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[Nightday Circus] The Haunted House


Grizzled Veteran
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Username: Revel
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count:

I'm Ready!

Username: Revel
Pony: Garjana
Answer Picked: D. Look inside the bookcase

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Garjana hadn't wanted to go into the haunted house, not after what happened this time last year but the pony that had rescued her back then had convinced her to face her fears and at the time, it had sounded like a good idea, but now she was here and she wasn't sure. She noted that before getting into their groups, a lot of ponies had jumped at the sight of her, taking her for part of the experience, until they'd seen her sign up at least. her snakes hadn't helped by hissing at anyone who got too close either, until she'd had to scold them and threaten them with not being fed later.

She'd squeaked a little when ponies ran at her and her group, her snakes had hissed menacingly but she'd turned on her heel and run with the others, she knew she wasn't allowed to fight, that reasonably, these were actors... right? She slowed her breathing down and laughed at herself a little, of course it was all fake... she had nothing to be scared of and she definitely was NOT going to be trying on any weird jewellery this time...nope.

By the time they'd entered the room Garjana was finally calming down, but only momentarily as one pony said the door was locked? ... Trapped? she fought the rising panic, especially when another pony sensibly mentioned that they'd probably have to find a key .. of course, was this an escape room haunted house then? She looked about the room at the options. Bookcase... yes, there were always secret doorways among bookcases in stories... right?


Stew Aficionado
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Username: Natty-chan
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

Username: Natty-chan
Pony: Reaper
Answer Picked: D

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Reaper didn't seem too impressed when he stepped into the Haunted House, the creaking floorboards was a little too cliche for his taste. The sound of a mass of hooves though was new to him though, same with the shadow displayed in the stairs... if it was a display at all. So far, it wasn't that great of an attraction, but he had already waited for hours to get inside so he wasn't going to turn back any time soon.

In the next room, he slowly walked around to peer at everything set up, being mindful of all the other ponies currently crammed in there with him. The Pegacorn believed that this was just a little gathering point, a little scene where the group could see something move without being touched... maybe an odd shadow. Little things to stir up confusion and doubt before they moved to the next room. So far, it seemed just like that until the word got out that the next door was locked. Interesting. Usually the path to the next destination is obvious, but it seems that this was a different case. Maybe this was an interactive situation, watching the other ponies around start to search around the room. He'll play his part, maybe there would be a reward for finding the key first. The bookshelf looked like a good spot to check. Trotting over, he searched through the individual shelves at first to see if he could spot it immediately, before using his magic to move and check each book as well... also being sure to put them right back where they were once he was done.


Meta Post!

Username: Fuzzy-Corgi
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

Username: Fuzzy-Corgi
Pony: Reminiscent Dream
Answer Picked: C. Look inside the china cabinets

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

'What on Earth convinced me to come to a Haunted House' - Remi thought to himself, nervously shuffling his way into the large haunted house with his small group of friends. The stallion couldn't contain a small yelp when the door slammed behind them, and his head spun trying to keep up with the noises within the house. 'Its just actors...its just actors...' Remi repeated to himself quietly, though it did nothing to calm the pounding heart in his chest.

Remi was no stranger to nightmares, most nights his head was filled with deep, indepth dreams. This often resulted in Remi being withdrawn, quiet and anxious. The nightmares had mostly been replaced with tranquil ones since he had fallen for his mate, Azure, though he was still working on his nerves. Going to a haunted house was definitely a big step, though if it was in the right direction - Remi wasn't so sure.

He had become intrigued when the NightDay Circus popped up again. Like many others, Remi had heard grand tales from their grandparents about it. It was meant to be a night eating sweets and winning prizes - maybe take in a small ride or two. He didnt even know the haunted house was open! His grandmother had only briefly described it, telling Remi how it was shuttered before she had the chance to enjoy it.

Yet...something had called to Remi. Something that he couldn't pinpoint, yet had called him to check it out. When Remi stubbornly suggested to his small group they join the line to check it out, his peers met him with surprised looks before cheering with excitement and agreeing.

Now inside, listening to rustling sounds and the sounds of the old house, Remi regretted it. This was definitely going to increase the intensity of his nightmares. Another door slammed,and a pony spoke about possibly needing a key in order to proceed. 'Great...' Remi thought, 'Now we're trapped here..', nearly forgetting that this was just an attraction. A pair of China cabinets caught Remi's attention, filled with various oddities and he began me to closely examine the contents.


Meta Post!

Username: medigel
Meta Profile: xxx

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

: medigel
Pony: Persephone Pyrefly
Answer Picked: H

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Persephone had been vibrating. Not metaphorically, but quite literally. Newly adulted, she couldn't have asked for better timing of the Nightday Circus to sweep through Everchange. It was almost like a birthday present, just for her! And it was one of the few events that Lady Hellebore actually seemed to be okay with to boot!! Everything was going to be PERFECT!

They could have made her wait a thousand years, and she still would have been as excited then as she was now, bouncing about her mother and tittering about things she had seen at the circus grounds. And the food!! She had never had carnival food before, and it was absolutely delightful!! Had the Lady tried this, or that, or have some of these, or...

One wondered how she was capable of moving after the amount Persephone had put away by the time they were allowed in.

Eyes wide, the pixie stuck to Lady Hellebore as they drank in the first room. So many things to explore, what to do first?! And other enthusiasts were there as well, some in forms she had never seen before. "I agree!" she chirped at the diamond winged pony by the record player. "Music is super duper important! Let me know if you need help!" She had absolutely no experience with the technology, but certainly a lot of energy to lend a hoof.

Speaking of...Mama seemed to want to check the other doors, so Persephone decided to help her out first. There wasn't a lot of weight behind her despite the food, but the pixie did her best to shoulder into a door next to the one the kitsune had targeted. "If they're all locked, do we have to pick them? Like thieves?" she asked the Lady with childish glee. "Maybe the House wants to play games with us!" She winced as she peeled away from the door and returned to her side, adding, "Mama, are those alicorns over there?? Oh my gosh..."

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signed an NDA
Staff member
Round one is CLOSED. Do not post until next part is posted!


signed an NDA
Staff member
Prompt Two!

A. Look on the table. - You earned 1 raffle ticket and 1 Specter Ticket!
B. Look under the rug. - You earned 1 raffle ticket and 2 Specter Tickets!
C. Look inside the china cabinets - You earned 1 raffle ticket and 1 Specter Ticket!
D. Look inside the bookcase - You earned 3 Raffle Tickets and 3 Specter Tickets!
E. Look around the loveseat - You earned 1 Raffle Tickets and no Specter Tickets!
F. Look at the record player - You earned 2 Raffle Tickets and 1 Specter Ticket!
G. Look around the window - You earned 2 raffle tickets and 1 Specter Ticket!
H. Slam into the door you haven't come through - You earned no Raffle Tickets, but 2 Specter Tickets!
There is nothing of note on the table, aside from strange claw marks in the center. It looks old, as if the table was acquired with the marks themselves, as dirt and age wore through the marks.
The rug is eventually pulled back by the numerous investigators, revealing a small picture. Someone picks it up, grimacing. A family of Dragons can be seen; two adults and two children. Their eyes are scribbled over, an old cliché horror that spooks a few within the group.
The china cabinets reveal nothing but a tiny porcelain Unicorn doll, broken at the hinges.
The loveseat creaks against those who investigate it and, with a dull clatter, a knife falls from one of the cushions. It's... plastic! It's unsure if it's a prop or something a previous party had shoved into the loveseat for fun, as it looks fairly new and honestly out of place. The handle is even neon pink!
The record player, on its own, slips its hand onto the record that had been placed within. The sound of corrupted and distorted music plays, skipping here and there. It abruptly stops when a pony reaches to it.
The window has the same claw marks the table did, old and decrepit. Spiderwebs lay in the corners.
Several ponies poke around the bookcase, and at first it seems all for nothing. In fact, as time passes several ponies realize none of the other locations generated a key of any form. This is part of the tour, right? Someone pokes around, removing a book that look neither incredible or unique in any way. A click can be heard, directing everyone's attention. Slowly, it begins to creak open, pulling into the wall to reveal a large and dark doorway.
Light flickers within the doorway and suddenly it's illuminated, revealing candles perched on ancient stone walls. It's a tiny corridor, and at end is a cellar door. An open cellar door. The sounds of subtle protest from the group is justifiable, but there's always those who seek thrill. A few ponies immediately made for the door, laughing to themselves. As they descend into the cellar those left behind hear a small gasp, followed by delighted excitement. It seems the only way forward is down.
The cellar is a large room, lined with coffins. Candles illuminate the cold stone room. A few red loveseats can be found against the walls, and a long red rug runs down the middle of the room. A large coffin can be found at the end of the rug, where a coffin stands. It creaks open, long claws curling around the lid before peeling it off to reveal....
A Vampire Dragon. Pale with dark hair, the Dragon emits a groan, making a show of yawning as they step out of the coffin. "Who disturbs my slumber?" He barks, looking at the group.
"Oh." He sounds genuinely surprised. "There's a lot of you this time -- I mean, yes, welcome to my lair. You're searching for the key, aren't you? Well, I've taken it, and only the worthy may find it! Show me your worth. There are five coffins, pick one and hope one of my own aren't waiting for you instead."
Well, you heard the man. Go lift some coffin lids.
Remember to RP out your response, and indicate which option you took. The next round will begin on October 5th, 5pm EST.
A. The dark coffin with gold trim. There's rustling coming from inside....
B. The tiny coffin with runes carved into the lid.
C. The coffin with a Mau statue on top.
D. The coffin by the cellar entry, it's abnormally long.
E. The red and black coffin. Rustling is coming from inside....
F. Yell at the vampire for the key, or just to yell at him.
G. Look inside the vampires coffin.

One Little Jay

Grizzled Veteran
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Username: One little Jay
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 2

I'm Ready!

: One little Jay
Pony: Mister Danger Man
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count:1[/B]

Danger looked thoughtfully at the coffins, before coming up to the small one, if it was a key he was after it shouldnt need much room and he thought the others were big and there was probably someone waiting to pop out and scare him.


Grizzled Veteran
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Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count:1

I'm Ready!

: Cheyriddle4
Pony: Cert + Uncert
Answer Picked: E

Current Raffle Ticket Count:1

Cordelia follows the group and listens. The things said makes her very uncomfortable as she glances at the different coffins. She decides to go towards a black and red coffin. Her ears pick up rustling and she knows in that moment she picked wrong. The Rustling makes her afraid but she made her choice and if there is a chance that it could hold the key then she has to check. "When you know you are wrong but you do stupid decisions anyway...". She opens the coffin and waits pretty sure she is gonna be dead meat.


Grizzled Veteran
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Username: Joshuality
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 1

I'm Ready!

: Joshuality
Pony: Poveglia
Answer Picked: D - Abnormally long coffin

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 2

When the record player began to play of it's own accord, Poveglia was just even more intrigued. It could've been a plant by the workers, or just maybe... Poveglia's hunch was right. However, the second they reached toward the record player to further inspect it, the player stopped. "How curious," they whispered to themself. If it truly were something planted, how could it have stopped at that exact moment? Sure, you might call it a coincidence but Poveglia knew otherwise.

A click catches Poveglia's attention then, and they turn to watch a doorway slooowly creak open to reveal a spooky hallway. How inviting. The dark hybrid perked up their ears and trotted forward, just tailing a few curious youngins. They press on like this, through another door and down the stairs to the cellar. Once there, they are greeted by some vampiric dragon and introduced to his little game.

Seemed easy enough. Pick a coffin, find the key. With the whole lot of them together, it should surely take no time. Poveglia observed their surrounding options, and most of them looked quite fancy. An array of sizes and colors, how could they know which one to choose? Poveglia's eyes caught on a curiously long coffin by the entrance. "Must be," they said, taking in a deep breath and strutting towards it.
Meta Post!

: Valdmir Talamore
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 2

I'm Ready!

: Valdmir Talamore
Pony: Mayhem
Answer Picked: E

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

After shaking off his run in with the door Mayhem grumbled at Danger and Danger lended him his snake named Mayhem after yours truely. Hopefully this snake could help him figure out his way through the house a little better. "My worth?" Mayhem grumbled. "Set this place on fire and show you my worth." He huffed before moving around to look into the coffins as the speaker has instructed. The snake hissed at Mayhem just as he was about to walk into a coffin so he moved his way around that one if couldn't be the first one he ran into right? He walked a bit passing some of the silent coffins he couldn't really see them after all. His ears perked to the sound of rustling. Well keys don't make sound but following the sound had brought him to a coffin. His hoof searched for the lid and pushed it open just kinda almost exspecting something to jump out at him. "Dont't spook and set this place one fire." He whispered to himself not wanting to get in that much trouble. Though it had already been far to long since he had burned something!!!

Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
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Username: Jackariah Beckett
Meta Profile: link

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

: Jackariah Beckett
Pony: Ginevra
Answer Picked: A

Ginerva walked into the haunted house and heard rustling in the cellar. She peeked her head in just in time to hear the dragon in the coffin spout his task to the ponies listening. Ooooooo, just in time! she thought to herself as she slank into the crowd and started contemplating her options. She itched to open one that moved, her curiosity almost overpowering. But her task was a key, and keys dont move.... do they? She stepped closer to the coffin with the gold trim, certainly it was too easy, the last thing she wanted was to choose the preverbal chalice that melted her skin off. She eyed the dragon, almost wishing she had the guts to yell at him to give her the key. With one last breath for luck, she lifted a paw to lift the lid rimmed with gold trim. Her curiosity possibly her doom

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0


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Username: AlicornPlayhouse
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3

I'm Ready!

: AlicornPlayhouse
Pony: Momo
Answer Picked: G

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 3

As some of the group went off wandering for the coffins the vampire dragon had gestured to, Momo got a bit of a different idea. Specters and creatures were tricksters, right? Why would one of their kind hide such a treasure where they couldn't defend it! It must be in his own coffin, correct? The others must be a distraction! She held her head up high, her wings giving a little flutter as she sauntered off towards his coffin. It was in fact an escape room haunted house, so.. he couldn't ACTUALLY hurt her while she tried to look into his coffin, right? At worst she'd just be wrong.. right?


Grizzled Veteran
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Username: Reoakee
Meta Profile: Moon Belle Charm's profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 1 Specter Ticket!

I'm Ready!

Username: Reoakee
Pony: Moon Belle Charm
Answer Picked: G. Look inside the vampires coffin.

Current Raffle Ticket Count:[/B] 1 raffle ticket

The broken doll was a disappointment but fit with the theme of the house. The click and shifting made her look back in time to see the cellar door open. Following the group down the coffins she found a bit bizarre but when they opened and a vampire dragon came out she was tempted to giggle. The other coffin's certainly looked like they were home to a number of things a key included but had the vampire taken it his coffin should have it. Moving toward his coffin she helped the others search careful not to touch the vampire actor on her way past. After all she didn't want to put him off his game as he lookee


Meta Post!

Username: Lady Angel Heart
Meta Profile: link please

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3 +

I'm Ready!

: Lady Angel Heart
Pony: Saga
Answer Picked:
C. The coffin with a Mau statue on top.

Current Raffle Ticket Count[/B]: 3 +

Well her prediction was correct in some sense. The key wasnt hidden inside a book no but a book did get them out of the room. It just so happened to be one of those secret door situations where you pull a book and it opens a passage. Saga rolled her eyes at the ponies who charged head first into the unknown thats always how people end up disappearing in those horror movies. When they entered the cellar the actor stepped from the coffin she made note of how they broke character, amateur move. Still Saga welcomed the idea of another puzzle. Five coffins? Well if you counted the one the man stood infront of there were actually six. Perhaps that was the clue. Afterall he did say that he took them so it would make sense they would actually be in his coffin or on his person. However the task was to search on of the five presented coffins. This was quite the conundrum. Follow instructions.. or choose the most logical option that was not part of the instructions. Most of the coffin options were obviously a trap with someone waiting inside of them. The smallest would be the best place to hide keys but they were not looking for the keys but.. something to make them worthy? How does opening a coffin prove you are worthy? Well she supposed if any of these were to stand out it would be the one with the Mau sitting above it. Anyone who appreciated the fine feline creatures was worthy in her book. She walked over and pulled open the door to the coffin. If anyone were to try and scare her from inside they would be throughly disappointed. The only thing scary around here was the amount of dust.
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Long-Term Resident
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Username: Straye
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: +2

I'm Ready!

: Straye
Pony: Lady Hellebore Grace Cert | Uncert
Answer Picked: H

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Option Chosen: F - Yell At the Vampire

The day so far had been intriguing.

The Lady was certain that in her youth she had experienced joy like she saw on the face of her young ward. A few short Seasons ago, Lady Hellebore Grace would have been infuriated by the consistent vibration of the young pixie - but after so much time in her company, the kitsune knew it was simply her nature; and more than that, she cherished her wonder.

While the girl had reached adulthood, the Lady still felt immensely protective of her; perhaps because she was the one thing in this world she loved, or because her childlike wonder made it so easy to worry. Despite the depth of her concern, she tried to keep her distance and let the girl explore and experience what life had to offer her.

Some days, that was harder than others; but every sweet "Mama" renewed her determination and reminded her why she strove to be better than who she'd once been.

When the doors closed on them; a cursory glance had told her that her little firefly was still with her and she knew that she was safe within the room to explore and search. When her orb rolled back to her, the door unaffected, her eyes turned to the others searching. A smile tugged at her lips, watching Persephone try to open the doors with her tiny little form.

Even as an adult, she was so much smaller and more fragile than other ponies, and it did nothing to stem the maternal instinct in Hellebore.

When the click rang out in the room and the hidden pathway opened, Hellebore's ears perked up and she gently nosed some hair out of Persephone's eyes, "Let's see what adventure is waiting for us, little Firefly." she beckoned, making her way towards the newly opened doorway.


As they entered the cellar and she took in their surroundings, eyes scanning over the loveseats and the images, she considered the puzzle laid out before them. As she passed each coffin, she paused to observe it - from two she heard rustling. "There were four dragons in the painting upstairs... two adults. Two children. Taking the one before us into consideration, and the two coffins making sounds, the smallest one, and the long one seem to be the outliers... However..." Hellebore turned sharp eyes on the vampire.

Another young pixie, though long legged and bold, was trying to look into the Vampire's already open casket. It was an intriguing idea. "Perhaps if I yell at him, I can lure him from his coffin, and stir up whatever is in the coffins around us to give us a better idea of what's we're looking for." Turning her head, she nosed Persephone. "Little firefly, do you see that little pixie over there? I suspect her idea of where to look may bear fruit. I am going to try to lure that big Vampire from his resting place and see if I can't help her get a better look. Will you sneak around to let her know for Mama?" She asked, tails swaying behind her.

She turned her eyes to the vampire, inhaled deeply, and summoned the darker Hellebore Grace she'd once been.

"And who do You presume to be, Oh Great Dragon? To question our Worth and taunt us with specters rustling in the dark? You want to see my Worth? Come and stand against me, and show me Yours!"

She hissed at him, venom in her voice as she taunted him; she tossed her head, whipping her long black hair over one shoulder, the skeleton mask on her face illuminated in the soft glow of the flickering firelight around them, and her kitsune orb glowing faintly.

"What's the matter, Vampire? Are you All Bark and No Bite?"


Grizzled Veteran
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Meta Profile: bop

Current Specter Ticket Count:0

I'm Ready!

Pony: Lex
Answer Picked: A

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Lex was late but that wasn't unusual for him. Time was a concept he had trouble with ... it just escaped him, often. But here he was here! With a group, and a really handsome vampire dragon stallion. "Maybe, I would like to meet one of your own," he said, giving a flirtatious wink at the vampire before considering the coffins.

He flicked his short tail, walking around them before stopping at one with rustling inside. "A rather lovely coffin, don't' you think?" He questioned the mare next to him. "We seem to be thinking the same thing, how wonderful!" he proclaimed before lifting a hoof and giving the lid a rather solid thud. "Let us see what is inside!"


Meta Post!

: Fuzzy-Corgi
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 1

I'm Ready!

: Fuzzy-Corgi
Pony: Reminiscent Dream
Answer Picked: C. The coffin with a Mau statue on top.

Current Raffle Ticket Count
: 1

Remi's skin tingled when another pony pulled on a book, causing the entire bookcase to slide away. After the vampire dragon had given his instructions, Remi cautiously proceeded into the room with the 5 coffins. He looked at each of them, from a distance. At first Remi headed toward one with shiny gold trim, but when it made noise he quickly changed his mind. No way did he want to confront whatever was in side. Instead Remi decided to go for the coffin with a mau statue ontop. Placing both hooves on the lid, he helped the others who had also picked this coffin slide the lid off...


Stew Aficionado
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Username: PeterPan_da144
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

: PeterPan_da144
Pony: Bloodless
Answer Picked: G - Look in the Vampire's coffin

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 1

When the way was revealed, they were a bit uncertain. "Are they really sending us down?" they said quietly, brushing their flank to their partner's. Unfortunately, there wasn't much time for a reply when they were shuffled off with the rest of the group. Nervously now, Bloodless descended the stairs with the others, and the next room was intimidating. Until they realized it was full of vampires. Relaxing with a little laugh, they looked to their partner, who was also a vampire, and nuzzled against them.

"I have an idea," they murmured to Blood Current, before moving forward slowly to skirt around the vampire and look into his coffin. Who would trust a minion to hide a key properly when they could just hide it themself?


Grizzled Veteran
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Username: Revel
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3

I'm Ready!

: Revel
Pony: Garjana
Answer Picked: G. Look inside the vampires coffin.

Current Raffle Ticket Count[/B]: 3

Garjana had been relieved when the bookcase revealed the way to go next, though everyone searching had found something, perhaps linked, perhaps not, it was never a bad idea to consider all possibilities. Her many eyes scanned the area as they went and all closed breifly as light flashed to show the next room. She stood her ground this time as something spooky emerged from the coffin, even trying to prevent a giggle at the vampire's concern of the number of ponies.

He said five coffins, but there were six, she decided to look in his coffin, he said he'd taken it, not that he'd hidden it elsewhere, so maybe him suggesting the other coffins was a trick, right? It's not like anything could really hurt them here if she was wrong though.. she hoped anyway.


Grizzled Veteran
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Username: KikiLime
Meta Profile: link please

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

: KikiLime
Pony: Chubs
Answer Picked: A. The dark coffin with gold trim. There's rustling coming from inside....

Current Raffle Ticket Count:
Chub's curiosity got the best of her, to see that gold trimming, her eyes sparkled as she rushed over, Using her nose and tail, she tried to get it open, giggles coming from her as she saw her tail, licking at the coffin, eager to get it open faster.