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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PATROL-FIN] Mother n' Son (Salmonstripe/Burnetdew)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 8 8
LostClan, Opponent: Badger
1. Loner
2. Stealth Training (all apprentices roll 1d10, if they land on an odd number, they're able to sneak up on their mentors successfully. If they land on an even number, they make too much noise and alert anything nearby to the patrol's location.)
3. Battle
4. Battle
5. Battle
6. Hunting Training (apprentices roll 1d20 to determine if they are able to catch the prey or not, any number over a 13+ indicates a successful catch!)
7. Scent Identification (all apprentices roll 1d10, if they land on an even number, they're able to correctly identify the scent as a vole, mouse or squirrel. If they roll an odd number, they cannot identify any specific prey nearby.)
8. Battle
9. Oops! Encounter (Oh my, with spring has come many beautiful flowers - it's impossible not to feel like frolicking upon them in such fine weather! The members of your patrol get distracted practicing their playfighting with one another. By the time they're ready to move on, it's time to return home. Oops.... don't tell Lostsun!)
10. Battle


Stew Aficionado
HP: 10
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 5

HP: 10
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 5

HP: 40
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 3


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 11 11

HP: 10
(Salmonstripe hits the badger for 5 damage!)

Salmonstripe had been much more relaxed since meeting her mate, Sky, and since the former loner had joined LostClan. She felt so much more like she mattered to someone, like she had value in herself - though really, she was learning, she had value in herself long before she realized it in this way. Her children, her precious three kits, had brought meaning into her life and while she may not be with their father in the way her kits' had wanted her to be, she hoped that she knew how dear they were to her. How happy Fennelfur, Burnetdew and Honeytooth made her. She would often seek them out for patrols, especially now that there were badgers reportedly roaming about the forest.

Upon this hunting patrol, she'd gone in attendance with one of her sons, Burnetdew. While she tried not to get overly nosy in her kits' lives - though LostClan was small and odds are she would've been among the first to know anyway - she was excited to use this patrol as a chance to ask after her son. How was he doing? Had he found any cats in or out of the Clan that he was particularly interested in? What drove him forward every day, was he getting along with his siblings, was his favorite kind of prey still squirrel or had that changed?

Unfortunately for Salmonstripe (and for Burnetdew too, really) they didn't get very far out of camp, passing near the Twoleg-made lake that had been in their territory since Lostsun and Mothwing arrived in the territory finding it for the first time. While it was safe to guess that there would be other animals lurking nearby the large water source, Salmonstripe had really hoped that they wouldn't encounter the beast that was presently lumbering toward them - a large and unhappy looking badger.

Scampering in front of her son, she puffed out her tail and swiped her claws over the badger's nose.
"Stay away from my kit, you beast!" She snarled at it. @AlicornPlayhouse
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 10 10
HP: 10
(Burnetdew hit the badger for 5 damage!)
Burnetdew was always overly exciteable, overly adventurous. And, above else, an absolute mamas boy. To say he adored Salmonstripe was an understatement. She was his favorite place to be, for lack of any other way to describe it. Unfortunately, as cats grow older, as does the distance between them. At least, in his expirience, as he found himself far too busied by the life of clan to settle with Salmonstripe and discuss seemingly pointless matters as he loved to do.

As such, it took Burnetdew little time to decide he was going to thuroughly impress his mother with all he had learned on this patrol they shared. The worry of an actual battle all but slipped the tomcats mind as he bounded a few paces forward, hopping rather effortlessly around in a short lived grand show of skill. Or, well, what would LOOK like skill if he were doing anything but jumping around. He was managing to do it quietly, he couldn't do much else quietly!

"You know, I bet I could swim faster than the fish there if-!" His excited slurry of words as they moved to pass the pond was shoved to a hault as he twisted his head, locking sights on the same angry badger his mother had just spotted. "Ah- hold on!" He squealed as his mother raced ahead of him towards their new found enemy. Burnetdew wasted no more time jabbering on, pouncing after his mother and scraping his claws along the creatures side.​
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 18 18
(The badger hits Salmonstripe for 3 damage!)

HP: 30
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 3


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 5 5

(Salmonstripe misses her attack on the badger!)
HP: 7

Salmonstripe had been ready to attack the badger again, but the call of her son caused her head to turn - had he fallen - had he been hurt - was he - she heard a thunderous clap and then her ears were ringing. Blood streamed along the side of her head and one of her ears was stinging. She tried to strike out again, but ended up stumbling backwards, mouth agape.

Run, Burnetdew, run. She thought, but her head was spinning so that she was unable to form the words. @AlicornPlayhouse
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 18 18
HP: 10
(Burnetdew hit the badger for 5 damage!)
Burnetdew wanted to do a LOT of things as he watched Salmonstripe stumble back, swiped against the ear and dripping blood, and run was not one of them. Sorry, Salmonstripe, self preservation comes after blinding rage. Any words he wanted to speak came out as visceral snarls while he hopped to the side, sinking his claws into the beasts back leg.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 12 12
(The badger hits Salmonstripe for 3 damage!)

HP: 25
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 3


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 9 9

Salmonstripe had gotten to her paws and stumbled forward as Burnetdew launched himself at the badger.
"No." She mewed, shaking her head in attempts to clear it. The ringing didn't subside, but she found her footing again and hurried next to her son - only to be knocked away by the badger as she drew near. She stumbled back and hissed, her vision clouding. "You won't be doing that again." She hissed at the lumbering beast, getting to her paws. She had to see her son safely back home.

(Salmonstripe misses her attack on the badger!)
HP: 4
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 16 16
HP: 10
(Burnetdew hit the badger for 5 damage!)
Burnetdews snarl continued on longer than he thought it could as the badger swiped at his mom again, seemingly refusing to turn its attention toward him. "Salmonstripe, go!" He yowled, knowing she wouldn't but hoping she would. She wasn't looking well at all, and by now surely her trying to fight would just put her in more danger rather than anything else! He didn't wait to see if the shecat would listen, clamping his jaws down around the badgers tail. A desperate attempt to get its attention to turn away from his already injured clanmate and family.
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Stew Aficionado
The enemy is weak. Choose now, do your cats commit to the kill or chase it off?

If you choose to continue fighting, you are consenting to have your participating cat entered into a death raffle should their hp hit 0. If you survive the fight and kill your opponent, you have earned a free battle scar edit to add to your cat!

If you choose to chase off your opponent instead, all cats will live and the battle ends here. There are no rewards for this except for the safety of your cats.

If the vote is not unanimous, the enemy will be chased away by default.
Please vote now by simply replying to this post with your decision. Afterwards, the roleplay can continue.​
@AlicornPlayhouse @belloblossom


Stew Aficionado
The enemy is weak. Choose now, do your cats commit to the kill or chase it off?

If you choose to continue fighting, you are consenting to have your participating cat entered into a death raffle should their hp hit 0. If you survive the fight and kill your opponent, you have earned a free battle scar edit to add to your cat!

If you choose to chase off your opponent instead, all cats will live and the battle ends here. There are no rewards for this except for the safety of your cats.

If the vote is not unanimous, the enemy will be chased away by default.
Please vote now by simply replying to this post with your decision. Afterwards, the roleplay can continue.​
@AlicornPlayhouse @belloblossom
I consent to continue the fight, at the risk of my cat's life.
The enemy is weak. Choose now, do your cats commit to the kill or chase it off?

If you choose to continue fighting, you are consenting to have your participating cat entered into a death raffle should their hp hit 0. If you survive the fight and kill your opponent, you have earned a free battle scar edit to add to your cat!

If you choose to chase off your opponent instead, all cats will live and the battle ends here. There are no rewards for this except for the safety of your cats.

If the vote is not unanimous, the enemy will be chased away by default.
Please vote now by simply replying to this post with your decision. Afterwards, the roleplay can continue.​
@AlicornPlayhouse @belloblossom
I consent to continue the fight, at the risk of my cat's life.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 8 8
(The badger misses its attack attempt on Burnetdew!)

HP: 20
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 3


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 19 19

HP: 4
(Salmonstripe lands a hit on the badger for 5 damage!)

Salmonstripe took a few steps away from the fight, her head lowered. She took deep breaths, letting her vision clear and she heard her son call for her to leave. Like rot she was going to leave her precious son behind to run for help! Turning, with her orange eyes ablaze, she lunged forward towards the badger, pouncing on its head and slashing at its tiny, weak eyes. @AlicornPlayhouse
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 1 1
HP: 10
(Burnetdew misses his attack!)
Burnetdew still had a maw filled with tail as the badger attempted to strike at him and he somewhat clumsily stumbled back from the fight. He couldn't help the deep breath that he sucked in at narrowly avoiding being pummeled. Just as he readied to leap into action again, Salmonstripe seemed to rush in, causing him once again to fumble and swipe his paw uselessly in the air as he tried to not hit her. "Ah- Hey!" He shouted, far too concerned to manage any other words.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 8 8
(The badger misses its attack on Salmonstripe!)

HP: 15
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 3


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 15

(Salmonstripe lands a hit on the badger for 5 damage!)
HP: 4

Salmonstripe was in her zone now - her blows were fierce and her eyes were narrowed in focus. The badger flailed - its attack missing her and Salmonstripe returned its attempted blows by battering down attack after attack on its small ears.

"Burnetdew, baby, Mama's here! Mama will protect you!" She called, noticing that her son had stumbled back. "Sweetie, take a breather, Mama's got this!"
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 12 12
HP: 10
(Burnetdew hit the badger for 5 damage!)

Burnetdew stood stunned for a second as he walked Salmonstripe. It had been quite some time since he had been entirely entranced and near jealous of another cats ability. Suddenly, he felt small again, watching his mother in awe as she did the simplest of tasks he simply could not handle and yearning to do them as well.
Now, here he stood, a capable warrior at her side and still all he could do was wonder if he would ever be as cool as his mom. Quickly shaking his head from the fuzz, he barreled forward again. "Not a chance!" He mrrowed, clawing the beasts leg once more. An enemy that can't walk can't fight after all.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 18 18
(The badger lands a hit on Burnetdew for 3 damage!)

HP: 5
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 3