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[Nightday Circus] The Haunted House


Meta Post!

: Lady Angel Heart
Meta Profile: link please

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3 + 1 + 0 +

I'm Ready!

: Lady Angel Heart
Pony: Saga
Answer Picked:
C. Attempt to lift the rug

Well that was unnerving. No meer actor could be doing all that. Special effects? Unicorn Magic..? Saga looked around the newest room. She definitely wasn't going into that bathroom. That was always where stuff went horribly wrong in the movies so surely that was a planned gimic. She looked up towards the steps. That was a possible route seeing as the front doors were still sealed shut. However a handful of ponies seemed interested in what was under the large room rug so she decided to linger and see how this pans out. Perhaps there was a trap door? Unsure what they were looking for.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 3 + 3 + 0 +
Meta Post!

: Valdmir Talamore
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 4

I'm Ready!

: Valdmir Talamore
Pony: Mayhem
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 2

Rude just rude just screaming and brushing into a blind alicorn. Unacceptable! But that being said Mayhem was now understandably spooked! "Danger this was a rotten idea and I'm not enjoying it anymore!" He moved to try to find his friend in all the chaos speaking even though he wasn't sure where his friend went. He chose to try and sniff his friends out. "Danger?" Crying did he hear crying that couldn't be his friend could it then again he smelled him around so he headed unknowingly towards the bathroom.

Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Jackariah Beckett
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 2

I'm Ready!

: Jackariah Beckett
Pony: Ginevra
Answer Picked: D

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 2

Ginevra's eyes grew wide as the tiny child continued to scream. Her hold on the plush cat tightened and she turned and ran. She had stuck with the others for safety, but there was nothing 'safe' about that child! She saw a flight of stairs and hurried to the top of the stairs. Her eyes racing around, looking for any sign of danger as she tried to quiet her breathing. She took a deep breath to steady herself and clutched to the stuffie as she took a step forward.


Meta Post!

: Fuzzy-Corgi
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 2

I'm Ready!

: Fuzzy-Corgi
Pony: Reminiscent Dream
Answer Picked: C. Attempt to lift the rug

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 4

Heart pounding in his chest. Remi had bolted into the hallway. The tiny child ghost had given him the heebee-geebees. The group found themselves back at the entrance, though seeing the front doors now closed tight made Remi pout abit. So much for bailing.
Remi noticed other ponies attempt to move a large red rug - and decided to help.


Meta Post!

: houllow
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 2

I'm Ready!

: houllow
Pony: - cert / uncert -
Answer Picked: A - Look around the living room

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 1

What even was that? The screaming child was rather tasteless for everything, but Wei Ying appreciated the dedication to the craft and therefore ignored it. The crying in the next area was also welcome, this place really knew how to go all out. Several ponies were milling about near the bathroom, some trying to pick up a rug (again) and well - Wei Ying decided to just look around. He could go to the stairs eventually, but for now he was curious as to how they decorated this place.

The setting was wonderful, he really admired the dedication to detail.


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Joshuality
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 1

I'm Ready!

: Joshuality
Pony: Poveglia
Answer Picked: A - Check Living Room

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 3

Poveglia was admittedly shocked at the sudden aggression from the child. However, they didn't quite know what they were expecting when they attempted to question them- It was still a fright attraction, after all. Poveglia ducked to the side as the little actor stormed by before turning to briefly inspect the items strewn about by the foal. They couldn't help but wonder how they got everything to shoot out like that...

Their attention was torn away when a great howling shook the room. Poveglia's head snapped up, their ears flicking in every direction the sound seemed to emanate from. With ponies beginning to scatter, Poveglia excitedly made their way toward where they thought the sounds might be coming from, only to come up disappointed when everything halted at once. Sighing, they observed the room they had made their way into- a living room, by the looks of it. Other intriguing bits and bobs were happening around, but Poveglia just decided on digging around here. Maybe some clues were left here from the previous owners that they could seek out?


Long-Term Resident
Meta Post!

: SSBrosB
Meta Profile: profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 4

I'm Ready!

: SSBrosB
Pony: Cert + Uncert
Answer Picked: A

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 5

"Well that wasn't very nice..." Radio muttered as they were yelled out of the room. He then went to follow the rest of the group into the next room and found himself in a hallway or living room or something. All he knew was that there were multiple doors, some red carpet, some sobbing, and other such stuff. He wasn't sure how helpful he would be trying to lift the carpet, and there seemed to be plenty of ponies already going to the bathroom, so he decided to look around the living room to see if he could find anything of interest!

From what he could tell though, this Haunted House appeared to be half haunted house and half escape room! They were only lucky that they had managed to get through so far being half on scared adrenaline!


Grizzled Veteran
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Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count:6

I'm Ready!

: Cheyriddle4
Pony: Cert + Uncert
Answer Picked: A

Current Raffle Ticket Count:6

Cordelia walks around the room as she hears the others walk into the room behind her after a little bit. She wonders if there is any clues in this room as she moves to inspect things one by one. The light from the lantern is something she is glad for. She hears one pony flee the room and she chuckles. Poor thing must be really scared. Perhaps they shouldn't have even entered the haunted house at all. Probably was trying to impress or something. She goes back to her task trying to find anything that could hint at anything for later.


Stew Aficionado
Meta Post!

Username: Natty-chan
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 4

I'm Ready!

Username: Natty-chan
Pony: Reaper
Answer Picked: D

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 5

Reaper was about to give the fallen pony another nudge when they suddenly stood to their hooves, causing the normally collected Pegacorn to stumble back a few steps; eyes wide in surprise. “Don’t be so-” He was cut off just as he found himself held onto by the Changeling, his wings going stiff in surprise for a brief moment. Honestly, Reaper couldn’t really care about the mannequins… broken or not. Right now, his only thought he was concerned with is what was coming up next in this interesting house. The Changeling, on the other hand, decided to let him and everyone else know how he felt about the over sized dolls when he lets out a loud shriek that echoes around the kitchen; the Pegacorn’s ears flattening against his head in attempts to block some of the sound.

Next thing the reaper knew, he was leaving the kitchen with Passhon, surprised by the strength of the other when he manages to tug him to the next room. It wasn’t exactly how he planned on progressing, but well… it worked. Getting another apology, he shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it.” Taking a step back when released, he looks around as well to see where they had found themselves before his attention returns to the pony that was a nervous wreck. Sometimes, he couldn’t understand those who join up for something but can’t handle it; but it wasn’t Reaper’s place. Still concerned over Passhon, especially with how so desperate he seemed to get out, the Pegacorn decided to stick around the other for awhile. Even more so the moment the Changeling rushes up the stairs. If scary movies were something to go by, bad things happen upstairs. With that, Reaper makes his way up the stairs after the scaredy pony.



Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Revel
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 6

I'm Ready!

: Revel
Pony: Garjana
Answer Picked: B. Go into the bathroom.

Current Raffle Ticket Count:

NOPE ... Garjana fled from this child figure, not happeening, nope... definitely not... She was not ashamed to admit she was no truly scared, she didn't even see the mannequin head fall, she might have quit completely if she had, she ran to catch up with the others who had already guessed correctly and noped out and into the hallway.

She'd been about to go into the open room but caught the sound of quiet crying and tha wrenched at her more than if it had been loud and dramatic, this sounded real. She headed to the bathroom, "Hello? is everything okay in here?" she asked


Stew Aficionado
Meta Post!

Username: belloblossom
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 4

I'm Ready!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Rock Kandy
Answer Picked: B. Go into the bathroom.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 5

Rock Kandy had screamed when the dragon lunged their way, and again when they ran into the hallway, the mannequins head being the only thing left with them from their encounter. She nudged at it with a hoof, before she let out a sigh of relief. Goodness, this really was an immersive haunted house, how exciting!

Taking a deep breath, she centered herself and turned around. The front doors were locked, somepony reported. Others moved towards a rug, but taking one look at its color... no thanks. She had no intention of getting her hooves sticky today, but splashing costume blood over a rug was certainly something she'd have to keep in mind for her and Metamora's future haunted house.

We're going to have to work hard to try and make our haunted house better than this one. Kandy reflected as the quiet sobbing from the bathroom finally reached her ears. Some of her group members were already heading in that direction. Well, the last encounter with an actor had gone so well, this next one would be just as exciting, surely!


Meta Post!

: medigel
Meta Profile: xxx

Current Specter Ticket Count: 5

I'm Ready!

: medigel
Pony: Persephone Pyrefly
Answer Picked: C

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 3

Lesson learned....Don't bother the poor kid! Persephone actually felt a little afraid in that moment and nestled close against her mother until the feeling passed. "Sorry..." And as it was for many pixies, the bad feeling didn't stay for long, and she quickly cheered back up.

Normally Persephone would go see who was crying to help them out, but maybe they were also picky about being bothered like the other foal. Plus, that rug did look heavy...While she wanted to investigate with Momo some more, the rug felt just a little bit "safer", and she joined the throng of those trying to lift it.



Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: RozeyBear
Meta Profile: bloop

Current Specter Ticket Count: 1

I'm Ready!

: RozeyBear
Pony: Cert + Uncert
Answer Picked: C

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 2

As much as she hated to admit it, the child's eerie screams and sudden outburst scared the daylights out of Morosa. During the commotion she backed up against a wall, eyes wide and focused on the child for as long as she could. When they were gone and the screeching stopped, she eased her way over to the group she'd come in with.​
The soft sobbing coming from the bathroom peaked her curiosity but the thought of being shrieked at again shut down the thought of approaching before she ever did. For a moment, she stood and looked around the room they were trapped in. There were quite a few ponies trying to lift that large rug and she even saw a few moving towards the bathroom. A few ponies zoomed by them all, heading right up the stairs.​
She chewed her lip, looking about the room one more time before deciding to go help the group trying to lift the rug.​


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

: Niyaru
Meta Profile: Ghostly Whispers

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

: Niyaru
Pony: Ghostly Whispers || uncert
Answer Picked: A

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Ghost had the daylights scared out of her from the consequence of her last decision to approach. There was no way she was going to ever approach another in this place like that again. She stood in place and observed what the others were doing before she made a decision. It appeared as though there were enough ponies to lift the rug. She made it a point to avoid going even remotely close to the bathroom as she looked the living room.
Last edited:


Meta Post!

: Lisais-fire619
Meta Profile: link please

Current Specter Ticket Count: 6

I'm Ready!

Username: Lisais-fire619
Pony: Nalanna
Answer Picked: d
Nalanna became startled as the child began to scream at them. In the rush to get out and into the next room she hadn't been looking where she was going and ended up going up the stairs.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 6


signed an NDA
Staff member
Prompt Five!

A. Look around the living room. +1 raffle ticket, and +2 Specter Tickets
B. Go into the bathroom. +2 raffle tickets, and +2 Specter Tickets
C. Attempt to lift the rug, +1 raffle tickets, and +3 Specter Tickets
D. Go upstairs. +1 raffle ticket, and +1 Specter Tickets
The living room is large. Large, old, and smells faintly like dust, although almost artificial in nature. Probably to keep the room safe but maintain an atmosphere, someone mutters. You don't catch who it was. Examining doesn't provide much but behind you something thuds; a heavy sound as if a body has fallen onto the floor. Turning provides no answers, as there's quite literally nothing there to be seen.
The crying from the bathroom, while concerning to some, also sounds painfully sad. As the first pony enters it stops, revealing a small Gboulie/Dragon hybrid, crouched against the bathtub. She looks up, dark black hair wet and pooling around the edge of the tub behind her, as if she had crawled out of it moments ago. The tub looks bone dry despite her apparent damp state.
"Please," she cries out, reaching out to the small group. "My child, you have to save them." She lets out another sob, covering her face with paws. It sounds genuine, but remember, this is only an actress! "They've been awfully cruel, I know, but they're still my child. Nothing calms them, not since the accident. Their father didn't mean to -- I swear!" She grabs at someone, falling short and instead slamming her paws into the tile floor.
"They'll calm down once they know they aren't alone. Please, under their bed is a small stuffed animal. A bear. I gave it to them when they were just an infant. If you could grab it and bring it downstairs.... into the basement where they flee to every night... I'm sure they'll find peace."
Any attempts to speak to her provides no further information. She just cries. Cries and cries and cries and cries.
Lifting the rug reveals a solid trap door. It'll open if pulled, but the sound of angry screams emits immediately. "GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GE-" It's the child, from earlier, and the door is shut abruptly in answer. Someone from the bathroom group turns the corner, gesturing at the door.
"We need to find a teddy bear, upstairs!"
The group upstairs is met with a sudden chill. No matter the size of the group the feeling of isolation seeps through. Upstairs is two bedrooms, one locked and one wide open -- a children's room with two beds. One is close to the ground, with no gap, but the other is raised. The pitch blackness under the bed seems eerie, but one can see the leg of a stuffed animal poking out.
"If you see a teddybear, grab it! It should be under the bed!"
The group has only one path now, with a direction ordered. Find the teddybear, give it to the child. Any attempt to enter the basement door only results in screaming so intense it would make anyone flinch, and also it seems the door doesn't open fully. A clever trick to ensure you play the game right.
There are two sounds, separate from the wailing. A soft rustle by the front door, which if one inspects they'll see something shifting within a pair of shoes -- small and probably harmless. The other sound is under one of the floorboards in the hallway between the locked bedroom and children's room.
What do you do?
Remember to RP out your response, and indicate which option you took. The round ends on October 16th, 5pmEST.
A. Join the group grabbing the teddybear.
B. Inspect the sound in the shoe.
C. Inspect the sound in the floorboard.
D. Something unique! (You will receive a personal response, but do not enter the basement).

One Little Jay

Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: One little Jay
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 5

I'm Ready!

: One little Jay
Pony: Mister Danger Man
Answer Picked: A

Current Raffle Ticket Count:4

Danger stood in the bathroom amd listened to the words of the woman. The child he had tried to approach was just missing his teddy bear, simple enough she told him right where to find it and he nodded heading up the stairs to search for the teddy bear.


Stew Aficionado
Meta Post!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3

I'm Ready!

: PeterPan_da144
Pony: Bloodless
Answer Picked: D - Something unique! Bloodless tries the second bedroom door upstairs, that seems to be locked, and places their head against the door to listen.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 4

The last few rooms felt like a whirlwind. Bloodless was having a hard time keeping up on what was happening, and just resorted to following Blood Current around aimlessly. The atmosphere was chilling, but so far, nothing really scared them. They were just kind of... There. The screaming from the basement was more annoying than anything, so they wandered away from it with some of the other ponies, upstairs. While every pony else went into the open bedroom, Bloodless curiously toddled towards the second room and tried the handle.


They fiddled some more, before pressing one big, fluffy ear against the wood to see if they could hear anything. Curiosity killed the Mau, but satisfaction brought it back.


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: KikiLime
Meta Profile: link please

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3

I'm Ready!

: KikiLime
Pony: Chubs
Answer Picked: A. Join the group grabbing the teddybear.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 3

"Teddy bear!" She gave a small squeek, still a bit startled from the child. Hearing about the kid needing their bear, she went to help those who went upstairs with her, grabbing towards the teddy bears, so she can take it below where instructed.


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: ChexaRain
Meta Profile: -Link-

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3

I'm Ready!

: ChexaRain
Pony: -Cert- -Uncert-
Answer Picked: D, Something unique! She chose to stay by the basement door and hum a song.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 1

Pure chaos seemed to ensue afterwards, as the child was screaming at them to get out and the next thing she knew ponies were scrambling around for a teddy bear? She thought about it for a moment, but decided to sit down next to the basement door, the mad rush of bodies just a bit too much, and for what, a bear? They'd probably rip the poor thing into shreds clamoring for it.
Instead, she shrugged, sat her camera in front of her, and hummed a soft melody to herself, and the child too she supposed from beyond the door just to the side of her.