herself. The gorge would empty, the younger cats heading off down the river, and the Mountainclan she, Thistlefur and Swallowtail had known in their youth would be no more. Even if the clan survived in some form, this was the end of something precious, and for all those who had brought them to this point- the many lost both recently and long ago- Dapplelight felt as if she were losing them a second time.

Opening her eyes, she felt a little sympathy for Thistlefur’s irritation with the younger cats- she knew none of them would admit they were afraid, all of them likely doubting they’d survive the journey, if they even attempted it. Swallowtail gave voice to what she was thinking, and she rose stiffly to her feet, meeting the gazes of the younger cats who were so impatient with the elders.

“Swallowtail is right,” she agreed, “Sunclan has given the clan the prophecy to give Mountainclan the best chance to survive. But for the clan to survive, it can’t be slowed down by having to take care of us. It will be a dangerous journey, and every cat will struggle with surviving themselves. The younger warriors may not realise, but we’re far too old and weak to make the trip, even if they aren’t. Our days of being warriors are over- we’ve done our duty.”

She stared, sternly but not unkindly, at Nutpelt and Dandelionclaw, and met the gazes of their impatient clanmates evenly. She wasn’t as impatient as her den mates, but she’d not have the younger warriors forgetting that elders had earned their rest through many years of battles and service to the clan. She sighed wistfully. If she had been somewhat younger and stronger, she would have relished the adventure. She imagined setting out, side by side with Thistlefur and Swallowtail, to find the new path the clan would take. But that was not the fate Sunclan had planned for them, and she had no other recourse than to flow, like the river, along the eddies of fate.

@belloblossom @PeterPan_da144 @Blinded By Silence


signed an NDA
Staff member
--broke Little's post and edited instead of quoted, RIP--
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signed an NDA
Staff member

Daisypelt narrowed her eyes as the crowd murmured, tail snapping side to side as she craned her head to eyeball both Sunseer and then his daughter, Littleflower. Ah, the medicine cat looked uncomfortable. Interesting.
She watched the elders at talk, head tilting owlishly. They were right; they'd just drag them down.
"Let them stay," she added to the conversation, face unwavering and void of any clear emotion. "What right do we have to try and convince them not to? We're wasting time bickering."

Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident

(Waiting for his recert, but he is technically a warrior and his name is Pebblefall)

Pebblefall was a young warrior, but already thirsty to prove himself. She had gathered with all the others to listen to Sunseer's announcement, wondering patiently what it could be. When the message from Sunclan was revealed, she was stunned into silence for a moment.

The clan was starving. It was obvious that the river was gone for good, and soon so would all the prey. If their ancestors, in their ageless wisdom, told them to move after the river... why shouldn't they? They were warriors after all. Their will was to survive and live with honor, not cower and starve to death in this hollow.

However, one part of the prophecy stood out from the rest to her. Her eyes narrowed and she grumbled to whoever might be able to hear her nearby, "What do they mean by '...split as it does...'?"
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Long-Term Resident

“What an incredible insight,” Snowdrift muttered dryly at Sunseer’s assessment of their situation, before cringing slightly as he realised he’d voiced his sarcastic thought out loud. He ducked his head, hoping no-one had noticed, and listened to the rest of the message from Sunclan. The warrior found it hard to keep his thoughts to himself at the best of times, and he was tired and hungry and irritable, and it was coming out more often than normal. He sighed and refrained from directing more sass towards his leader and instead glanced skywards with a raised eyebrow. “It’ll be that simple, then,” he drawled, before shaking his head and returning his attention to the now chattering clan.

The elders seemed to be invoking strong emotions in both directions, and he was about to make a comment when he heard Daisypelt beat him to it, and he couldn’t help but let out a disbelieving laugh at how calmly she delivered her opinion. “Wow, Daisypelt, they should call you Icepelt,” he said, slightly awed as he turned her head towards her. She was always analytical and considered, but he was still surprised by how many of his clan mates were seemingly happy to leave the elders behind, before a decision had even been made. As practical as it might be, the thought of the three old mollies left to fend for themselves in the increasingly hostile territory was grim.



signed an NDA
Staff member

Snowdrift had effectively caught her attention, causing Daisypelt's head to snap towards his direction, her gaze locked on him.
"What else are we supposed to do? Of course I'd rather things weren't this way, but they are. The elders know it, too. If they want to stay then that's their decision, but time wasted on trying to convince cats who don't want to be persuaded means we lose time we could have used on preparing."
Her face remain calm while her tail twitched in irritation. Snowdrift was the heroic type -- someone who wanted to help everyone. The clan had needed those kind before, but now it needed movement. In her eyes, he needed to catch up with the rest and begin setting plans into action.


Long-Term Resident

Patchpounce was a young warrior and as full of energy as her name suggested, and the news that Sunclan hadn’t abandoned them filled her pelt with a glowing pride. Of course Sunclan had a plan for them! She felt her chest filling with excitement and anticipation with the thought of such a great adventure ahead. Lots of young cats were already boldly crying out their enthusiasm for the idea, and she nodded along in determination.

Skysong looked a little less enthusiastic, staring to gather stones for the clan to make their decision known, and a few of the other warrior were a little more thoughtful, pondering the implications of Sunclan’s message. And then there were the elders, ever contrary, seemingly just for the sake of it- but maybe not.

The words of the prophecy were being repeated in bits and pieces all through the hollow in a strange echo, and some part of it caught her attention, and she turned to Pebblefall curiously. She paced over to join her littermate, nodding in thought. “Does that mean the clan will split up?” She wondered worriedly, suddenly uncertain about the adventure she was so excited for.

@Alanna the Pirate Queen
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Long-Term Resident

Suddenly finding himself on the receiving end of Daisypelt’s sharp tongue, Snowdrift blinked in surprise, looking a little stunned, before attempting (unsuccessfully) to recover his cool. “Well, yeah, but- you can at least… you know… not be so blunt about it- and that’s coming from me!” He suddenly felt very conspicuous, and curled his tail around his back paws. He was usually the one accidentally winding cats up by not being very subtle or a little too sarcastic, but Daisypelt was something else, and he didn’t know whether to be impressed or alarmed.

The forthright she-cat was right, of course, and he grimaced in the direction of the elders, hoping that they were too preoccupied to hear Daisypelt. “We- we still need to vote, anyways,” he said feebly, although he doubted very much the clan would choose to stay in the slowly dying territory over finding somewhere new with plentiful prey and water.



Stew Aficionado

Poppypaw purred in response, pressing her head far too roughly and eagerly back against Camelstride. Her tail vibrated behind her with excitement. "It will! Oh, I can't wait! I wonder how far we are going to have to travel. Do you think we'll find new places and new prey?" She was, quite literally, bouncing around Camelstride. Far too excited while the rest of the camp bickered and moaned. Not even the elders grumpy spirits could drag her down.

"Oh! Oh! Let me help!" The apprentice had caught sight of Skysong gathering the voting pebbles and skittered over, nearly falling on her face as she did so. Purring and chirping, her paws scuttled a few away, and when she was reprimanded by her mentor, she managed to simmer down and collect them properly. Piling them all up so that they could be taken by her clanmates when the vote was to be cast.

@Subducting (Camelstride)
@Blinded By Silence (Skysong)

Thistlefur narrowed her eyes at Dandelionclaw and Nutpelt. Her tail lashed as she mused for a response, when another spoke up. It was Damsonflower again. He was telling them he'd help them journey, and make sure they were okay. The old she-cat was... Very grateful for that. But... Swallowtail spoke first. Thistlefur shifted and pressed herself closer to the other she cat, while also letting her tail drift to find Dappleflight. Her head was dipped in agreement to Swallowtail's and Dappleflight's words.

"As much as it pains me to admit..." she started to grumble, and then sighed. "My sisters are right." They weren't actually her sisters, just a term she used to refer to them when she was feeling exceptionally affectionate. "If this is to be Mountain Clan's fate, then so be it. But trying to drag us along with you will just slow everyone down. Besides, I'm old and tired and I don't want to move." Another huff as she puffed her chest, looking around at the cats gathered around them.

"Daisypelt is right." Another revelation from the old cat. Never would she agree with anyone outside Dappleflight and Swallowtail. "The rest of you young'uns should start preparing to leave, not bickering with three old, tired cats.

@Nym (Daisypelt)
@belloblossom (Dandelionclaw)
@Subducting (Damsonflower / Dappleflight / Snowdrift)
@Blinded By Silence (Swallowtail)

Nutpelt's ears flattened. "That's not..." she started to speak, only for the other two elders to chime in.

"I didn't mean that anyone, you especially, had to stay behind. Just that we should look forward to the future and what this could mean for our clan." Her tail twitched behind her. There was no going against the she-cats when they were being this stubborn and rooted, but that was really, truly not what she had meant. She wanted the entire clan to survive, even if it was in pieces. But... Perhaps this is what Sun Clan meant? Leaving the elders behind while they split to survive. Daisypelt chimed in next, and Nutpelt was about to turn to her and defend herself again, when Snowdrift intervened instead. Was he agreeing with Daisypelt?

They hadn't even begun to prepare to leave, and already it felt like the clan had very quickly split into two. There hadn't been much discussion, yet the elders seemed dead set on their position. Suddenly, uneasiness clawed at Nutpelt's belly. Surely the rest of the clan wouldn't just... Leave the elders behind to fend for themselves? They'd fight to try to change their minds, right?
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