What games y'all playin'?


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
What happened to it?
Crafted is seriously adorable? We weren't sure the first area was going to end, it had so much to do? But not in a bad way.


Unfortunately had to sell it cause money issues.
I'll get it back eventually.

I love that feeling~ I was like that with Mario Odessy but I kinda got bored with it real fast. But, I'm like that with Mario games.


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Oooh ... :(
I unfortunately understand those times.

I can play platformers all day long though. I love them, cuter/more colourful the better.
I also like twitchy games, bullet hells (danmaku), arcade games ... well, really, I grew up in arcades so I guess it makes sense.
I missed the Playstation (one) era cause of money issues, but I caught up later.
Burnt through things like NiGHTS, Burning Rangers, Sonic R, Astal, and Panzer Dragoon when I was a bit younger 'cause I grew up in a SEGA-oriented place though.
And oh, man, Phantasy Star. One of my fave series, if not most.

Might be too old for a bunch of you though? I just have fun with and play a lot of retro games, when I have the time.
Not that I don't play current ones, but something pulls me backwards more. Maybe cause I like early-gens aesthetics and pixels? Dunno.
I haven't really thought about it.


I turn 29 in February
But I get it! I've played a lot of Retro games and even got an n64 from my uncle a few years ago.
I remember playing sonic spinball and duck hunt with my dad
and whenever PlayStation had those like... old games on one CD things we always got them

I've never played Phantasy Star but I've heard about it.
I really like games like Monster Hunter, Horizon: Zero Dawn
I like open worlds and good stories

Untitled Goose Game has my heart too XD



🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
If you like games like Monster Hunter, you'd probably like ... well, at least you might like PSO 2. Original MH was inspired by original Phantasy Star Online (as was Destiny, I really think.) PSO2 is a lot more actiony than the first, but I think I still prefer some things about it more than the current gen game.

I actually started with the very first one, for Master System. It's one of the games that got me deep into dungeon crawlers.

Open worlds though, I play ... a lot of TES. It's also one of my fave series, but one that isn't nearly as good without the mods to me? Not because I can't play without them (beyond bug fixes, like, wow) necessarily, but just ... the community is/was great, and just adds so much replay value or things like Ordinator which really change gameplay. Beyond that though, I like the cosmology and it's probably one of the few series I can really say I'm a real nerd level fan of. XD


I play a lot of Destiny too lmao! TES is a given.
And mine is modded to shit too. I love what some mods add to the game.
I really need to reinstall it and get some mods goin x3


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
I might have to get you to come play the waifu sim sometime when I can actually give another 200 hours to that game then. lmao The only bad(?) thing is I play on JP servers. (US is getting a port but it isn't out yet and it'll be behind update-wise.)

A crazy group ported Daggerfall to Unity. @polliwoggi says it's pretty amazing, from what I remember?
Think my fave unmodded is Morrowind, but modding Skyrim has added so much to it, yeah.
Like Dragonborn Gallery? I still haven't finished it, just cause time.

I used to not particularly like the removal of Oblivion's mechanics/levelling system but after playing Skyrim a bunch it does feel much more streamline.


late to the party
Staff member

Yep, Daggerfall Unity is a thing and it is surprisingly good. When I have more time to play I'm going to devote a lot of time to it just because I never got to play Daggerfall. If you like dungeon crawlers, it's amazing, and there's even some mods for it (for the Unity version!) upscaling and retexturing the old art to make it a little nicer on modern screens.

Morrowind is so ridiculously broken unmodded but I adore it. I put hundreds if not thousands of hours into that game and honestly I'd do the same again if I had time. I'd probably do it modded this time just because I never really did. I did my time with Oblivion, which is probably my least favorite between Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim but probably only because it's so in between the "definitely RPG" and "definitely ARPG" in terms of mechanics. Also the potato faces, but you can mod those to be a bit better.

That's not saying a lot though because "least fav" still got hundreds of hours of playtime from me, and I'd do it again.. so...

Also PSO2 is super fun and I can't wait to be able to invest time into IT again too.



Listen... If y'all want to drag me into some games I am very much so down for that. I know I don't get much time with my work schedules but I can manage to squeeze some time in.

I've put COUNTLESS hours into Skyrim. Unmodded and modded. With Hearthstone I may have went a little nuts making sure my homes were perfection for my little Argonian and his husband. -weeps- There was one I saw where how you start is different and I want to get my grubby hands on it.


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Well I know I absolutely will when I have more time then. 😏
Even if it's just something simple like Garden Paws? Or Animal Crossing, when the new one comes out and we can afford it?
Since you're comfy modding games I can get you into the JP PSO2 too, since there's an English Patch that def does a good enough job.

I think the Skyrim mod you're looking for is dissun?
... and this is Dragonborn Gallery!
I'm always happy to share mod links/discuss any aspect of TES, just ask. :p


I'm unfamiliar with Garden Paws, is it like Starred? I adore Animal Crossing so fingers crossed I have a Switch soon.


My next real day off is Thursday so I might go play then <3 I will for sure bother you about TES stuff. I think I have either oblivion or morrowind on Steam. So I'll have to actually play them too.


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
idk what Starred is 🤔 but this is Garden Paws
it's gotten a few big updates since the last time I played, seems like

I hope you have a great day off! Gaming is really relaxing ; w;

I think for now I'll have to work on finishing Yoshi ...


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Oh then yeah, sort of? It's 3D tho, and there's no relationship-system. It has little quests and stuff.


Why is it so flippin cute!!
I'll have to add it to my list... Which is stagnant due to RL just eating me alive.
I can't even play the games I already have. -weeps forever-


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
It really is. I'm excited there's more for me to do now.
I'm trying to work through mine as I have the legendary thing called spare time. xD


Station Visitor
FFXIV online lately
And Fire Emblem Awakening on 3DS (though I feel I still liked The Sacred Stones more). It's not bad though, just feels like it lacks some of the old charm somehow.