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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Chapter One: Casting Stones [FIN]

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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Swallowtail watched stone-faced as her clanmates chose their fate. She was surprised so many cats had chosen to stay. Well, they had earned some favor in her mind. It took a particular kind of cat to turn their perfectly good nose up at the chance of a new, healthy home. She wouldn't say anything, of course, no, she was too proud for any of that. Besides, she'd pull her own weight once the majority left. She'd have to, she thought, realistically.

But when Damsonflower cast his stone, she thought her heart had stopped in fear of breaking. Her stone face cracked and her eyes filled with anguish, "Damson," her voice was small and distant. Staying was so kind and selfless of him, but it was also stupid and reckless. She flexed her claws into the hard dirt and blinked back the tears that had filled her eyes. Damn kit was truly her grandson, there was no talking him out of this. She looked at him with a mix of pride and grief. She swore to herself then that she would do whatever she could to make sure his sacrifice wasn't for nothing.

And so the old cat stood, gathering herself tall and proud, doing her best to seem strong. She was sure of her decision. She pushed her way toward the pile of rocks, looked her leader and Skysong in the eyes before casting her stone.

"As I said before, I will not go." And with a flick of her tail, she returned to her sisters.

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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Tigereye had been watching the entire event unfold before her, perched up on one of the higher ledges of the rock wall, her long leg dangling off, swinging gently in the gathering heat. She watched as her siblings, so much larger than the normal cats beside them discussed the problem at hand. She frowned. Tigereye had always been a bit aloof. She knew she was different, and while she had earned her Warrior name just like every other cat, she never quite felt... the same. She could not seem to shake the outsider in her from her fur. She wanted to, wanted to fit in like her sister Camelstride. Settle down and feel at home like her mother did. Her green eyes blinked, watching as her little mom did her best to convince everyone to go together.

Tigereye was torn. Staying, defending the lives of those who could not leave. That seemed like a good way to prove her loyalty to the clan. But realistically... She was a big cat, with a big appetite. Staying would put even more pressure on the small group, and while yes, they did have a lot of elders to care for, there were strong, able-bodied cats to care for them as well. And if she left, well... Maybe then it was okay that she had never quite felt at home here. She would find a new home, somewhere where all of them were newcomers. Equal ground. Yeah, she liked that. With a nod, she stood, stretched out her long limbs, and hopped from one ledge to another until she landed gracefully on the ground floor.

She walked silently through the throng of cats. Using one of her large paws, she gently pushed her stone to the larger group.

"I will go," She said simply.


Stew Aficionado
Dustfeather was finding himself severely overwhelmed by this whole debate on whether cats were staying or leaving. He understood the elders - this territory was their home, it had always been their home and everyone had so many memories here. However, he thought of Duskwing and of his children - he wanted a bright future for the lot of them. The river held a great deal of life in his clutches and as there seemed to be no way to get the Twolegs to suddenly return their precious river... Wouldn't it make the most sense to leave in hopes of finding a better way forward?

Smiling in what he hoped was a reassuring fashion to his son, Finchchirp, who was looking around anxiously at the cats moving up to vote, he headed towards Duskwing speaking when he was merely a few tail lengths away.

"My heart and paws will always be with you, Duskwing. Whatever you decide, you can know that I'll be here to support you." He glanced at Sunseer and Skysong, tail flicking uneasily from side to side. "Though I worry... If SunClan is telling us to leave, wouldn't it be wrong to go against our ancestors?" @Tigeria

Dustfeather is holding off on his vote until he hears what his mate is opting towards.


Stew Aficionado
Silverstreak had closed her eyes in thought, considering her path forward. Her sisters, Dawnbreak and Duskwing, they were her world - but they were adults now who could choose their own paths. Had she been neglecting her own needs because she was so set on ensuring that her sisters got the best life they could? Well, now Duskwing had a mate of her own - she could see Dustfeather approaching her sister now and Dawnbreak... well, while she couldn't see the she-cat from this distance, but she knew that she had grown into her own and Silverstreak was oh so proud of them both.

She got to her paws and moved toward the stones, taking one of hers and casting it to stay within the mountains. Casting her gaze to her sisters, she smiled warmly at them.
"You've both grown into warriors I'm proud of. You're more than capable of making your
own decisions. Mine is to stay in the territory I've grown up in.

Silverstreak has opted to stay in the mountains.


Stew Aficionado
Salmonstripe watched as her mother and sister both opted towards leaving the mountains. Casting a look to Stormflight, she offered a friendly blink and a shy smile, before she got to her paws and hurried to the stone pile. She shoved her chosen stone into the leaving pile and then went to stand with Goldenleaf and Minnowclaw. Purring as she weaved between the two she-cats, she nodded her agreement. SunClan was telling them to leave and weird as it may seem... Salmonstripe was eager for the chance to eat her namesake again.

Salmonstripe is opting to leave the mountains.


Stew Aficionado
Robinflight was pleased to see that her commentary made a difference with the pretty grey and white she-cat. She nodded her head in agreement to what her companion had to say, purring at the nesting metaphor - Riversong always seemed to know the best thing to say. When Riversong got up to move to the stones, Robinflight was right there alongside her, shoving her own rock to the leave pile... and making sure it was nestled up against the rock Riversong had touched. @NatiStorm

Robinflight is opting to leave the mountains.


Stew Aficionado
Branchtail ha been watching the cats pass by him, one after the other, sometimes in pairs even. He glanced at Nutpelt, who seemed to be watching their Clanmates as intently as he was. For a long while, he considered his options - he'd been born in these mountains and the thought of leaving them seemed impossible, but... SunClan would not lead them away if they were not meant to survive better elsewhere. Of course, the loss of the elders would be tough on them, but Branchtail found himself regarded Daisypelt with a nod of approval. The elders had made their choice to stay, so what good would it be to try and drag them along anyway, screeching and thrashing along the way? Flicking his tail gently against Nutpelt's flank.

"Do you want me to go up with you, to the choosing stones?" He asked. He'd already made up his mind, but if Nutpelt, who hadn't voted yet, needed a strong shoulder to lean on, Branchtail would happily provide. @PeterPan_da144

Branchtail hasn't cast his vote quite yet.


Stew Aficionado

She wasn't a wimp, by any means. Nutpelt had always been a strong cat. One who would do anything for her clan. Including stay behind to help the elders. But there were so many capable cats who had already chosen to stay behind... She still wished to debate with the elders, to convince them that they should come, too, but now the voices who agreed with them were too strong. The clan was already decidedly split, and they hadn't even encountered the worst of it yet.

She was certain there would be troubled times ahead on their journey, yet she feared the troubles here would only continue for those who remained.

As she had been thinking, Nutpelt had reflexively shrunk back and against Branchtail's side. They'd known each other all their lives, but she never felt particularly close to him. And yet, when he spoke to her, asking if she wanted him to go up with her, she felt...

Relieved and comforted. She had no family left, partially due to the Twolegs stealing the river and prey. Partially due to just old age or deaths before the Twolegs even came.

Green eyes met green...

And a soft purr was given.

Nutpelt straightened up and brushed her side against Branchtail, before stepping towards the pile of stones.

"I still believe that it is foolish for any cat to stay behind here, but I respect the decisions that have been made, and will make my own. I will miss each and every one of you that chooses to stay, and pray that we will find each other again one day."

Nutpelt casts her vote to leave the mountains.

@belloblossom (Branchtail)


Stew Aficionado
Finchchirp couldn't stop looking at the elders and at his Clanmates who had chosen to stay behind. His own parents had yet to choose if they were staying or leaving and he had no doubt in his mind that his sister, Buzzardpaw, would choose to go along with their parents. He wanted to, too, but... the guilt of leaving the cats behind. He tried to count how many were staying behind and saw that now it wasn't just elders, but an apprentice too. There were too few warriors staying behind. Pigeonflight and Streamheart, Silverstreak and Damsonflower, but... four warriors couldn't feed the group, surely? Assuming that there was even a group to feed. He flexed his claws uneasily. He wanted to stay with his family, but... if he left, surely the elders and those who stayed behind would die without other able-bodied warriors to stay with them. His eyes fell to Palepaw and he offered the apprentice a warm blink. If she, someone so young, could put her life on the line to protect the elderly and the few who remained in the mountains.

Swallowing, he cast his gaze to his parents and then to his sister.
"Buzzard... take care of mom and dad, if they decide to leave. If not... well, we'll get to protect MountainClan as a family. Cause I'm... I'm staying here." He announced and tried to avoid his father's gaze, feeling it hot on his pelt as he stood up and moved his stone over to the group that was remaining. Even... even if he died, at least he could die with honor, protecting the elders and upholding the warrior code. @kovak (to Buzzardpaw)

Finchchirp has decided to stay in the mountains.


Stew Aficionado
Branchtail had smiled when Nutpelt rubbed up against him - it was becoming clear that despite the evident worry in the she-cat's gaze, that she could hold her own. He felt an easy grin threaten to overcome his expression, but fought it down.

Think of dead kits, Branchtail. He urged himself. This isn't the time to be smiling. Dead kittens, dead kittens, dead kittens...

Adopting a properly serious expression, he followed behind Nutpelt and slid his chosen stone to the leaving pile, nodding his head to Nutpelt and going to stand beside her and their other Clanmates who had opted to leave the mountains. @PeterPan_da144

Branchtail has decided to leave the mountains.


Grizzled Veteran

Buzzardstrike was beside Finchchirp and stared at the stones. So many cats choosing to stay and possibly die of starvation here. And others were choosing to leave and start a new life. Littleflower clearly said that her prophecy mentioned those staying will suffer. The warrior barely paid attention to prophecies and whatnot, but this was serious. Like the bird she was named after, she was called towards the dying and suffering. She was already doing as much as she could with scavenging what she could. Hunting wasn't her forte, and preferred to leave the live kills to her clanmates instead.

She gave a short grunt as she watched her father speak to her mother, wanting to know what he was deciding. Was he choosing to go or stay? But then Finchchirp's sweet voice -- it broke her stare and she was hit with reality. Finchchirp was really going to stay without regarding it with the family first? "Wha-what? Finch are you serious?" Buzzardstrike squeaked. She could not believe it.

If she were to stay, she could help Finch protect the clan from danger and watch over the elders. But then again, if she were to leave, she could help protect the clan from whatever dangers lied out there. She was already a large cat who was strong, and she knew that it would be valuable to have her no matter where she went. Her eyes flashed to find Dustfeather's before she cried. "Dad! Say something! What are you and mom thinking?!" It was odd to see Buzzardstrike like this -- a cat usually bold and proud and independent, now seeming so small and desperate and uncertain with herself.

Buzzardstrike did not yet decide.

@belloblossom Buzzard to Finch and Dust


Stew Aficionado
It wasn't even a choice for Dandelionclaw. He nodded to his sister, Daisypelt and after shoving his rock besides the others moving to leave. He couldn't spy his mother or father in the crowd, not that he was especially surprised. Lilacmoon had always been... elusive, to say the least. And Bloodoath, well... He glanced around at his hoard of half-siblings and shook his head. Bloodoath was loyal to MountainClan, but he wasn't exactly reliable to his kin.

It didn't matter either way, for Dandelionclaw always regarded himself as an independent mind and he didn't need either of his parents approvals or opinions to decide his future for him. He cast a glance at Buzzardstrike and rolled his eyes. Some cats just got too easily attached.

Dandelionclaw opted to leave the mountains.


Stew Aficionado
Riversurge got no response from his leader, from his deputy, from anyone... but he did see cat after cat coming up to vote. He was counting every pair of ears. One... two... five... nine cats, including the apprentice Palepaw, and nearly all of the elders. He flexed his claws uneasily, but then scampered forward, closed his eyes and knocked one of the rocks to the side. When he opened his eyes, he saw it rolling to the side that would have him leave. With a brisk nod and not making eye-contact with any of the cats who had made moving speeches about their choice to stay or go, he shuffled behind the rest of the cats and glanced up at Sunseer. Was his leader overseeing all of them? What could he be thinking? Whatever it was, it was surely important, as he hadn't answered any further questions or said anything further to his own Clan.

Riversurge is opting to leave the mountains.


Stew Aficionado
Finchchirp should have suspected that his sister wouldn't take it well, but his mind was... well, no it wasn't entirely made up, but he'd already moved his rock. He couldn't just push it to the other side now, right? He looked up to his sister with a look of desperation.

"If I stay they're going to die! I can't make them go with us - who would listen to me? Swallowtail is too stubborn and Thistlefur would claw my ears off if I tried to drag her anywhere! I can't leave them all here to die on their own and... and even Palepaw is staying and she's so young! What kind of warrior am I, Buzzardstrike, if I can't protect those who aren't capable of caring for themselves?"

He knew how to treewalk, had learned it from his mother - surely that would give him an edge on how to hunt better, how to survive easier. He could scout ahead for any further threats or scale a tree after a squirrel. He had to believe that even though his heart broke at the thought of leaving his family, that they could take care of themselves without him, unlike those who were staying behind. @kovak
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Stew Aficionado
Dustfeather was still waiting for Duskwing's reply when Finchchirp's voice rang out, calling upon his sister Buzzardstrike. Blinking in confusion, he listened in as he began to comprehend what his son was saying. Littleflower had already told them that those who stayed behind would suffer the consequences, yet there was his son, trembling though proud, as he declared that he would take care of those who couldn't take care of themselves. Dustfeather furrowed his brows - there were at least three other warriors staying behind, surely his son didn't truly need to be among them. Yet, he looked so adamant. Casting a worried look at his mate, he started towards their son.

"While I admire your resolve, Finchchirp... I am leaving." He looked over his shoulder at Duskwing. "I hope that your mother should follow me in this regard and I hope that you will too. It's never too late to change your mind and I'll fight any cat who gets under your fur for saying otherwise. You heard Littleflower, anyone who stays will clearly suffer. You may be content to endure that, but I am not going to let my son face something like that without his family." Dustfeather sighed and turned back to the stones, flicking his tail across his son's ears as he went to move one of his own to the side that was meant to leave. Looking back at Finchchirp with a hard stare, he went on. "Come over here and show me where you left your rock, so we can move it together where it belongs." @kovak @Tigeria


Long-Term Resident

Dapplelight watched with growing unease as more young cats set their stones in the pile to stay, her tail bushing in shock and alarm as Palepaw boldly insisted on staying behind. She exchanged a worried glance with Swallowtail and Thistlefur, before looking to Sunseer, hoping he would talk some sense into the other cats. But he simply remained impassive, and as she watched him, he gave no sign he was seeing what was going on at all- his eyes were unfocused, distant, and Dapplelight sighed, feeling sure that the tom was all but broken by the ordeals the clan had gone through. He wasn’t going to argue anyone down.

“Now, hold on a moment,” she said, facing the increasingly adgitated crowd of cats, her own tail tip twitching ever so slightly with the stress, “You all talk of the guilt you’d feel leaving us behind. Do you pay any mind at all to the guilt we would feel if you stay and suffer for our sake? We can’t possibly make this journey, that’s the reason we’re staying. Heed Littleflower’s warning! Don’t do something stupid trying to be noble and brave- we are all noble and brave warriors of Mountainclan! Go, stay, that won’t change.” The normally positive and upbeat elder’s voice trembled with intensity, and she closed her eyes slowly, gritting her teeth to maintain composure before opening them again.

“Palepaw, you especially, please reconsider,” she turned to the young cat, shooting her father a guilt-ridden glance before turning her attention to Palepaw again. She was nearly ready to become a warrior, but to see such a young cat ready to throw away the opportunity to start a new life, out of a misguided sense of duty, was almost too much for the old she cat to bear. “Mountainclan will need you on their journey. You don’t need to stay here. You’ve so much life to live.”

@Nym Palepaw (and any of the other ‘staying’ cats if you’d like)
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Pridepaw was struggling. Struggling to process this horrifying news. Struggling to make himself listen as he swore the buzzing in his ears became louder and louder. He knew he had to focus, this was important, but his whole body felt like it had turned to air, and all the same churned and weighed him against the ground.
The ground that was his home. But, not anymore.

And now here he stood, after being told the most heartwrenching thing he could've ever imagined was happening, losing his home, he was supposed to make a rational vote. Decide whether he lived or died, but his own sacrifice could be the difference between some cat else's demise.
This couldn't be fair..
He watched cats cast their stones, heard the murmurs his tired brain couldn't turn into words of substance. And, he moved to cast his.

The elders were choosing to stay.. his clan needed him. He needed them. Even more so, he didn't think he could handle it if they failed in these mountains. Watching the cats all starve to death, thirsty and tired, desperate for help that wasn't coming.
He inhaled slowly. "If any of our elders choose to come, I'll die helping them, I will." He decided, the whisper seeming directed to himself more than any cat that he feared as silently judging his vote. And, as such, Pridepaw votes to leave the mountains.
( hope I'm not too late! )



Paleflame had seen a few things in her time, and nothing could have prepared her for this. Though, to say she was upset felt.. deceiving. No. She was not upset, she was grumpy. She was acting as though you'd just told the temperamental elder you'd ran out of her favorite prey and she had to settle for a mouse rather than a bird. The way she scoffed and stamped her paw as cats began to panic, others demanding they couldn't take the journey.

"Speak for yourselves." She mrrowed under her breath as the elders spoke of not leaving, that the journey would be far too much. She may be old, but she'd lived a warrior and would die one! This journey may be her end, but she would rather die fighting than sit and wait for the crows to make a meal of her tired bones!
Paleflame casts her vote, old or not, she will not end so quietly. Paleflame votes to leave the mountains


Stew Aficionado

Poppypaw's heart was breaking. No one seemed to hear her, nor Little flower's omen. Paws kneaded the ground beneath her anxiously. There were almost twice as many votes to leave than to stay, but there were still so many to stay...

Including one of her friends.

Poppypaw would find Palepaw and brush her pelt to theirs. "I'll miss you dearly if you really choose to stay, but I'll come back for you. When we've found our new home, I'll come back, so I can tell you all how to find us if you decide to. Though I do wish you all the best if you remain here." Her tail brushed the others flank.

Then she moved over to Pridepaw. "And I agree with you, Pridepaw. I'll do whatever it takes to help keep the clan, and any elders especially, safe on our journey." She brushed pelts with him, hoping to ease his anxiety.

@Nym @AlicornPlayhouse


Grizzled Veteran

Deadeye pads forward with one of her daughters, Petalpaw, her thoughts are filled with only one thing at this point. The one taught to her when she was a kit, the one she revolted against and lost an eye for. Sunclan leads us, they tell the medicine cats of the future to keep us safe, Sunclan knows the right path. Her paw steps stop short as Palepaw says they wish to stay. Her heart drops, Stay? , Deadeye's paws feel like lead.

Her head is full of a living nightmare of when she went against the guidance of Sunclan. The well meaning thoughts of saving the clan by hunting in forbidden areas. Going against the thoughts of the medicine cats that told of the danger. Going against Sunclan, by disregarding their views on what she believed was unfounded caution. The searing pain in her skull, as she fought against the bird that robbed her of her sight. The stares from others as her eye didn't heal right. Her renaming ceremony. The whispers of her worth to the clan, Sunseer being wary of her leaving camp.

Any cat can see she is not well right now, her normal eye is vacant. "...Moth.wing?" Her voice is tiny and trembles as she seeks out her mate, though she is stuck in place.

[Deadeye is not here right now to vote, try again later.]

Petalpaw was excited, bouncing around her mothers paws as they went to the meeting. She hadn't really paid any attention to the other cats. They were moving to food! Sunclan said so! She looks up and spots Mothwing and Palepaw. Her head tilts as she tries to understand what Palepaw meant by staying. Staying meant no food, staying meant Mothwing and Deadeye staying up late sad.

"Mama? What does Palepaw mean?" She looks up at Deadeye and sees she's got that look, the look that papa chases away. "Hold on mama I'm goina get papa!" She bounds over to Mothwing and Palepaw.

"Papa, papa!" She looks around and quietly tells him. "Mama has that look."

She turns to Palepaw and simply asks "why?"

[Petalpaw is undecided at the moment]

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