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[Nightday Circus] The Haunted House


signed an NDA
Staff member

Pegasus by Livewire
Closes: October 15th, 5pm EST

The Nightday Circus stands as regal as it once had 50 years prior, almost as if it hadn’t slowly succumbed to decay and overgrowth throughout the years. Ponies who had visited the circus grounds prior insisted it had been nothing more than a shallow reminder of what it once had been, taken aback at the sight before them. However it had happened was unknown, but the circus looked pleasing to the eye.
The entrance was a tall arch, colored in purple, white, and yellow stripes. The welcoming booth was split into two sides, where a pony in what could be assumed was the employee uniform ushered ponies into two lines. Those who entered past the arches would find a large fairground, carefully segmented into rides, tents, and food stalls. Everywhere one looked a circus employee called out the newest event occurring, giving a sense of bustle and excitement from the moment a pony entered. The smell of popcorn assaulted the senses, which had already begun to struggle to keep up with the orders.
You might be lucky enough to see the leader of it all, Alastor, who slipped in and out of crowds with purpose. His stride was quick, but those who managed to catch him would find his naturally irritable expression did not meet his personality. He welcomed the interactions, gracefully directing those with questions to their correct paths and taking any chance to gush about those who worked for him, which would be the only time his expression truly matched his voice. It was clear the new ringleader loved both the circus and those who worked for him.
To those who managed to catch him he would boast of his favorite attraction; the Haunted House. Once closed even when the Nightday circus was most successful, he delighted in announcing it could finally be enjoyed. “It’s been closed since the beginning,” he’d inform ponies, delight evident in his voice. “Even your grandparents probably never stepped hoof inside, until now.”
The line for the Haunted House was long, curling through the nearby food stalls (which were strategically placed with expectations that ponies would be waiting a while) and ending somewhere near the snake-charmer tent. The house looked old and Victorian, lacking any decor. “We let the house speak for itself,” the attendant before it commented. The door is left wide open, revealing a deep abyss. The sounds of playful shrieks can be heard from inside, with partakers exiting adorned with bright smiles and nervous laughs.
Throughout all of this, there is an aura of….something. Something big feels around the corner, although no one can pinpoint what it is. The feeling blossoms before the Haunted House doors, as if enticing all those who pass by. Even the circus runners have no clue what tickles the edge of their minds. Excitement? Apprehension? Hope? Whatever it is many seem to share it, bringing fair-goers back to the grounds throughout the month in search of discovering the answer.
What about you?
Do you feel it -- that nagging sensation of something?
Will you seek the answer, or will you go home, content with the lingering scent of popcorn and prizes tucked under your arm?
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signed an NDA
Staff member
How to Play:
  • If you are a player who is participating in the Nightday Circus Meta you must also grab the Meta form. Make sure to follow Meta rules, too, which can be found here.
  • This is a CYOA, where you can enter at any time. You can hop into the story at any point, as there are no eliminations.
  • Instead of eliminations users will win tickets, which will go into a raffle at the end for the above pony. You are in charge of keeping up on your tickets, so make sure you're keeping up on your forms.
  • Meta players will also have their own forms they add as well, on top of the first one. Meta players receive special tickets, for something that'll be revealed at the end of the Meta.
  • Users may not go back to older prompts. They can skip one, but won't receive tickets for that round.
  • Nym will, every 48 hours starting October 1st, will post a new prompt. You will RP as whatever pony you have participating in the game and select one of the answers provided.
  • Always post your forms in your post. You can put it before or after your RP response.
  • Keep your posts to one a day. Take further RP with other users to the RP forums or Meta forum.
  • The game ends on the 15th, and the raffle will finish. Meta users will be directed elsewhere to continue the Meta experience.
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signed an NDA
Staff member
Meta Form:
[COLOR=#88AFB0][B]Meta Post![/B][/COLOR]

[B]Meta Profile[/B]: link please

[B]Current Specter Ticket Count[/B]:
Game Form:
[B][COLOR=rgb(176, 138, 113)]I'm Ready![/B][/COLOR]

[b]Pony[/b]: -link to their cert/uncert-
[B]Answer Picked[/B]:

[B]Current Raffle Ticket Count[/B]:
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signed an NDA
Staff member
Prompt One!

It's finally your turn. How long has it been? Your group pauses their chattering, heads turning as the attendant gestures inside. Upon entry, you're greeted by a dark home, illuminated only by randomly placed candles. It looks massive, from what you can tell (which truthfully isn't saying much). Hardwood floors creak under your footsteps, almost like a low groan.
"Do you think it's really that old? Or just a gimmick?" You hear someone question, although you can't find where it came from.
"Grandpa says he always wanted to come here, so it has to be. It looks like the pictures." Someone answers, followed by the sound of a low "shhh". That's when you hear it -- rustling. You weren't even able to fully map out the room you had entered before the front door slams shut, followed by a voice outside calling out.
"Have fun!"
The rustling turns into rushed footsteps, causing the group to cry out. Is that -- are there several ponies running at you? You don't have time to think, and while you know this is all a fun game thought up by actors you're thrown into flight or fight mode. Luckily, you were reminded earlier fight was not an option when the attendant read the rules and regulations, so you choose flight.
You and the group move in the only direction the running isn't coming from -- the right doorway. You catch the sight of a staircase, passing it as you hurry into the right room. You swear you saw a shadow of someone standing in the middle of the staircase, but the door slams behind you before your eyes can adjust.
This room has more candles. Enough to see fairly well. There's a large dining table, old and a dark wood that has seen better days. Under it is a red rug. Against the closest wall is a set of china cabinets, two to be exact. Across is a large bookcase, a loveseat, and a record player. There's a window beside you, and a door remains on the last wall.
"It's locked," you hear someone say as they fumble with the door you just came from. "Try the other one," they grunt. Someone obliges, only to shake their head.
"I bet we have to find the way out. A key, maybe? Wait -- yeah, there's a keyhole here! Look for one, it can't be too hard. We're on a time limit, anyway...."
Ponies murmur in agreement, beginning to poke and prod around. What about you? What do you choose to do?
Remember to RP out your response, and indicate which option you took. The next round will begin on October 3rd, 5pm EST.

A. Look on the table.
B. Look under the rug.
C. Look inside the china cabinets
D. Look inside the bookcase
E. Look around the loveseat
F. Look at the record player
G. Look around the window
H. Slam into the door you haven't come through
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One Little Jay

Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: One little Jay
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

: One little Jay
Pony: Mister Danger Man
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count:0[/B]

Danger was not one to fear... well anything. Ever since he was a foal he made it his lifestyle work to run head first into danger believing himself strong enough to outsmart and outlast any challenge. That was why he was so keen on coming to the haunted house. He was more than sure that nothing could touch him and that the parlor tricks would be amusing at most, frightening he was sure they would not be.

Even he wasn't quite ready for the chasing, as his natural instinct was fight it took a moment to propel his hooves to go with the crowd. As "no fighting" rang in his ears reminding him this was all fun and games.

Once in the room it was pretty clear to him that it was some sort of puzzle on how to get out. Everyone seemed to scatter looking at all sorts of places. Was that a lump under the rug? Or was it just pushed up due to the crowds stampede into the room. Well he ofcourse had to check.
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Meta Post!

Username: AlicornPlayhouse
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

: AlicornPlayhouse
Pony: Momo
Answer Picked: D

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Momo was oh so excited for the haunted house! As a lover of adventure and everything spooky, this young mare had searched out the carnival the moment she heard about it while out and about the streets. Of course, her first choice was to go running to the haunted house, with more than enough patience to last her a life time in this dreaded long line. She barely felt like any time had passed at all when it was announced her group could head in! From the looks of her peers, seems they didn't all feel quite the same. She couldn't stop bouncing she was so excited!

After many years of being shoved around in dark cemeteries and running through forests from supposed monsters, she'd grown quite the thick skin, and didn't hesitate to bound after her group with surprising speed for such a short little pixie. She had fully convinced herself this place had to ACTUALLY be haunted, it's gotta be! And that's just the job for her! To find a way out! They need a key.. well, of course the book shelf! So, she moved off, shuffling through the old shelf. Her first instinct had been the china cabinet, but she was a little scared her and her clumsy hooves would end up breaking something in there.
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🐾"When it hurts to look back, and your scared to look ahead,

Meta Post!

Username: Lisais-fire619
Meta Profile: link please

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!]/B]

Username: Lisais-fire619
Pony: Nalanna
Answer Picked: D

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Nalanna wasn't quite sure how she had gotten separated from her mate and ended up in such a scary place without her. She had been eyeing all the different things and continued to walk with the crowed effectively separating her and getting her into a haunted house. She had listened to the instructions on not hurting anyone inside since they were actors, not that she could ever think of doing so. But when they rushed the group she couldn't help letting out a high pitched "Mew" in fright before running after the group. She listened quietly as the group talked about finding a key to move on. She figured since she had tentacles looking through the bookcase would be wise for her because she could hold more books at one time then the average pony.

you can look beside you, and your best friend will be there."🐾


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Joshuality
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

: Joshuality
Pony: Poveglia
Answer Picked: F - The Record Player

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Ever since hearing about the circus's re-opening, Poveglia was absolutely ecstatic. Of course, the circus had a lot to offer itself, but just the idea of being able to enter the supposed 'Haunted House' made them beyond excited. That old house had been calling to Poveglia for years and now their chance would finally come! No longer would they have to yearn and ogle from afar. Now here they were! Sure, the wait was a bit much but Poveglia was sure it was going to be absolutely worth it. Cheap tricks and holiday spooks aside, Poveglia remained certain they could find true, real evidence in this house. The fact that nopony had been in it for decades just solidified the idea in their mind.

Things didn't quite go as planned when they actually got inside, however. Poveglia found themself amongst a group of ponies they didn't know, and trying to get any sort of evidence was going to be hard with all these ponies around. At the first sign of hoofsteps, Poveglia's instincts kicked in. "Who's there?" They tried calling, but the group of frightened ponies weren't interested in learning the answer to that. Poveglia found themselves being pushed and shoved alongside the lot as they ran, so might as well just go with it. When the door to the room slammed shut behind them, everypony began scrounging for a key to find their way out. Poveglia offered a glance to Obvodny, who merely snorted in response. Guess it was time to play along. The old record player caught their interest. If it didn't have a key near it, perhaps it could offer some other clues.


Meta Post!

Username: Lady Angel Heart
Meta Profile: link please

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

: Lady Angel Heart
Pony: Saga
Answer Picked: D. Look inside the bookcase

Current Raffle Ticket Count
: 0

Saga straightened her posture. Though there was no true reason to be startled the noises were rather unnerving. It was highly unlikely that this house was actually haunted. If it were it would be a liability to the owners to have groups of people wandering the premise where they could be injured or possed by said ghosts. Perhaps she would write a letter about that later to whom it considered. Looking around at the new room they were in she could already tell she would regret letting her siblings talk her into this excursion but she was quite fond of escape rooms so searching for the key should be entertaining enough. The others spread out around the room, one even ran into the door. She decided to look at the book case as to her that was the most logical place to look. Perhaps there was a hollowed out book with the key inside? Saga skimmed the shelves looking for an out of place title or perhaps upside down piece of literature. There were various titles written by old poets and authors from eras even she had not read before, which was saying something because Saga had read a lot of books. If there was no key then at the very at the very least she had some new references for reading material.


Long-Term Resident
Meta Post!

Username: Hattaki
Meta Profile: X

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

: Hattaki
Pony: Blood Current
Answer Picked: E. Look around the loveseat

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

"I despise escape rooms, such a ludicrous fad. At least this one seems to be a little bit more interesting with the haunted house addition and the ambiance, but really..." Blood Current's spectral tail twisted and turned, balancing the orb of blood they'd saved up from their lover lest they grow extra thirsty during the festivities of the night. If the beginning of the Haunted House was anything to gauge by then they certainly would be needing it just to make it through. A vampire such as themselves wasn't easily disturbed or sent into a panic, but they'd followed the herd about them and where did it land them?

Shaking their head, the Flightless pony began watching where the ponies around them were searching and sighed. Most of those areas were places where one wouldn't expect to lose a key, though if appropriately hidden in a spot not thought of.. but under the rug? They rolled their eyes and walked over to the loveseat, pulling the cushions off without a thought and snooping around to see if some careless pony had simply dropped the key. Maybe this was a room that staff lounged in or something.

Though it was a bit eerily decadent for a staff lounge.


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Reoakee
Meta Profile: Moon Belle Charm's profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

Username: Reoakee
Pony: Moon Belle Charm
Answer Picked: C. Look inside the china cabinets

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0[/B]

Moon was in the room with a fair number of other ponies when this lock in happened. She was smiling softly thinking that the older aesthetic of this place was fantastic. She had forged enough old things to know how hard it was go get that kind of ancient shine on things was. Some of it had to be real. Her eyes moved to the china cabinets to look there were so many places to hide a key in like a teapot or under a server dish. She wished she could pick the lock but really she didn't have the skill her siblings had with locks. She recreated and copied things she wasn't good with locks. Others were looking under rugs and in the record player. She jiggled the china cupboard door to get it open and was surprised how nice the wood was. it was real not a fake stain. What an interesting place.


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: RozeyBear
Meta Profile: bloop

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

Username: RozeyBear
Pony: Cert + Uncert
Answer Picked: G - Look around the window

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Morosa stayed calm while the other ponies around her scattered, golden orange eyes scanning the room quietly. Her hooves clicked against the hardwood floor, the sound similar to the click of heels on tile as she made her way to the window. The candlelight made it difficult to see anything through the rather dusty glass and the frame... well, she actually admired the craftsmanship of the house she currently strolled through. The key they were all looking for, however, seemed to be nowhere in sight. Then again.... she could just be overlooking it with her admiration of the house.​


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count:0

I'm Ready!

Username: Cheyriddle4
Pony: Cert + Uncert
Answer Picked: A- Look on the table

Current Raffle Ticket Count:0

Cordelia's heart is racing as she glances around. The adrenaline is quite a rush which she both likes and doesn't like. Anxiety is close but oh how she loves a good scare. Letting the other ponies do as they will she moves towards the table to look at the menagerie of items that sit atop it. Maybe a key is on it... or perhaps.. it could be one that has a sort of puzzle made into it! As a lover of puzzles she starts to inspect first the items. Moving things slightly just to see if they can move.. or maybe one is a lever? Once she has determined they are in fact items she takes a gander at looking at the table itself. Going along the sides to see if there are any anomalies.


Long-Term Resident
Meta Post!

Username: SSBrosB
Meta Profile: profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

: SSBrosB
Pony: Cert + Uncert
Answer Picked: F

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Radio hadn't heard of such a thing as a friendly "Haunted House" that others went into on purpose without doing it for a dare. But when the Circus had come to life, he had felt something and had decided to follow it, and was delighted at the scene. Of course, since there was one attraction at the beginning, he would have to go to it as the rest of the ponies did. After all, if everyone else was wanting to go, it must be quite the experience and he couldn't possibly miss out on it!

He could have sworn he felt some nervousness from the usher at the front, but it seemed that there was something in the air that was making all of the ponies at least a little uncomfortable. Being a dullahan, he had been around, and was attracted to, what he thought was the worst, so the feeling didn't bother him, but he still would have rather not had it. Even if it didn't feel bad it didn't mean he wanted it in the back of his mind the whole time either.

Eventually though, his group was made and they were ushered inside and he used the crystals on his head to try and make some light in the room, but it seemed that this was a true haunted house. Unfortunately, that meant that they were more likely to bump into each other and other things than see what was going on.

Suddenly though, he felt movement, and the group started to run, and since he did not want to feel left out, he left with them when they finally got caught in a room. He had only barely heard them talking about a key, when he noticed the record player and couldn't help but be drawn over to it. After all, even if he was a Dullahan, he did have quite the interest in objects that could play music, and he wanted to see if the record player really worked, or if it was just a prop. It looked ordinary though! But if it did have a record on it and he could hear it play, he would be going to ask the Usher's outside just what the music was so that he would be able to get a copy himself! He carefully set his head/mic close to the player so that he could inspect it better.


Meta Post!

Username: SwordOfTheNagas
Meta Profile: Here we go~

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

Username: SwordOfTheNagas
Pony: -cert/uncert-
Answer Picked: A- Look on the Table.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Passhon sighed as he looked around the room. Window was too scary, someone could jump at him from there. The bookcase could be hiding another actor that wasn't a good option, plus what if it was hidden thank you. Record player...too obvious to hide a key in that. They weren't foals, these guys were professionals who delighted in seeing people scared. The door that was untouched, might be reinforced and even then...he wasn't like his cousins, he was far too weak of a hybrid. The loveseat...nooooooooooooo. Something could be *under* the loveseat waiting to grab his ankles. That alone had his wings shaking in fear. China cabinets were in the same boat, there could be someone *inside* waiting to come out. Not to mention there might be bugs under the rug...his claws tapped nervously at that thought. His only option was the one thing that seemed...safest.

The Table.

But, what was safest was usually the worst option. So, with a heavy sigh he started to walk to the table and shift around it to find the key...​


Meta Post!

Username: houllow
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

Username: houllow
Pony: - cert / uncert -
Answer Picked: B - Look under the Rug

Current Raffle Ticket Count:

Wei Ying really, really, really loved all things that were meant to be haunted and spooky. Real or not they always had his attention and honestly could claim to be the one thing that prompted a good mood out of the otherwise surly and arrogant suli. It didn't matter that he was crowded in with others, or that many had the same idea as he to look beneath the rug for a key - he was positively filled with a decent vibe at the moment.

Using a lovely golden hoof, he lifted a corner of the rug in the same manner one would peel a banana. Meticulous, slow, and seriousl hoping there were no bruises involved. Or bruising, for future reference.


Stew Aficionado
Meta Post!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Pony: Bloodless
Answer Picked: E - loveseat

Current Raffle Ticket Count:

The running ponies had startled Bloodless a bit, causing them to glide after their partner uncertainly. The ambiance in this room was a bit better than the last, with more candles, so they were grateful for that. However, the smaller pony trotted along behind their partner at all times, wings quivering slightly. They were not scared, not so long as Blood Current was with them. Yet, something felt off about this haunted house. As Blood Current huffed and sighed, Bloodless followed, overturning the cushions of the loveseat and any nearby furniture quite carefully.

"Are we looking for something specific?" they asked their partner quietly, haunting red eyes turning to catch the others equally as haunting red eyes.
Meta Post!

Username: Valdmir Talamore
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

Username: Valdmir Talamore
Pony: Mayhem
Answer Picked: H -Slam into the door you didn't come through ((I mean he is blind what is he gonna be good at looking for XD))

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Why the heck did Mayhem let Danger convince him to go to a haunted house, without the aid of his sister's eyes to boot. This was a horrible idea in every since of the word and yet Mayhem did like a little chaos here and there and a blind alicorn in a haunted house sounded like a good way to run into some chaos. He follows the group of ponies in he has at least over time gotten better at listening so he can make his way through things alone. The darkness or visual didn't really play any role in Mayhem's emotional state that was for sure. But when there was the sound of something running at him and the other ponies yelling and running he felt a little panic. "Wait...what?! Ahhhh! Wait for me!!!" Mayhem stumbled after the others using his ears to follow their hooves trying his best not to get them confused with the sounds of others charging towards their group. He was honestly a little late to the entire discussion about looking for a key and realized a little to late that everyone had stop running meaning they might be trapped in a room. He hit the breaks far to late for his large alicorn size and slid slamming into a door they had not come through! "Danger!" He called out to his foalhood friend as it happened. Again a blind alicorn in a haunted house was just an awful idea!


Long-Term Resident
Meta Post!

Username: Straye
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 4

I'm Ready!

: Straye
Pony: Lady Hellebore Grace Cert | Uncert
Answer Picked: H

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

H. Slam into the door you haven't come through.

Hellebore observed the others in the room, seeking the bookcase out, looking at the table, glancing under the table, looking at the record player - this actually caught her interest as well. The record player would have been her first choice, but Lady Grace wasn't one to repeat the actions of others.

Her eyes adjusted quickly to the change in light in the room when the door closed behind them, and after a few long moments passed of china cabinets being searched, nudging loveseat cushions, lifting rub corners, scooting books across the bookcase, she approached the door.

Gazing through the keyhole, she pressed a paw to the door, testing its sturdiness. Stepping back she lined up her aim, and her tails tucked and curled, releasing her large kitsune orb, sending it at the door with speed and force, intending to test the door's strength and structure.
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Stew Aficionado
Meta Post!

Username: belloblossom
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Rock Kandy
Answer Picked: F. Look at the record player

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Kandy was over the moon when the spooky circus came to town, bringing all the wonders and delights with it. Of course she had to visit every attraction available to her, right? So, when she spotted the haunted house, she squealed in delight. She didn't scare very easily, not when she knew that all of the ponies in that house were actors, not ghastly specters waiting to snatch her up. Still, Kandy had a tendency to squeal merely for the joy of being there. Screaming in haunted houses made things more fun!

When they ran around from room to room, she did a lot of screaming - from exhilaration! This haunted house was a lot better than some of the others she'd seen over the years. These ponies were seriously professionals! She'd have to take notes for the haunted house she and Metamora were planning on making out of their own home. Glancing around at the other ponies as they mulled around looking for a key, she glanced at the rug, at the bookcase, at the china on shelves... No, those places would be too obvious. Ooh, but was that an old record player? How neat!

Trotting over to it, she started to examine it.
"I wonder if we can get you to play again. Atmospheric music is very important for haunted houses, after all." She said, partially to the record player and anyone else nearby.