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[Nightday Circus] The Haunted House


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Reoakee
Meta Profile: Moon Belle Charm's profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 4 Specter Ticket!

I'm Ready!

Username: Reoakee
Pony: Moon Belle Charm
Answer Picked: B. Approach the child figure, intent on asking who they are.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 4 raffle ticket

the shouting of the other ponies at the vampire was uncalled for in any way. She gave the vampire dragon an apologetic glance as they moved to the next room. Some ponies could be jerks. The kitchen likely should have been creepy but she had an uncle who was something of a witch doctor and her family were literal criminals so this wasn't bad. Likely it was the next 'challange' so she moved forward to talk to the large wings and small body after all if one didn't know the rules then how could they play? besides she wanted to hear the lines they had to say it was likely something decently scripted and interesting.


Meta Post!

: Lisais-fire619
Meta Profile: link please

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3 (+) 3

I'm Ready!

Username: Lisais-fire619
Pony: Nalanna
Answer Picked: B
Nalanna approached the child carefully. It was quite frightening in here and she felt that the child might be scared to. "Mew..Mew..Are you okay? Are you scared? What is your name?"

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 3
(+) 3


Meta Post!

Username: houllow
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 2

I'm Ready!

Username: houllow
Pony: - cert / uncert -
Answer Picked: B - Approach the child

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 1

Somehow he'd been distracted during the whole coffin fiasco, probably for the best considering how the dragon...vampire thing seemed to be responding to complaints or comments, and Wei Ying huffed as he followed the group along. No point in dwelling that he didn't help out that round, he had better things to think on, but this was still pretty interesting.

Especially now that there was some creepy looking foal and everyone had options as to what to do. Clearly the best thing would be to approach and talk to them but a dozen other ponies had that idea so Wei Ying decided it was best to simply.....move with them and let them do all the talking. No need to panic, he'd seen worse.

The wings were pretty impressive, though.


Long-Term Resident
Meta Post!

: SSBrosB
Meta Profile: profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 4

I'm Ready!

: SSBrosB
Pony: Cert + Uncert
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 5

Radio felt badly that the Vampire had been yelled at. These were all hired actors right? It's not as though they were evil... he was pretty sure at least. The vampire hadn't sounded like they were trying to do anything to the group and even said he was surprised at the large number. Still, the vamp-dragon eventually relinquished the key and the group moved on.

The next room was some sort of kitchen area with some dolls? and whatnot, and while Radio was trying to gather his surrondings heavy breathing could be heard. He didn't pay any mind to it, after all, it was most likely another actor, and from what he could tell there wasn't anything large in here at least.

Instead he decided to walk up to the creepy-doll child and ask who they are, and perhaps maybe tell the group what they could do next.


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Revel
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 6

I'm Ready!

: Revel
Pony: Garjana
Answer Picked: B. Approach the child figure, intent on asking who they are.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 6

Garjana frowned at the very rude ponies, all her eyes narrowed and the snakes hissed irritably but she's relieved when the vampire dragon pony revealed the hidden key was indeed in his coffin.. that was twice she had been right, maybe this was actually a lot more fun than she'd thought it was going to be, she'd have to thank Shandra (and Bitey) when she got out, her friend had been right.

She cringed a little at the yellow room, it clashed terribly with her own greenish tones then her eyes were drawn to a truly creepy sight, her stomach turned and she felt rather ill looking at these mannquins mimicking life.... NOPE... and the breathing sound? while it was probably just some speakers right? .... ugh those mannequins .. other than the scribbled eyes, it reminded her far too much of that cursed necklace and those poor ponies she'd frozen in stone without meaning to, thank goodness they'd returned to normal once the necklace had been smashed and removed. She shuddered at the thought that they could have been frozen forever if it hadn't been for Shandra. The Mau plushie was cute though she supposed.

She turned her head and saw what seemed to have had other ponies spooked, a winged child? ... not really scary on it's own, after all she had multiple eyes (and none where they were meant to go) and snakes for hair, who was she to judge on appearances right? She walked towards the hidden figure

"Hello?, don't be afraid, i'm not as scary as i look i promise, can you tell us about this room? what are we supposed to do? who are you?" she asked carefully, not getting too close in case she scared the figure, also not wanting to get scared herself (though she knew they were just actors, it had been fun to be scared so far)
Meta Post!

: Valdmir Talamore
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 4

I'm Ready!

: Valdmir Talamore
Pony: Mayhem
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 2

Did he here a mouse or something? No matter he didn't find a key that was for sure. So now what? He followed the other ponies as someone went got through the door. Mayhem asked someone at random what they were looking at. That all sounds weird , but for some reason not that scary to him. He couldn't see and breathing in itself was not that scary. He went towards the sound instead of away from it slightly bumping into the counter as the snake didn't warn him not to fast enough. "Excuse me are you ok? You're breathing rather heavily? " He asked tilting his head down towards the sound.


Stew Aficionado
Meta Post!

Username: belloblossom
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 4

I'm Ready!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Rock Kandy
Answer Picked: B. Approach the child figure, intent on asking who they are.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 5

Kandy had been so delighted that she'd picked the best option out of the others. She beamed at her fellow haunted house participants and before they left the room with the vampire dragon, she gave him an encouraging smile, nodding at him in a way that she hoped would tell him that she liked his performance. She moved along with her group, peering around the new room and staring at the mannequins, a pleasant chill running down her spine.

"Oooh, spook-" She turned her head abruptly as another member of their party, one who had been making a proper racket earlier, seemed to faint dead away. She cooed in sympathy. Some ponies just weren't meant for haunted houses. She wondered if they'd come here on a dare. Hopefully whatever prize awaited them when they came out was worth all the fear they were enduring.

Shifting from hoof to hoof, she reasoned that one of the actors would come get the unconscious pony sooner or later, so she carefully stepped over them and made her way over to the young child. She heard the questioning of her peers around her and added her voice to those asking the child in the corner. "Little one, are you hurt? Can we help you?" This was obviously a set up. She braced herself for a jump scare and hoped that no one else would faint at the next stage.


Stew Aficionado
Meta Post!

Username: Natty-chan
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3

I'm Ready!

Username: Natty-chan
Pony: Reaper
Answer Picked: D (with a twist?)

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 3

Reaper, among a few other ponies, continued to search the bookcase. Moving and opening books for some key. eventually something happened; though he wasn't sure if it was from him searching, or one of the others. Either way, he backed up enough to watch the bookcase open to another room. A little cliche, but nothing he's seen in a haunted house before. Again, this was pretty interesting.

With the new way opened, Reaper followed the other ponies into the secret room. His eyes glanced around, taking note of the coffins lining around it. This was something he was used to, and the Pegacorn found himself distracted. When the coffin in the middle opened, Reaper was checking out the exterior of another coffin. He admired the finished and the details on the finish, and the build of it. He was so distracted... well, he didn't even notice the Vampire coming from one of them and telling the group where the key could be located. The next thing he knew, there were ponies yelling before clammoring about a new room. Oops, guesses it's time to go.

Pulling away, he followed along to the next room. Noticing the fainted pony caught his attention, so instead of worrying about anything else, he went to check on the pony nudging them carefully.

[Probably late, but I tried so hard.]


Meta Post!

: medigel
Meta Profile: xxx

Current Specter Ticket Count: 5

I'm Ready!

: medigel
Pony: Persephone Pyrefly
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 3

Persephone couldn't help herself as she drew nearer to the child-monster-thing with some others. She began to flutter, emitting a soft light. "Hi there~ Are you okay? We've seen a lot of sad scribbles around...Did you make those? We can make you not sad if so!"


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Meta Profile: bop

Current Specter Ticket Count:2

I'm Ready!

Pony: Lex
Answer Picked: b

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 2

Lex shook himself and approached the child, kneeling down to get a better look. "Well hello there, are you lost younging?" He questioned, and gave a bright smile. "Or are you here to scare me? I don't mind if you do, sometimes it can be fun to pull a prank or twoo on people." And he was expecting to be scared!

It was fun! And this set up was just so delightfully spooky.


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Niyaru
Meta Profile: Ghostly Whispers

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

: Niyaru
Pony: Ghostly Whispers || uncert
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

She had remained quiet and really just followed along with the crowd up to this point but the mysterious figure intrigued her. They were in a kitchen and so her mind went to the possibility of a tea party or some weird food scare? She grew a little excited as she approached the counters and became closer to the figure. "H..Hello." She whispered instead of talking normally because she knew there was going to be some sort of a scare and she didn't want to yell either as to scare the others.
Last edited:


signed an NDA
Staff member
Prompt Four!

A. Run into the hallway and towards the room! +3 raffle tickets and +3 Specter Tickets
B. Approach the child figure, intent on asking who they are. You get nothing!
C. Run in the hallway and slam the door, trapping the child! +1 raffle tickets and +1 Specter Tickets
D. Stand there panicked. This is too scary! +2 raffle tickets and +1 Specter Tickets
The child, shrouded in darkness with only their bright blue eyes visible, shrieks, their wings expanding and flapping mightily, sending various kitchen objects flying (none sharp!). They lowered onto all fours, emitting an ungodly mixture of gurgling and a choked scream, which pitches and cracks as ponies get closer.
"GET. OUT!" The child howls, lunging at the nearest pony. They brush past, barely even skimming the others shoulder before they slam into the door the party had come from, tossing one of the small mannequins to the ground with them. The door slams and locks behind them, and the mannequin's head falls off, rolling to the hallway.
All this occurred before anyone could truly act, but the shrieks and howls of a choked rage passes throughout the house in various locations. Above you. No -- below you. No, right behind you, in the walls! It ends abruptly, providing no clues or answers.
Those who ran into the hallway will find, amongst all the screaming and howling, the once dark room flickers on by the dull rays of a lantern, which had been sat in the middle of the room. It's a dining room, it looks like, but the table for it has been propped on its side and against the wall. There are two doorways; one to a dark bathroom and one that seems to loop back to the entry way, where the stairs are. The wall opposite of stairs has a strange rug on it.... heavy and red. It needs help being lifted should one attempt that.
There's really no where else to go, and if one tries the front doors they'll find they've been closed in anticipation of your group making their way there.
The sound of soft sobbing can be heard, coming from the bathroom. The door is half open, cutting off any attempts to peek inside.
Where do you head?
Remember to RP out your response, and indicate which option you took. The next round will begin on October 12th, 5pm EST.
A. Look around the living room.
B. Go into the bathroom.
C. Attempt to lift the rug,
D. Go upstairs.

One Little Jay

Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: One little Jay
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3

I'm Ready!

: One little Jay
Pony: Mister Danger Man
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count:2

Danger was admittedly a little shaken, not that he'd let it be visible. He quickly shook it off throwing on his charming smile. They were left with no real sense of direction on where to go next, so he decided to follow the sound of crying, maybe it was the child. Maybe they needed some help. He headed into the bathroom to investigate.


Meta Post!

Username: SwordOfTheNagas
Meta Profile: Here we go~

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3

I'm Ready!

Username: SwordOfTheNagas
Pony: -cert/uncert-
Answer Picked: D. Go Upstairs

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 6

He felt a nudge, was it the child? Really? Did he have a new---NOPE NOT THE KID!!! THE KID JUST SHRIEKED!!! He jolted up and stared at the other pony who nudged him. Eyes wide he squeaked as he shot up. "U-u-uh, so-s-sorry. I-I..." his eyes darted around and the door slam had him cling to the other male. He heard a rolling sound then looked down...

That really was the worst choice in the history of his life.

It was a head....
It was a mannequins head.

Wait...what type of head was it again?

He stared down as it tapped his foot. Seeing the scribbled eyes everyone in the house would hear a rather impressive changeling shriek as Passhon backpaddled down the only path out. Dragging Reaper with him half way. He let go after realizing that he was indeed holding onto another pony. "Sorry!!" he let go then looked around the room in pure panic.

Living room great!! There were front doors!!! Very much locked front doors...crap. He didn't wanna stay in this room because that kid had friends and they were on this floor. The rug wasn't even a thought because that would mean he wasn't moving away from the danger. He whimpered then froze...sobbing...from the bathroom? Really? SOBBING?!?


He hauled tail up those stairs, he had wings. He'd find a freaking window and fly out if he had to. He was DONE with this place!!!
@Natty-chan --tagging as Reaper was interacted with


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: KikiLime
Meta Profile: link please

Current Specter Ticket Count: 2

I'm Ready!

: KikiLime
Pony: Chubs
Answer Picked: D. Go upstairs.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 2

Chubs flinched and shrunk with fear and sadness for the Dragon child as she left as fast as she could, Heading strait upstairs.


Long-Term Resident
Meta Post!

Username: Hattaki
Meta Profile: X

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3

I'm Ready!

: Hattaki
Pony: Blood Current
Answer Picked: C. Attempt to lift the rug

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 4

That was master class creepy! Blood Current was beyond impressed and the way their feathers ruffled just a little and their tail lashed back and forth, carefully protecting the blood orb balancing on it, showed it! The 'child' had zipped right on by them without so much as anything but an eerie scream. Best haunted house, it'd gone up ten notches.

Quickly the vampric Flightless followed the bouncing mannequin's head into the hallway and blinked around, turning just a bit to keep an eye on Bloodless.

This is the bit where everyone ends up 'dead'. They winked just a bit at their partner and high stepped it over to the large rug on the wall. The deep read was inviting, naturally, and if there was going to be something creepy in here then maybe moving this would trigger it. They could all do with more jump scares like the one before!


Meta Post!

Username: AlicornPlayhouse
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 6

I'm Ready!

: AlicornPlayhouse
Pony: Momo
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 6

Momo had, admittedly, been left a little frightened as she began to panic, clomping around and fluttering her wings in the air. She turned and raced off after a few of the ponies before finally calming to hear crying underneath the shrill screams. She began to head towards it, following a few other ponies who had chosen to investigate the cries. She didn't even truly want to get out, now, she was having too much fun with the adrenaline rush and investigating the noises!


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Meta Profile: bop

Current Specter Ticket Count:2

I'm Ready!

Pony: Lex
Answer Picked: c

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 2

"Would you like some help?" He questioned, walking over to Blood current, offering to help him move the large heavy rug on the wall. "Do you think it might be a secret passageway? I rather hope so, it would be a good gimmick for an haunted house to have some secret covered passageway." Lex chattered, at easy.

He was having a great time. The child had been spooky and just that wailing, was just so good and now, he was hoping for some more fun.


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: ChexaRain
Meta Profile: -Link-

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

: ChexaRain
Pony: -Cert- -Uncert-
Answer Picked: C

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

The minute those noises came out of the child's form, Lydia was snapping pictures, her eyes wide with delight at the idea of having artistic fuel for later. Much to her dismay, however, no sooner had she snapped a few and realized her flash had been shut off, the creature, or child, or whatever it was? Gone.
Tsking under her breath, she rectified her camera, turning it over to make sure she hadn't also forgotten the lens cap, following at a casual pace into the next room. While everyone mulled over their options, she was drawn to the rather large rug on the wall much as the other two who stood near it, and she quickly walked over. "Anything goes in a spooky house. They probably have somebody back in a room behind it just to scare us." Though she rolled her eyes, she was quick to help move the rug anyway, curiosity getting the better of her.


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Reoakee
Meta Profile: Moon Belle Charm's profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 4 Specter Ticket!

I'm Ready!

Username: Reoakee
Pony: Moon Belle Charm
Answer Picked: C. Attempt to lift the rug,

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 4 raffle ticket

The scream was unexpected as was the suddenness with which the whole event passed. A shiver ran up her back as she felt actually afraid for the first time. She moved to the other rooms finding the other ponies. Finding one trying to lift a rug she moved to help them.