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▷ Exploring The Daycare!


Stew Aficionado
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Res: 2

2. Rattling from the AC ducts startles you. Against your better judgement, you look inside. It's just a forgotten cute eraser!

With no luck so far, Itto started to go over all the spots he’s already been to and where he had looked within those locations. “Let’s see… I’ve gone to the classroom twice, searched the blackboard and the teacher’s desk… like twice. I’ve also been to the playroom twice, found those horrid beans in the toy bin and checked out the cool tunnel- though it didn’t have anything in it. I’ve been to the garden once, found nothing in those pots… which I was pretty sure had something… then I had to break that… Hmm...” He muttered to himself while he continued to walk down the hall, biting his bottom lip as he tries to think of spaces he hasn’t been to yet. He’s been to the daycare a few times to play with the foals, the building never seemed to be that big when he would visit. Then again, he wasn’t really paying attention either. Still walking, his train of thought is derailed by a rattling happening not too far away from him. “What’s that?” He looks around, before turning his attention to a duct nearby that the sound seemed to be coming from. Tilting his head, he peers in carefully. His brows furrow. What is that? He thought to himself, head dipping in a little closer. Finally, some sense hits him and he opens the duct. “An eraser?! What’s that doing in there? Man… so many things in odd places. Oh hey! This was something on that list. Awesome!” Tossing it up with a flip, then catching it, he pockets the eraser and continues with his search.

Word count: 269​
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Stew Aficionado
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Max: 30
Res: 26

26. Someone left their blueberries in the science room!

Some time has passed since Itto found his first special item, and he found himself in a new room. Like literally. He’s never been to the science room before, on his search or whenever he would visit the daycare. It, and learning, was never really a point of interest for him. So, when he finally stepped into the room, his eyes were lit up in wonder of what sort of mad scientist things he would find. Part of him thought – or hoped – that he would find some sort of Frankenstein’s monster being built. … Aw man... There was a little disappointment when there wasn’t a single sign of one though. Putting that aside for now, Itto steps more into the room to begin looking for another item on the list. He actually didn’t have to go too far when he spots something on a table, his head tilting some. “Alriiiiiiggght… some blueberries!” Finally some snacks! He was starving. It was an added perk that the little fruits were also a favorite of one of the kids, and he was sure the foal wouldn’t mind if he stole a few- he thought, popping a small hoof full into his mouth after picking up the container and walking out of the room with his new ‘prize’.

Word count: 214​

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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
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Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 9
12/08 exploration!~

9. As you explore the library you hear something fall from the shelves. Upon further investigation, you find an unopened blindbox. [ + Blindbox ]

Ooo, I wonder if it's a super, ultra-rare, golden Sparkle Dog! 8V

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
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Max: 30
Res: 22
12/08 exploration part 2!
22. You find a small bottle of pop in the fridge! [ + Soda Pop ]

Guess I have a free bottle of soda to drink now!

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Grizzled Veteran
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Min: 1
Max: 9
Res: 9

--- edited in rp

C.A.A Saw the unicorn drawing all over the hallway walls as he stepped out. He knew they were fast but he didn’t realize just how fast they were. Rubbing his nose he turned and walked down the hall yelling out to other volunteers. “There is one this way.” He didn’t’ bother chasing this one though as he had learned much better about the shin kicking little brat. He had an apple and some pretty stones. He should bribe one who seems to like those things. He decided he would give it a try. Clearing his throat he called out. “I’m so tired from chasing permafoals maybe I should just look over these pretty stones on break.” Nothing no noise no anything.
  • Apple - xx
  • Pretty stones- xxx
  • item - link to roll
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Grizzled Veteran
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Min: 1
Max: 9
Res: 3

C.A.A listened for a bit there was no response. So that wouldn’t work. He moved further down the hallway. “Well now that I feel better maybe I should eat this apple!” He herd a noise. He turned around to watch the hall. The unicorn permafoal was gone but there was something moving in some shadows down the hallway. Really could the permafoals have trashed this place making it creepier? He swore if they could have gotten to the electrical wire out they would have stripped the place to bare bones. “Hey there. Want an apple?” A red permafoal darted out to take the apple as C.A.A scooped them up and pinned them and pinned them to his body with a wing. He heard them crunching on the apple while he quickly trotted back to the supervisor to drop this little monster off. No more getting kicked in the shin or having his feathers ripped out here!
  • Apple - xx -using
  • Pretty stones- xxx
  • item - link to roll
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