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Stage Four: Into the Deep Unknown


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 21 21
You find a small spring in a crevice along one side of the tunnel, spilling out crystal-clear water that disappears into a hole in the ground to who-knows-where. Tired and thirsty, you take a long sip of the welcome drink; the crisp taste revitalizes you to continue your journey!

Once a day: +1 Roll gained

Cordelia stumbles into a small treasure as she finds a spring. She watches the water flow and decides she may as well try it. She is tired and thirsty after all! She takes a drink of the water and smiles. This is nice. So crisp and perfect. After drinking her fill she makes her way forwards again. She should really get to the others or find something soon.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 22 22
Though the guide assured you the caves were definitely safe, you disagree; one wrong turn finds you trapped behind a wall of mud and rock! Thankfully, it doesn't seem like the collapse was terribly large, and with a bit of effort you free yourself - but wow, that could have been a lot worse.

Turning a corner she is sent into a panic as she finds herself trapped behind a wall of mud and rock. After calming herself down she tries to think of how to get out of this situation. Deciding her best option it doesn't seem to take too long to get free but darn... That was really close. That definitely could have been bad!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 20 20
so i didn't roll like a goof

As you turn a corner, you come face to face with another pony. You startle, then realize it must be another explorer, so you laugh and apologize; soon after, though, their unsettling stare starts to creep at your spine, so you excuse yourself to continue traveling. After a few seconds, you realize you've never seen them before - but on returning to that spot, they've vanished without a trace.

First time only: +1 AP

Having finished her snack Moon Belle Charm continued her exploration trying to find her way back. She turned a corner and came nose to nose with another pony. "EEsh!" it was more a shrill scream then a statement. "Oh sorry about that. So the group is back that way? I was getting a little worried thinking I might get lost." She was sure she had been lost to be honest. The stare the other gave made her feel uncomfortable but she couldn't place why. Surely they would say something but silence was the only response. "ooo I'lll just keep going." She moved past them with every hair on her neck standing up then as she moved she realized she didn't know that pony and she had looked at all the faced from the haunted house and meeting... this was a new pony. Turning she trotted back suspiciously trying to keep quite on her padded paws. there was nothing there.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 17 17
A part of the path you're on is weirdly slippery; only after you've made a good show of catching your balance do you realize there's some kind of liquid dripping from the ceiling here.

She was more then a little unnerved and still very very lost she kept hiking in the caves shivering and glancing over her shoulder often. It was while she was looking around she slipped and almost fell it would be funny had it not happened to her once already she glared at the dripping ceiling and rubbed the back of her neck as she had tweaked it during the prevention of another near fall. She nibbled her bottom lip and closed her eyes fitting back a desperate feeling wanting to scream out at this place. that would be pointless.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 4 4
You swear you heard something skitter off into the darkness, but you didn't get a glimpse of what it was, and the hole you heard it from is too small for you to enter.

Still lost she kept moving forward the skittering noise made her think of the spider mound but it was a different kind of noise. listening she found the source after a few moments. it was a small black hole. it was too small to investigate but seeing regular life rather then this creepy cave would have been rather nice. the spiders didn't count. a bat wouldn't be to bad. another pony would be better. .... correction another pony she KNEW would be better. no scary pony she didn't know... the gorgon would be a welcome sight.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 2 2
Another branch?

More twisting, more turning. More and more branches of tunnels. At this point, Bloodless was certain there was some sort of magic affecting the tunnels. Something that made it seem like they were endless in number and length. So. Many. Paths. They were starting to lose hope of ever finding the orb that Abe talked about to activate the arch.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 50 50
Contemplating your story. (Chart #2)

Bloodless took this time to contemplate and look back on their journey thus far. Mostly just wandering in the near dark, listening to a bunch of other ponies do the same. Nothing of note on their own path, but perhaps they could talk to other ponies and learn their stories too. See if any of them came across anything useful or new.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 29 29
Worrisome whispers! (Chart #2)

While they continued to contemplate the journey and how they could approach other ponies about their experiences, it sounded like a pony was near them! Perfect timing. Spinning around with their mouth open, Bloodless was about to ask something, when they realized........ There was no one there. Frowning, they trotted towards where they thought they heard the voice. Some pony was here, right? Or perhaps... Perhaps it was another of the ghost ponies who called this place home? Honestly, that would make more sense. They nodded matter-of-factly and turned to trot back where they originally intended to go.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 36 36
[the path continues...aching feet]

So when he said that the tunnels would widen into a large cave and there would be an arch was this supposed to be before or after they walked a mile down hill single file? When she gets out of here she definitely needs to get a pedicure cuz her hooves were being put through the ringer. Saga wasn't used to getting so much exercise considering her job as a consultant was mostly done from a desk.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 35 35

Well this looked promising. An ominious fountain like structure with a skull carved into it had to have some significance. There was no switch to flip or level to pull anywhere but there was a small button in the skulls mouth that could be easy to miss if you were not looking closely. Saga decided to push it. Worse case something falls on her head and crushes her or a trap door sends her into an abyss... best case this helps them get out of the caves.
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late to the party
Staff member
Seems like that fountain of energy has done something ...

The chart has been updated, you may continue rolling. This does not count as a new chart!


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 28 28
After activating whatever mechanism Saga just set in motion she tried to retrace her steps and reuninte with the group. Whats around corner number 1! Oh joy... its spiders or creatures resembling spiders. Definitely will not be going that direction! While it is likely this black mass of legs is friendly the odds are more in favor of being swallowed alive by the hoard.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 9 9
[ 9: Weird little critter ]

Something had happened once they were all looking for things, but now?? Hmm. Somehow or another Wei Yong had wandered off from the archway in an effort to find something to open the archway and he was sort of...cursing himself for doing it. It was reckless, he needed to find a way to retrace his steps and -

- ...what the what was that? A furry mush - oh it was moving.

Nope nope nope.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 18 18
[18: Taking a rest. ]

Leaving behind the creepy mushroom, he needed to get back again. Others seemed to be walking in no specific direction, you'd think they'd all know where to head thanks to the archyway being huge and open, but apparently that was asking too much.

The Suli took a moment to just sit instead of continuing on, feeling oddly more weary in that moment than he had before. The rock supported him just nicely and after a brief respite he got back up and headed onward. There was still the archway to get back to.

first time: +1 roll


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 24 24
[ 24: A pretty crystal in the sand. ]

Was it here? Come on Wei Ying, you have to find it. How could he have managed to get himself to turned around while walking in the caves? He wasn't paying attention to where he was going obviously and the Suli grumbled a bit as he marched in what he hoped was the right direction.

It may have been, it may not have been, but whatever the path was it certainly did attempt to trip him. The offending object was removed with a scrape of the hoof, and Wei Ying marveled at the glowing object.


first time: obtained a glowing crystal!


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 44 44
[ using the + 1 roll ] [ 44: A chance encounter ... ]

Still carrying the crystal as he progressed, Wei Ying was wondering its exact use when he found himself in an area far different than his original location. Everything about the place screamed wrong and dangerous, and no sooner had those thoughts occured than a voice rang out. When he attempted to leave, or move, or breath, it spoke again.

The crystal was offered - he seriously hoped that was correct - and then Wei Ying fled. There was no point in looking back, he needed to save his life now if he was to continue, but when he finished....

What was this in his hoof?


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 21 21
Cool, refreshing water.You find a small spring in a crevice along one side of the tunnel, spilling out crystal-clear water that disappears into a hole in the ground to who-knows-where. Tired and thirsty, you take a long sip of the welcome drink; the crisp taste revitalizes you to continue your journey!

Once a day: +1 Roll gained

Nememus had been traveling around in order to find what they had been looking for. There had to be some way to unlock the thing, and he was certain their group would find it. Hopefully he would be able to help instead of just being a hindrance. He came upon a spring in the crevice along one side of the tunnel and decided to take a sip from the water. It was really refreshing and it helped him to have more energy for the journey ahead!
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