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Stage Four: Into the Deep Unknown


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 47 47
[ 47: The archway! ]

After this he was going to take a break, whether they wanted the Suli to or not. He was more or less tired of walking with nothing to show for it others than slightly dirty and faintly sore hooves. The others around him surely had to feel something similar, right? He couldn't be the only one thinking this? Right, he was in the right, so at the next bit he'd pause.

Except the next bit had him finding an archway of some sort - something that couldn't be powered right away? The guide was about as helpful as one expected, and Wei Ying sighed. If they needed something to charge it up, why not use one of the many unicorns that had come along?

Or did it need to specifically be an object? Ugh.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 30 30
The path continues ...

Cordelia glances around as she treks onward. The path is rocky and she wonders how long she will be walking this way. It just seems like she has been walking for a while on this path and all she see's are rocks. Rocks galore and rocks of all kinds. Does it end? Like for real.. How many rocks can there be on a particular path!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 4 4
Was that a sound?

Skittering steps come from ahead and she stops. What was that? Was that a mouse? Something small for sure but she can't place it for some reason. She moves forward and tries to see if she can find where it ran off too. Alas she can't find it so she just crosses it off as a mouse or rat or something. Better to keep treking along.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 27 27
The path continues ...

The silence is getting to her so she starts to hum. Perhaps she can fool herself into thinking things are all gonna be fine. Though after a while she pauses... why is the tune different.. that wasn't the note she hummed... Is someone else around? She starts to grow uneasy. This doesn't seem like a good idea at all.. Not in the slightest.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 31 31
Oh hey, the path continued on still! Persephone checked over her shoulder to make sure she wasn't too far from Mama and made her way along the path. "Path"? Anyway, this one seemed to hit a dead end at any rate, so she had to turn back. Maybe a different spot would work!


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 14 14
Pesephone whistled to herself as she wandered back...only...this place seemed a little familiar. These hooves were a mite familiar. Was this the same well worn path she had encountered before, or a new one? Well, she just had to check it out to see!

...Nope! Nothing new, Persephone could report.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 18 18
(+1 roll)

Okay, maybe she was getting herself stuck in circles. Persephone decided now was as good a time as any for a snack break, and so she split from the deeply worn road and found herself a cozy flat rock to enjoy her quick meal on. Everything about these caverns felt ancient, which she supposed made sense...but even the rocks were old! How did you even accomplish that??


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 45 45
(+1 roll)

After her snack was finished, Persephone was quick to get back to work lest someone see her and call her lazy. No, she was going to be the most hardworkingest pony you had ever seen!!

Definitely! Not! Sleepy!


Okay, so maybe after this long walk into nowhere, the caverns had begun to lull her into wanting a nap. And maybe the snack had helped push this thoguht along. Maybe just a really quick one!
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 34 34
Phew, okay! Snack and power nap accomplished without getting found out! Packing back up, Persephone bounced back into action and began investigating further into this tunnel. Shinies glinted in the distance, but they were treasure sadly, just bits and pieces No, maybe crystal? Weird. There was a lot of it here, and she had to pick her way around it carefully, notating its location in her journal.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 44 44
[A chance encounter]

Saga rounded the corner only to find herself back into circular room from earlier. Impossible! She went in the opposite direction and somehow ended right back here. That was highly peculiar ...was this perhaps an identical room to the other? It felt exactly the same though. Still there was nothing special about this room besides it shape so there was no reason to linger in here.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 3 3
[the path continues...]

Saga wasn't much of a clean freak but even she could admit being covered in this much dirt and mud was highly undesirable. Their group had been walking around these old gross caves forever now surely someone should have found this arch by now. Its like they had been wandering around a maze and with each pass more dirt was accumulating in their path. She supposed there was worst things to be stomping through though.. this could be sewer pipes full of sewage.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 8 8
[ Its so quiet.. ]

Saga looked up from her note book only to realize she had gotten separated from the group in front of her. It was eerily quiet now not even the sound of footsteps could be heard around her. Great. This wild goose chase was quickly becoming cumbersome. Someone needs to be leaving markers along the tunnels so they know where they have been. She put her journal back into her back and hurried on ahead to try and catch up to her group, or at the very least another pony. This was not where she wanted to spend the rest of eternity.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 12 12
This entire trip was proving to be more and more difficult, and Lydia had even begun deleting pictures from her memory card to save space in an effort to have room for that actual ghost pictures, and not just random glowing rocks or freezing temperatures. Her stomach chose at that second to gurgle in protest, and she had to stop and think. When HAD she eaten last? How many hours had she gone without munching on something? Sighing, she went digging in the bag at her side, only finding small tidbits of crumbs in the bottom. Well, time to head back, she grimaced.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 9 9
Rocks, mushrooms, everything she could possibly love in a dark and spooky trip, but no ghosts... she sighed, snapping yet another picture of a strange, furry mound. However, she was quickly looking again when she SWORE it had moved.... It HAD moved, right? She compared it to the photo in her camera and sure enough, there was a spot out of place. Glancing back at it, she had only a second to ponder it before the thing actually skittered off, leaving her frozen in place and dumbfounded. She'd MISSED an opportunity here! GAAAH! Miffed, she sighed fin frustration and pressed on.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 3 3
After dealing with one cave-in already, Lydia was a little less than enthusiastic to venture into another cave on her winding trail. Giving the entrance a once-over, she sighed. At least she could SEE in this one, and it looked sturdy enough, if a little damp. She chose to press on, taking in the sights of what was around her and enjoying the little snippets of like that seemed to ricochet off the more prominent rocks. Man, if this wasn't the land of the dead she'd probably take an interest in camping here a day or two. But, she surmised, that wouldn't exactly help the group with finding that archway, would it?....


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 13 13
You find yourself ... back at the lantern once more. Are these tunnels loops, or something?

As he continues to search, Reaper couldn’t help but wonder what else he was going to run into. Another odd creature, a pitfall, perhaps somewhere else that will attempt to trap him in the afterlife. He knew he was named after the one who brings ponies to this place, but that didn’t mean he belonged here. No, it seemed that venturing down this particular path just leads him right back to the lantern the group has found before. A small snort escapes his nostrils, and with a shake of his head walks off to find another trail.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 38 38
One wrong step can mean disaster in tunnels like this - and you find that out very quickly. You don't notice that the path dips below you, and seconds later you are slip-sliding down a steep slope into the darkness below. Thankfully, it doesn't go too far, and you're mostly unharmed besides some minor scrapes, but it does take quite a while to get back up, as there's not enough room to fly (if you're able!) and you keep slipping back down.

Once a day: -1 Roll (if you have any left)

Venturing further, he takes one careful step at a time. Although, it wasn’t careful enough. ”FRICK!” The Pegacorn exclaimed the moment he felt his hoof take a misstep and he goes sliding down the path he’s on. He tumbles for a bit, but eventually comes to a stop at the bottom with a groan. Remaining there, Reaper shakes his head a little to get his bearings back; head turning up toward where he came from. Now he’s grumbling. Dirty, sore, and he couldn’t even fly back up to the top; the stallion slowly made his way back, cursing even more whenever he loses progress. It took time, but he eventually made it back up… after losing a lot of time. Losing a bunch more, deciding to rest the moment he got back to where he was.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 3 3
The path continues ...

All this walking and they are still not close to figuring out how to get out. These caves seem endless to her and the dirt.. It definitely stays on ones coat. Though this is what she signed up for so she best continue on and do her best. Though when she gets home she wants a nice bath for sure! " So dirty here." Gash.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 45 45
Somewhere along the way, you find a warm spot among all the chills and creeps of the tunnels. You're not sure what's causing it, but the place just feels comforting. You decide to settle down for a rest, and before you know it, you're waking up from an impromptu nap! You hope your group hasn't left you, but you definitely feel refreshed.

Once a day: +1 Rolls

Cordelia pauses as she comes across what is surprisingly a warm place among the cold caves. It's... so nice.. She stops for a moment to take in this nice spot. A little break wouldn't hurt. Then sure enough time flies as she accidentally fell asleep. Waking up she is worried that the group left her! So she continues on but man that nap was nice!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 49 49
A breeze ripples at the back of your neck, and you pause - why is there a breeze in a cave? Try as you might, you can't seem to find a source for it.

While she is going in search of either the group or a way out. The cool breeze causes bumps to rise. She glances around and moves to try to find the source of the wind. That means there is a opening somewhere right? Though she frowns as she can't seem to find it." It has to be here somewhere... I would think it would have to come from an opening..."