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[Nightday Circus] The Haunted House


Meta Post!

: SwordOfTheNagas
Meta Profile: Here we go~

Current Specter Ticket Count: 1

I'm Ready!

: SwordOfTheNagas
Pony: -cert/uncert-
Answer Picked: C. The coffin with a Mau statue on top.

Current Raffle Ticket Count
: 1

Passhon looked at the vampire like the stallion had three heads and one just threatened his life with needles. The young male looked around, his wings flat against his back and his tail tucked around his feet. He looked to the coffins. OH. COME. ON.


The amount of panic he had was insane. Passhon looked to the choices. Alright we were looking at...
Something rustling with gold trim, sounded like a dress. NOPE.
Tiny coffin with runes. Could be a vampire foal. ANOTHER NOPE.
A coffin guarding the...cellar...en---yeah. No.
Another rustling coffin that was red and black. DOUBLE. NOPE.
The Vampire's Coffin was wide open...ha. ha. ha. He's not suicidal.
Then...there was the Mau Statue. Wait...Mau's...the undead should be scared of them right? He cautiously went to that coffin. Maybe...the Seasons willing. He wasn't going to faint...please don't let him faint in this House.

He would never near the end of it.​


Meta Post!

: Lisais-fire619
Meta Profile: link please

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3

I'm Ready!

Username: Lisais-fire619
Pony: Nalanna
Answer Picked: G

Nalanna had let out another frighted meep when the door opened but let out a sigh of relief for someone had obviously found something right. As the group entered the cellar her eyes fell upon a vampire dragon. She gave a shy smile and wave with a tentacle as she listened to him. So he hid the key well then she should ask him for said key right? "mmm...eeer.... Hello Mr.... May I search your Coffin for the key please?" She asked sweetly in her shy voice.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 3


Stew Aficionado
Meta Post!

Username: belloblossom
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 1

I'm Ready!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Rock Kandy
Answer Picked: G - Look in the Vampire's coffin

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 2

Rock Kandy had found it immensely delightful that the record player began to play on its own - the music was so creepy and off-putting! She wished she knew what instruments it had featured. Maybe she'd be able to take one of the haunted house workers aside after they got out. When someone eventually found the "key" as it was. They moved into the next room and found the vampire dragon. Her eyes lit up and she squealed in delight. He mentioned something about him having the key, but while others looked around the other coffins, she moved towards his. She noticed she wasn't alone in doing this and smiled at the others that ventured forward.

She glanced behind her as some yelling broke out and she fixed her gaze on a dark kitsune. She clicked her tongue in disapproval.
"They shouldn't get on the actor's case. They're just doing their job." She shook her head. "Talk about breaking the mood." She muttered and returned to searching the vampire's coffin.


Long-Term Resident
Meta Post!

: SSBrosB
Meta Profile: profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 1

I'm Ready!

: SSBrosB
Pony: Cert + Uncert
Answer Picked: G

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 2

Radio didn't see the record player turn on it's own, but listening to the distorted, most likely corrupted music, was a bit intriguing to him even if the skipping bothered him. Unfortunately as he reached it to see what it was, the record stopped and he couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed! Still, he would just have to ask one of the workers there later about it. Perhaps he could get a version that didn't skip?

Eventually he heard the cries of happiness from the other ponies and it appeared that they had found the way out though he hadn't seen any keys. Maybe he just missed it? Still, he moved along at his own pace, trying to take the area around him in with his limited sight, moving his crystalized mic here and there. They were going down clearly, and he wondered how exactly this house was layed out in the first place. Eventually, he felt the signature of death as they had moved closer and eventually some pony started to speak. There was some death here... but not truly dead? Vampire? That's what it had to be. It was interesting though, he hadn't seen a vampire dragon before. Did they breath hot fire or cold fire?

He would have to ask later though as the dragon said they were supposed to be looking for a key. Radio wasn't sure why they were, after all, they had gotten out of the room that needed the key anyway, so what did they need it for now?

Still, the vampire said he had taken it, and he said to look in the "five coffins" and clearly the vampire was in one, and Radio hadn't seen the coffin by the entry, so it had to be free game right? And the fact that the vampire said they took it?

He walked up to the Vampire's coffin, moving his mic here and there to study it. "Sorry Sir Vampire. Just want to take a quick look!"


Meta Post!

: medigel
Meta Profile: xxx

Current Specter Ticket Count: 2

I'm Ready!

: medigel
Pony: Persephone Pyrefly
Answer Picked: G

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

"Hee~" Persephone fluttered just a little bit, rising into the nuzzle and emitting a sparkle of light before landing. Onward!!

Her mother was so smart, pointing out the number of coffins with the family portrait the others had uncovered before. "So the Mau one, that's probably a family pet," she deduced in a stage whisper before the vampire rose and gave his speech. A real vampire! Wow...But somehow more distracting than that was the pixie Lady Hellebore pointed out sniffing around that vampire's coffin.

"Oh!!" Persephone excitedly leaned into her mother once more. "Mama, that's Momo! I told you about her before, she's the one who's mama is a witch!" But she dared not get too much into her rant. Important things were at stake here! Such as a key that was possibly in said vampire's coffin! What better thing to do than investigate it with her friend while Mama distracted him?

With a nod, Persephone acted as if she was going to investigate a nearby coffin instead, hovering over it before slinking away to the vampire's coffin - and alongside an old friend. "Momo, hey," she whispered in greeting, beaming. "He can't keep us both off, right?"



Long-Term Resident
Meta Post!

Username: Hattaki
Meta Profile: X

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

: Hattaki
Pony: Blood Current
Answer Picked: G - Look in the Vampire's coffin

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 1

Blood Current's face pulled an interested look and they lifted an eyebrow at the neon handled knife that dropped out of the cushions. Just for posterity's sake they took it as the whole group finally managed to open the door. Though they hovered near Bloodless protectively nothing was so much worrying them as it was just making them amused. A cellar full of vampires.

"Well this just got quite a bit more interesting." Gently they leaned into their partner and returned their nuzzle. Unlike these dramatic vampires Blood Current didn't have a coffin and slept quite comfortably in a, admittedly luxuriously comfortable, bed. "By your lead, love."

It was quite interesting to look into somepony's bed.


signed an NDA
Staff member
Prompt Three!

A. The dark coffin with gold trim. There's rustling coming from inside.... +2 raffle tickets, +2 Specter Tickets!
B. The tiny coffin with runes carved into the lid. +1 raffle tickets, +1 Specter Ticket
C. The coffin with a Mau statue on top. +3 raffle tickets, +1 Specter Ticket
D. The coffin by the cellar entry, it's abnormally long. +1 raffle tickets, no Specter Tickets
E. The red and black coffin. Rustling is coming from inside.... +2 raffle tickets, + 2 Specter Tickets
F. Yell at the vampire for the key, or just to yell at him. No raffle tickets, +2 Specter Tickets
G. Look inside the vampires coffin. +3 raffle tickets, +3 Specter Tickets
The dark coffin with gold trim had.... nothing inside aside from some hay and fake bones. Spooky! The rustling was a small Dormouse, who squeaks in surprise. They run out of the coffin and to the Vampire dragon, who can't help but smile as they bend over to pick up the pet.
The tiny coffin with runes had a fake skeleton, presumably a child, wrapped in bandages with runes painted on top. Alas, no key!
The Mau statue creaks open, revealing a cat bowl, cat toys, and a picture of a pure white Mau.
The abnormally long coffin is barren, although you notice claw marks on the inside, as if something was trying to get out.
The red and black coffin also has a Dormouse, which runs to the dragon eagerly. They drop a pretty ribbon as they pass, which looks like it has fake blood on it.
The yelling... doesn't work. In fact, the actor looks annoyed, narrowing his eyes at the Kitsune. "Should add don't be a jerk to the rules," he sighed, folding his arms as his Dormice ran onto his shoulders. He turns his head to those approaching his coffin, stepping aside agreeably. He looks annoyed, eyes rolling at those who chose to yell at him. "Oh noooo, you've frightened me -- look, just go into the coffin already. Charles does a better job anyway.... wish he wasn't stationed as the boogeyman demon this t- I mean--"
A few ponies reach into the unmentioned sixth coffin. There's... nothing! The dragon lashes his tail, which had been within the coffin, and with it falls a key. Aha! He doesn't make a move to protest, instead faking a look of shock. The group grabs the key and, with a tired sigh of congratulations, the dragon slinks back into the coffin, closing the lid.
Now the door can be opened, and it doesn't take long for the group to make their way and do so! The door swings open, revealing a yellow kitchen. It's seen better days, as the wallpaper peels and the furniture is cracked and decrepit. The door out of the room is wide open -- it looks like you're free to explore a little.
Immediately attention is drawn to the table, which sits near the door. Unsettlingly enough there's three mannequins settled in the chairs, with a fourth chair empty. Two adult dragon mannequins and one child dragon one. Their eyes are scribbled over, and the child has a drawn on frowny face in red. A white Mau plushie sits in the middle, a paw in an empty cup.
There's a sound; shuffling. Behind a counter you can hear the sound of... breathing? It wasn't noticeable before, but it gets louder and louder as a figure stands, shrouded in darkness. You see the silhouette of large wings, but the body seems like a child.
A few ponies make a move to escape. The room outside of the kitchen is a hallway, which leads into an open room that is currently pitch black. The door behind you slams shut and locks. You have choices, but not many, and the child behind the counters might not be friendly. What do you do?
Remember to RP out your response, and indicate which option you took. The next round will begin on October 7th, 5pm EST.
A. Run into the hallway and towards the room!
B. Approach the child figure, intent on asking who they are.
C. Run in the hallway and slam the door, trapping the child!
D. Stand there panicked. This is too scary!

One Little Jay

Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: One little Jay
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3

I'm Ready!

: One little Jay
Pony: Mister Danger Man
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count:2

Danger was disappointed that the coffin he chose had a fake skeleton. Someone else had found the key. They began to scatter, running down a hallway away from.. Danger looked back. It was just a child? Why were they running. Danger was one to stand his ground so he did just that. "Who are you supposed to be? " he called as he approached the child.


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: KikiLime
Meta Profile: link please

Current Specter Ticket Count: 2

I'm Ready!

: KikiLime
Pony: Chubs
Answer Picked: B. Approach the child figure, intent on asking who they are.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 2

Chubs squeaks with delight, at the cute little mouse, giving a smile as it ran off towards it's master.
As she followed the others, upon hearing the sniffles, she followed the sound, as her instincts told her to help anyone in need, specially sounding sad or sick.

Causious as she approached the dragon child, she tilted her head. "What's wrong , little one?"
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Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Joshuality
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 1

I'm Ready!

: Joshuality
Pony: Poveglia
Answer Picked: B - Approach

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 3

Poveglia wasn't shocked but admittedly a bit disheartened when the coffin they chose bore nothing but scratch marks. They also couldn't help but feel pity for the poor dragon, who Poveglia could tell clearly did not like this job. They couldn't blame him either. In fact, after the others had found the key and ran off to unlock the door, Poveglia lingered back just a moment to tap on his coffin and say a short "Thank you!"

They continued on into some yellow kitchen with the group. There, they were greeted by an odd figure and a slammed door. Not exactly the most welcoming, but the childlike figure did capture Poveglia's attention. Ponies around them scattered in different directions, but Poveglia was intent on figuring this out a little more. They approached the figure with a curiously tilted head. "Hey! Who might you be?"


Meta Post!

: Lady Angel Heart
Meta Profile: link please

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3 + 1 + x

I'm Ready!

: Lady Angel Heart
Pony: Saga
Answer Picked:
B. Approach the child figure, intent on asking who they are.

Current Raffle Ticket Count
: 3 + 3 + x

Saga was less than amused as the pet supplies came tumbling out of the coffin. That was however a very lovely mau depicted within the photograph. She wanted one very similar to it one day. Once the keys were found within the actors coffin that annoyance became anger. Saga knew that was the answer, it was the only logical choice! How infuriating she didnt trust her intuition but she would not be making that mistake twice. While no one was clearly judging her on her foolish mistake Saga would settle for nothing less than perfection. This was now a self imposed competition to prove she could solve the puzzles before the others in her group who simply got lucky.

With a final huff Saga followed behind into the next room. The quickly scanned the room looking for some task to complete but there was nothing noticeable. The mannequins sitting at the table however did give of a very unsettling feeling. She didnt mind darkness or spiders but mannequins were creepy faceless and soulless. Only these were not entirely faceless which almost made it more unsettling. Her attention was drawn away as the newest actor approached them from out of sight. She honestly wasn't sure why everyone was running away in terror, they weren't even armed! Standing her ground she demanded the figure reveal its identity. She was in no mood for tricks and needed answers!
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bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: bitsie spider
Meta Profile: Bitsie

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

Username: bitsie spider
Pony: Bitsie
Answer Picked: B. Approach the child figure, intent on asking who they are.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Having never been to a haunted house before, Bitsie had decided she wanted to try it! Once she stepped claw into it, there was a rush of ponies that went here, there, and every which way. What she didn't expect was a childlike figure standing behind the desk across the way... Feeling anxious, but extremely curious, the spider crept behind other ponies that made their way to the desk. She peeped up a quiet "Who are you?" with the others.


Meta Post!

Username: AlicornPlayhouse
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 6

I'm Ready!

: AlicornPlayhouse
Pony: Momo
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 6

She hadn't expected to meet any friends here, so running into Persephone was a pleasant sight. Sadly, though, she found no time to chatter as she let her mind focus entirely on this task. They had to get out! Momo had a small clue, maybe, of what this could be. An empty seat? Maybe it was for that small pony! Maybe they had to join their family at the dinner table! So, along with many other ponies, she went approaching the child. Many were throwing questions at the pony as they approached, so she decided to stay quiet as they sauntered along. Though she did call out a quiet 'are you okay?' somewhere in the booming noise of confused ponies.


Meta Post!

Username: SwordOfTheNagas
Meta Profile: Here we go~

Current Specter Ticket Count: 2

I'm Ready!

Username: SwordOfTheNagas
Pony: -cert/uncert-
Answer Picked: D. Stand there panicked. This is too scary!
E. Faint out of fear

Current Raffle Ticket Count
: 4

Walking with the group had Passhon somewhat calm. Groups were nice, Groups were safe, Groups meant the monsters had more to go after and he could run like a coward. Yeah, stick to the Group. Always the Group.

...oh no.



Passhon stared eyes like saucers as he stared at the makeshift family. On the one claw, he did that before. Set up his own little family with his toys when he was lonely. He could understand that. That was fine....The foal that set this up might be lonely.

Then he heard the sound...slowly looking over his shoulder to see the wings. Then everything hit his brain and it wasn't flight...noooo. It was ::


The lonely little foal could take him. He didn't care. He fainted.

Right in the middle of the room.




Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: ChexaRain
Meta Profile: -Link-

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

Username: ChexaRain
Pony: -Cert- -Uncert-
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Lydia had bee quiet at the back of the pack for most of this adventure, nose wrinkling at some of the more lackluster decor and questioning the validity of the more interesting things. She took a quick glance around the kitchen and snapped a few pictures of the table setup, hoping to find something lurking in the corners of the photos later, before her attention turned to the very living being in the room with them. While others questioned it, and even more fainted [ok....?] she watched the rest of them approach and shrugged, doing the same, "Uh... what's up?"


Long-Term Resident
Meta Post!

Username: Hattaki
Meta Profile: X

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3

I'm Ready!

: Hattaki
Pony: Blood Current
Answer Picked: B - Approach the child figure, intent on asking who they are.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 4

Wishing deeply that they had brought a pair of earplugs for their sensitive ears, Blood Current turned and glared at the yelling ponies before glancing into the vampire's coffin with Bloodless. Alas, that wasn't where the key was, though it had been a good idea. "Oh for Two I'm afraid, my dear. Good guess though." They nuzzled the Kelain affectionately and followed the others into the yellowed and fading kitchen.

The decor was questionable instantaneously.

"I'd fire whoever decorated this haunted monstrosity. The mannequins are an interesting touch..." They blinked their eerie eyes once then twice at the pony that stood up. No self respecting haunted house would hire a child, nor could they legally, or so Blood Current was fairly certain. Seemed that this was the next step, at least no one had panicked too much other than the fool who had fainted, so the vampric Flightless stepped towards the newest actor. "They get younger every year is an understatement, eh?"

Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Jackariah Beckett
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 2

I'm Ready!

Username: Jackariah Beckett
Pony: Ginevra
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count: Ginevra heard the rustling as she saw the childlike shadow from behind the counter. Adrenaline spiked, she felt her breath hitch as her eyes widened. A second more and she was able to calm herself down. When she saw most of the others were stepping up to the counter she turned her attention to the plush white Mau stuffie and grabbed it. If nothing else, clutching it helped calm her nerves as she turned to join the edge of the pack asking about the shadow.


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: RozeyBear
Meta Profile: bloop

Current Specter Ticket Count: 1

I'm Ready!

Username: RozeyBear
Pony: Cert + Uncert
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 2

Morosa must have dozed off on her hooves during the whole vampire stage of the house. She missed the entire thing! Still, she followed right on along with the others as they fled out the door. She expected a lot of things when she heard the rustling but certainly not to see the silhouette of a child. Or perhaps they were just child sized, whomever they were. She moved in the opposite direction of the ponies scurrying away.

"Excuse me," she began, edging toward them cautiously. Who knew what kind of antics they had planned, after all. "Are you all right? You seem to be struggling."​
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Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count:3

I'm Ready!

: Cheyriddle4
Pony: Cert + Uncert
Answer Picked: A

Current Raffle Ticket Count:3

Cordelia didn't waste any time as she spots the child sized being. She takes her opportunity and runs out into the hallway and heads to the other room. It may be pitch black but damn she isn't staying with what could be a murderer. Even if she knows that it wouldn't be but still.. Her instincts chose flight. Darkness surrounds her and she pauses.