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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Phase Three - TreeClan VS StoneClan


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 19 19
Branchtail is attacking Snarlpaw! He succeeds!
(He deals 5 damage!)

HP: 10

Branchtail looked down at the she-cat as she fumbled her attack. He scoffed at her and wasted little time in slashing his claws down across one of her vulnerable spots. Red blood flecked his white muzzle and he turned away with a sneer, overlooking the battle to see who he could help. Hearing a scream calling to Sunflight. Oh no... Not one of the leader's kits. Apprentices they may have been, but only recently. He started to hurry over in the direction of the scream, ignoring the taste of blood from the life he'd taken on his lips.


Stew Aficionado
Snarlpaw is at 0 HP! She would love help from a medicine cat right now!

Snarlpaw had heard that when you die, your life is meant to flash before your eyes, but she could only think about two things as the searing pain scored deep into her body. She thought of her role in all of this, how her bravado was costing her life and perhaps the lives of others, just like the other tomcat had said and she thought of her family. Were was Amberglow in all of this? What about Thief? She tried to call out for them, but she couldn't find the energy to open her mouth. Her body lay twitching, unable to settle fully or give in to death. Would Littleflower even save a cat who joined the Clan as a loner? Would the medicine cat still save her if it got out that she was the head of this whole war?

I never meant for all of this to happen... She thought before her eyes closed and her body stilled. The ragged movements of her flanks falling haltingly up and down were the only indicator that she was still living, though for how long was any cat's guess.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 14
Steadypaw is attacking Lightningdash! He succeeds!
(He deals 5 damage!)

HP: 10

Steadypaw had seen the warriors coming, saw the rabbit at his paws and Flashpaw in front of him and made a snap decision. He left the rabbit - less evidence against them the better - and ran with the speed of the prey he killed. He charged through the camp's entrance and then booked it to the warriors den to alert any cat who might still be asleep of the oncoming harm, but by the time that he got to the warriors den, he was panting heavily. He wasn't a runner, he was a "lay in wait and then pounce"er. He took a few deep breaths, stepping into the warriors den. Had the patrol gone well, maybe he would've been sleeping here that evening, instead of in the apprentices den.

Turning around as the sounds of chaos broke out, his blue eyes searching for a flashy orange pelt. He was a watcher, observant and quiet. He let the sounds fall away to silence in his mind's eye, keeping the songs of violence from his ears. There! Flashpaw was locked in battle with a yellow TreeClan cat! He took a deep breath and then started at a brisk trot over to where Flashpaw was entangled with her attacker. Bending low into into a hunter's crouch, he fixed his eyes on the yellow cat and then pounced on her when he came into range. His body was large and heavy and he felt the she-cat give way under him with a crunch. Stepping off of Flashpaw's attacker, he approached the orange she-cat and fixed her with a searching look.

"Are jou... safe?" He asked her, the first he'd spoken for days - maybe longer, even. "Jou are nawt harmed?" @Blinded By Silence


Stew Aficionado
Lightningdash's HP is at 0! She would like the assistance of a medicine cat!

Lightningdash had been preoccupied with the orange she-cat, tangling her claws into the short fur and down into skin - but she didn't even suspect that another StoneClan cat would be waiting behind her, lurking in the shadows and quiet amidst the roaring battle between Clans that went on around them. She felt herself being pulled away from the orange she-cat who'd attacked her and she felt herself hit the ground with a heavy weight being applied to her body. She felt one of her paws twist and another leg crumpled under the weight - was this what it felt like to have a tree fall on you?!

"Strongclaw!" She cried out to her mate. She couldn't walk to him, but he was as his namesake. Surely he could carry her out of the battle! Or to find Errol, so that their medicine cat could patch her up again. She had to be able to get back out there. She looked up to the two StoneClan cats with a glare. They had the audacity to be having a moment out in the middle of the battle - right after they'd made her lame! "Let me be - you've rendered me useless so I'm no threat to you... Let me go. Please." She wanted to live to see her hunk of a tomcat again.

@Blinded By Silence - Talking to Flashpaw
@PeterPan_da144 - Calling to Strongclaw


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4
Spiderbite is attacking Sharptongue! He fails!

HP: 10

Spiderbite had been asked to join the battle patrol and with one look at his mate and kits, he turned and set out. He'd caught glimpses of StoneClan cats on the way over, but once he was in the camp, there were so many to choose from to attack! Was there meant to be any order to it? No, no, - he had to stop worrying about the particulars of it all! Just attack, Spiderbite! He told himself and he launched himself at the first cat he saw, a heavyset brown she-cat with a nasty look about her. He hoped that this attack wouldn't be his last - he wanted to return to Firedust's side and to do that, TreeClan had to win! Alas, he felt his paws graze over her fur, barely doing more than a tap against her side.

Looking down at his paws, he found that his claws were sheathed comfortably in his paws. He looked up sheepishly at the she-cat.
"Can I, uh, try that again?" He asked dumbly.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4
Sharptongue is attacking Spiderbite! She fails!

HP: 10

Sharptongue had been having rotten luck all day. First, she couldn't catch prey, then she had to get in trouble with Strikedrop. Then, she was chased off of TreeClan's territory by TreeClan and they'd followed her all the way back to her camp and now, she was cornered by a familiar-looking TreeClan cat. She had turned his way when he'd bumped her with his paw, expecting to see a Clanmate and instead she found herself looking face to face with a warrior who didn't know how claws worked. But that pelt... where did she...

"Hey, hold on, before you go trying again, did you used to live in the Twoleg den with the maple tree out front? It had an orange roof?" She asked. Based on the bewildered expression on the tom's face, she nodded. "I thought so. I lived across the street, at the house with the green roof and the white little dog? Mhm, that was me! I never forget a weird looking cat - no offense. Actually, wait, big offense! You were trying to hurt me!" She said and thrust her paws forward in an attempt to push the tomcat backwards, only to push and push, but he just didn't budge! "What are you, rooted to the ground?!" She said, retracting her paws and leaning back with a large sigh.

"Well, now we can both be embarrassed." She huffed. "Let's go, uh, just turn around and fight other cats. You turn around first, though." She told the tomcat, who's name she couldn't remember, though it was itching at the back of her mind. She'd wake up in the middle of the night screaming it, she just knew it.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 15
Gullscreech is attacking Honeypaw! He succeeds!
(He does 5 damage!)

HP: 10

Gullscreech didn't know why TreeClan was attacking, but he had very little on his mind these days. He couldn't comprehend the actions of their leader Sunseer, nor could he understand why Skysong, a she-cat who could easily overtake the Clan, was waiting paw and whisker on an elderly, blind tomcat. He had joined StoneClan once, believing that it was a great Clan, but now, looking at all the cats who he was meant to call his Clanmates and not really knowing any of them, it didn't feel great at all. It felt crowded.

It was worse with TreeClan here, which meant that they had to go. Gullscreech didn't like being raound this many cats if he had to. Maybe he should've joined a smaller Clan, further away. If there was such a thing to begin with. Turning his head, he picked a long-furred she-cat out of the group and advanced on her.

"It's time for you and your Clanmates to leave." He growled at her, his voice low and gravelly. Striking out a lightning fash claw, he moved to catch it against her flank, scratching deep into her fluffy pelt. @I--LiveWire--I


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 17 17
Dappleleaf is attacking Gullscreech! He succeeds!
(He does 5 damage to Gullscreech!)

HP: 10

Dappleleaf had been both proud and worried when his apprentice had been called to the battle patrol by Sunflight. He'd been trying to keep his eyes on her the entire time that they were in the battle. He turned his head away just once, to see if he could hear who had called for Sunflight's aid - which of her children, for surely it must have been one of the two who had come with them. Brave little tykes, but for what benefit, when one of them made a sound like that?

When he returned his gaze to Honeypaw to speak words of encouragment, he saw a tomcat attacking her and he yowled, rushing at the tomcat in an attempt to shove him back into the fighting and away from his apprentice.

"Get away from my apprentice!" He snarled, eyes flashing and claws slashing.

@I--LiveWire--I - Dappleleaf is coming to Honeypaw's aid!


Stew Aficionado

HP: 10

Dustfeather had volunteered to join the battle patrol, even though his seasons had begun to catch up with him. Had any of his kits been thinking about joining, he would've bade them to stay home, but it seemed as though he was the only one of his family to join the fight. Very well. They were always more at home in the trees and if StoneClan came to the Nest, then his family would take out their warriors by having the advantage.

He was so disappointed in Sunseer for condoning the actions of prey stealers. He suspected that if Sunseer had come in peace to speak about a prey shortage, then Sunflight would've been more than amiable to the elderly leader. Instead, it had come to this.

I think it's time for that old man to retire. He thought grimly as he found a place on the rocky cliffs of StoneClan to sit upon and watch the battle. If anyone came up to him, he'd fight back, but right now... he just couldn't find the energy to stand up and fight against the cats who had used to be his Clanmates... or well, most of them. There were well half the cats in this group that he didn't recognize at all.

Oh, Sunseer, just what have you turned StoneClan into? He thought miserably. This is no better than a rat's nest in terms of organization. I can see it plainly. Dustfeather sighed and shook his head. What a sorry state this Clan is in.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 12 12
Lynxstride is attacking Poppyheart! He succeeds!
(He does 5 damage to Poppyheart!)

Lynxstride had volunteered for the battle patrol, having always been a fighter like his father. He'd been eager, in fact, at the prospect of showing his skills in battle. Once he saw that both of his parents were joining him in battle, as well as one of his little sisters, he felt all the more determined to ensure that everyone come home safely.

He had hoped that his parents would be keeping an eye on Mosspaw, but as he stared out across at the battle, he saw Branchtail coming out of battle and his mother ensnared within it. Then, he spotted his young sister, clawing at the paws of another warrior. How could she think to fight a warrior n her own?!

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" He growled at the mottled she-cat, moving to slash her pelt before he moved to step over his sister, pushing Mosspaw underneath him with his front paw - she was getting bigger, soon he wouldn't be able to do this protecting maneuver with her anymore. "I suspected StoneClan was honor-less when you came to steal prey from us, but putting yourself at odds with an apprentice over a warrior, that's a true mark of a villain." He said bearing his teeth at the she-cat across from him, his tail bushed out and lashing from one side to the other. @PeterPan_da144


Grizzled Veteran

Puddlepaw looked over his shoulder and was relieved to to see the back off his grandmother, Poppyheart. Unfortunately, with that relief his adrenaline died down and he could once again feel the sting of the wound the young she-cat had given him. He could tell the she-cat, who introduce herself as Mosspaw of TreeClan, was trying to remain self-assured in the front of Poppyheart. His ear flicked as as she once mentioned "prey stealing." What kind of blockhead would be dumb enough to anger our closest neighbors? Puddlepaw certainly hadn't heard any whispers of this. He once again scowled. Actually, he could think of a few cocky blockheads.

Puddlepaw met Mosspaw's eye from behind his grandmother, "If prey-stealing happened, why didn't TreeClan say anything the previous time it occurred?" he meowed indignantly. Puddlepaw clearly remembered a line in StoneClan's Warrior's code which he had recently memorized, "Blood does not need to be spilled when words can fix the problem." "Isn't it the just thing to do to use your words before your claws?" His fur bristles in anger. "Have the grown-ups of your clan forgotten this or does TreeClan not have such a code?" he spat.



Stew Aficionado

HP: 10

Mudripple had gone into battle because she had a mate and kits to protect. She was so grateful that they weren't apprentice aged yet. She couldn't see any of them going into battle. She could see other apprentices going into battle, however. Thrushpaw and Larkpaw, the leaders kits and then Mosspaw from Branchtail and Nutpelt. Ever since Softfeather had had her own litter, Mudripple had become very good at remembering the names of all of the youth in TreeClan and her motherly protective urge s caused her to put them first, even in the heat of the battle.

So when Thrushpaw's cry rang out, Mudripple was there, snarling at the pale half-pelt defensively as she picked up the limp body of Thrushpaw. She raised her head over the crowd, searching. Sunflight was there, making her way towards her, but the TreeClan leader paused when she saw Mudripple holding Thrushpaw by the scruff. A nod was exchanged, a look of determination and dire consequence if Mudripple should fail and then Sunflight turned away, continuing her pursuit of the StoneClan leader.

I've got you, Thrushpaw. Mudripple thought. I'll get you to Errol and he'll patch you up. Your mothers will want you home in one piece and I'm going to do everything I can to see that happen.

@NatiStorm Mudripple is there to see Thrushpaw to Errol... if she can find him.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 20 20
@belloblossom Skysong is attacking Lynxstride! She succeeds, hitting for 5 damage!

Skysong had been out on a training patrol with Skypaw and Rainpaw, spending the late afternoon teaching them about the dangers and benefits of the river that lived by their side. The white she-cat was... happy. The happiest she'd been in a long time, maybe. Having kits in her life, and so many of them, it softened her hard edges, wearing her down like a sharp stone made smooth over time.

But those soft moments were private, seen only in glances thought unseen and mumbled words into the warm sleeping fur of Siltwater's kits. To everyone else, she was just as rough and callous, her eyes still cold and unimpressed. The most they'd see is how much busier she was, what with the kits taking up so much of her time now.

Not that they were kits any longer. She looked over her shoulder, a bright ember of pride glowing in her chest at the sight of the two sisters side-by-side. They'd make fine warriors one day, she could tell.

But then, a yowl cut through the evening air, ending her happy moment like teeth in prey's throat.

She held up her tail, signaling them to stop, her ears swiveling to catch the sounds. A fight had broken loose. Something was wrong.

"Stay here," She ordered the two young cats, concern flashing in her eyes, "Do not leave this spot until I come to collect you." They were good kits, they would obey her.

She ran up along the river, water splashing from her wet paws. Her eyes were wide as she took in the growing battle, the scent of blood and pine thick in her nose. What in SunClan was going on!? Icy eyes flicked over tumbling cats, catching movement, she saw Duskpaw running off to the Leader's Den.

"Duskpaw!" She called up to him as she stopped by the Stones, "He's not there! He went to the Sunspot, he's back by the river! Go get him! Now!" And with the order given, she plunged into the fray.

She saw Dandelionclaw protecting the nursery, with an inaudible sigh of relief, she gave him a nod of thanks as she pushed onward. Poppyheart's tail flicked past her and she followed it, watching as her old apprentice stepped in to break up a fight between newer, younger apprentices. She followed suit, , digging her teeth into the scruff of a blue-spotted apprentice, pulling her off of Earthpaw.

Stepping between the two, she hissed, "Stop this! What in the sun's above is going on here?" She turned to Popppyheart, hoping she had an answer, just in time to watch her get jumped by some brutish tom! Skysong wouldn't hurt an apprentice, but she had no qualms about flashing her claws over this disrespectful tom's nose!

"Are you blind? She's done no such thing!" She growled, no one talked to her apprentices like that! "And you call this honorable? Bringing an unprovoked battle into my camp? We have kits and mothers here! Elders!"

Skysong (Adult)
HP: 10
To Hit: 10+
Damage: 5

@belloblossom [ Skysong gave orders to Duskpaw, attacked and addressed Lynxstride! ]
@PeterPan_da144 [ Skysong stepped in to defend Poppyheart! ]
@Absolutiones[ Skysong stepped in to defend Earthpaw! ]
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Stew Aficionado

HP: 5

Confusion was clear on her face as the TreeClan apprentice spoke up. "Stealing prey? What are you talking about?" But then there was a tom who slashed out at her next, making her yelp and stumble back in fear. "I did no such thing! I simply pulled them apart! They are still practically kits, for SunClan sake!"

She pushed Puddlepaw behind her even as the apprentice spoke, and was grateful when the deputy appeared. "Skysong! They say we've stolen prey!" Poppyheart huffed as she flattened her fur slightly. "I can't even begin to imagine what made them think so! But all I did was step in-between two fighting apprentices! I swear!"

@Blinded By Silence @belloblossom @Umbrefox
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Stew Aficionado

HP: 2

Mosspaw flattened herself to the ground with relief when her older brother, Lynxstride came to her defense, but she had noticed too... the she-cat warrior hadn't been attacking her back. She peered with wide green eyes up at the she-cat. Had they met under different circumstances, Mosspaw would've told her she was pretty. The tomcat apprentice that crept out from under out behind her was pretty too... but his angry squeaking and the words he spat at her were ugly and mean.

"You don't know what you're talking about, you dumb birdbrain! You've got fluff for thoughts if you think that you've got any say in this - the only thing you should be saying to TreeClan is that you're sorry!" She growled, sticking her head out from under the safety of her brother. "We DID tell your cats off - if you didn't spend so much time getting mud in your ears, maybe you would've heard us!" Her claws slid out in frustration, tearing at the ground beneath her. "If you don't know what you're talking about and you're not apologizing then... then shut up, you meanie dung-head!" She snarled and then gasped immediately ashamed of herself. She'd never used such foul language and worse yet, another she-cat she didn't recognize had arrived right as she'd insulted the other apprentice.

Shrinking back under Lynxstride's white belly, she tried to curl in on herself. Shooting on last look at the apprentice she muttered.
"Sorry... but you deserved it. We didn't start this fight, you did." It was a half apology, her mother would've pointed out if she'd been here, but Nutpelt wasn't here, her brother was and Mosspaw's head was becoming dizzy with the scent of blood in the air. "You guys still need to apologize, too." She said, before ducking her way under her brother and turning her back on the group, trusting Lynxstride to protect her.

@Umbrefox - Mosspaw is arguing with Puddlepaw.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 14

@belloblossom Flashpaw is attacking Sprucetail! She hits for 5 damage!

Flashpaw spat out a mouthful of fur and blood and jumped off the yellow she-cat, "It was one mouse! Squirrels don't even eat mice, you're fighting over nothing! Greedybelly!"

She'd been about to leap at the whiny warrior again when Steadypaw came out of nowhere and SQUASHED her!

"Oh man, that was clever! You really know how to throw your weight around, don'tcha, Steadypaw! Good going!" She purred at his question, licking the blood from her mouth, "Oh yeah, I'm fine. This isn't mine." She tilted her head at him, "You seem okay too. That's good. Honestly, I don't think I could carry you to the medicine cat den, big guy." She rolls her eyes at the groveling Lightningdash, "Yeah, yeah. You better stay down, dumb squirrel. Some of us aren't so nice." Turning her attention back to the very impressive Steadypaw, she grins excitedly, nearly bouncing on her paws, "Come on, let's do that again! I'll distract them, and you SQUASH'EM! That was so cool."

Flashpaw didn't wait for the tom to answer, she turned her head, spotted her next victim and bolted. Swift as can be, she barreled into the unsuspecting TreeClan cat, latching on to them with claws and fangs, yowling like a banshee all the way.

@belloblossom [ Flashpaw interacted with Lightningdash and Steadypaw! And attacked Sprucetail! ]

Flashpaw (Adult)
HP: 10
To Hit: 10+
Damage: 5
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 19 19
Lynxstride is attacking Skysong! He succeeds!
(He does 5 damage!)

HP: 5

Lynxstride had been staring down the she-cat who'd gotten in the way of the apprentices fighting and inclined his head towards her in a hesitant nod.
"Thank... you." He finally said. "Though in this battle, if they don't fight against each other, they'll fight against warriors. If it weren't for StoneClan, this fight wouldn't be happening at all." He said solemnly. "So in this way, I think while your heart is in the right place now, you should've done your part in stopping your Clanmates before it got to this point."

As another she-cat approached, one that he knew by his parents descriptions as Skysong, the deputy of the Clan, he ducked down. Mosspaw was going off at the apprentice and now wasn't the time as his blood dripped onto the dirt floor. He stood up and lashed out a claw in a wide arch, trying to get the deputy to give him some space - and if he hit her in the process, then good! A wound for a wound.

"You're Skysong, aren't you? Always heard you were distant from your Clanmates from my father, Branchtail. I didn't realize you were so disconnected that you didn't know that your own warriors were stealing prey from over TreeClans borders." He spat at her. "If you really don't know about it, then what have you been doing all this time? TreeClan connects to the loners and kittypets we allow in to ensure that they respect us and respect the Warrior Code, but your Snarlpaw was a grown cat when she came into our territory not once, but twice, to steal our prey!" Lynxstride huffed, blood running into his eyes and his anger rose. "My parents used to be apart of StoneClan, when you first came down from the mountain. Thank the Sun that they left, if this is the ruin that you've fallen into!" He drew himself upright.

"Take a good long look at your Clanmates around you and decide if you want to keep fighting when you're clearly in the wrong - if you want to keep taking innocent lives." He shot a look at the warrior who'd come to defend the apprentices and then back at Skysong. "Before you come at TreeClan for defending ourselves and upholding the Code. Words didn't work, so we have a right to defend what is ours." Bending his head while maintaining eye contact with Skysong, he picked up Mosspaw by her scruff and was relieved when she didn't struggle - she must've been afraid and he couldn't blame her. He took a step back, ready to back away into the fray and find someplace for Mosspaw to hunker down away from the fighting.

@Blinded By Silence - Lynxstride is attacking and addressing Skysong!
@PeterPan_da144 - Lynxstride is addressing Poppyheart!

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 9 9
@NatiStorm Talonfang is attacking Yarrowbloom! He misses!

Talonfang hissed as claws tore over his eye, his claws dug deeper into the squirming grey cat.

"One rabbit or twelve, I dun' give a rat's ass. Ya rocks-fer-brains don't fuckin' listen! So now we gotta make ya!"

He lunged at the tom's throat, fangs bared and eager for blood when another cat came barreling into him. He screeched, rolling in the dust.

He stood and spat, that low growl winding up in his chest, glaring at her with one useable eye, "Ya next, sweet thing? Wait yer turn, little molly, I'll get ya yer stripes in no time."

@PeterPan_da144 [ Talonfang is threatening Snowyowl! ]

Talonfang (Adult)
HP: 5
To Hit: 10+
Damage: 5
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Stew Aficionado

HP: 10

Duskpaw had stopped short when he heard his name being called and turned to see Skysong. Hearing that Sunseer was at the Sunspot - now, of all times?! - he nodded to her and turned on his back legs, running in the opposite direction. Managing to avoid the fighting so far, he rushed towards the Sunspot and stalled when he started getting too close. This was a place for leaders and medicien cats to tread, not strays, he knew.

But he also knew that StoneClan needed their leader, so maybe SunClan could forgive him for stepping onto their sacred ground this once. Hurrying along the ground which did seem to feel warmer under his paws, he called out for his leader.

"Sunseer!" He turned and saw the black outline of the old leader and rushed to his side. "Sunseer, you have to come! TreeClan is attacking StoneClan!" He mewed hurriedly, reaching out a paw to shake his leader gently, but urgently, to make his point. "Please, Sunseer! I - I don't know what to do!"

@Blinded By Silence - Duskpaw acknowledged Skysong and addressing Sunseer, frantically.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 6 6
@Blinded By Silence Yarrowbloom is attacking Talonfang! He misses!

"Hey! Eyes back on me! Leave her out of this! I'm the one who messed up!" Yarrowbloom meowed quickly stepping in front of Snowyowl. He hadn't regretted his actions until the moment he saw Snowyowl in danger. Keeping his eyes on the foul mouthed TreeClan warrior he spoke over his shoulder to Snowyowl.

"I'm so sorry Snowyowl. We messed up." His pinned back ears dropped downwards. "Snarlpaw was so convincing, we all decided to go along with her plan. It was just one rabbit and they weren't hunting on the ground anyways. I take responsibility for this cats hostile actions, this is my fight, not yours. I deserve whatever happens here." The words tumbled out of his mouth as he tried to explain over the sounds of the battle raging around them. "I never thought this would happen. I just wanted to make you proud." His last sentence was more of a plea for understanding than anything else.

Yarrowbloom (Adult)
HP: 5
To Hit: 10+
Damage: 5

( @PeterPan_da144 Yarrowbloom is talking to Snowyowl)
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