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[Nightday Circus] The Haunted House

Meta Post!

: Valdmir Talamore
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 6

I'm Ready!

: Valdmir Talamore
Pony: Mayhem
Answer Picked: C

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 4

Mayhem listened to the cries of the one in the bathroom before jumping back as their paws fell on the floor. "Ok the kid that bumped into me just needs his bear." Mayhem followed Danger to the next area. He was about to follow into the room to look under the bed but did his hoof just hit a floor board that moved a little or was making an odd sound? Ok now he was just curious so he pawed his hoof at the floor board trying to figure out what the sound was.


Long-Term Resident
Meta Post!

Username: Hattaki
Meta Profile: X

Current Specter Ticket Count: 6

I'm Ready!

: Hattaki
Pony: Blood Current
Answer Picked: C. Inspect the sound in the floorboard.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 5

"Well thank you very much!" Blood Current grinned from ear to ear, their fangs gleaming brightly as they worked in tandem with the throng of ponies that had grown about them. To the alicorn that had first arrived to help them the vampric flightless gave a chuckle. "Honestly if they have one I think the photographer will be right, there'll be something spooky behind here, or maybe a jump scare."

It turned out they were right, but given that the flightless wasn't easily scared in that fashion, Blood Current began to open and close the trap door, effectively turning it into a screaming instrument of amusement. Their fang filled grin only widened until others began murmuring and yelling for a teddy bear. That seemed... rather boring. With a sigh they slapped the screaming trap door shut and thanked those ponies that had helped them lift up the rug before scampering off after Bloodless.

The Kelain was investigating the other door upstairs from them, but the noises under the floorboards actually caught the vampire's full attention before the door did. What was... doing that? Whatever it was, they followed their partner's motions and put an ear right down to it.


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count:8

I'm Ready!

: Cheyriddle4
Pony: Cert + Uncert
Answer Picked: A

Current Raffle Ticket Count:7

Cordelia frowns and notices the group moving so she decides to join them. She hears about the teddybear and the child from the others chittering so she has a vague idea what is to be done. Getting into the room she looks around and is definitely uneasy but they have a goal. When they see the leg of the teddybear under the bed her first thought was one from her childhood. The boogeyman was going to grab her if she grabbed it. Taking a deep breath she moves to go get the teddy bear


Meta Post!

Username: SwordOfTheNagas
Meta Profile: Here we go~

Current Specter Ticket Count: 4

I'm Ready!

Username: SwordOfTheNagas
Pony: -cert/uncert-
Answer Picked: C. Inspect the sound in the floorboard.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 7

Passhon panted as he leaned on the wall at the top of the stairs. He blinked as he heard what was called up to them. Oh...great...they had to find a teddy bear. What next? The Bear was possessed by a spirit and was going to scream at them more? He whimpered as the group came up eventually. He looked to the one who seemed concerned with him. He smiled sheepishly. "I uh...I'm here on a dare...and I gotta see this through even if I wanna just get out..."

He sighed as he looked around. There were a few choices...he could go for the bear, which would risk the whole spirit scream. There was something rustling around in the closet. Yeah....No. Then there was the floorboard. That was a trap, a total trap but...he inhaled softly. He was told to explore the not so obvious in case something special would occur for him. He whimpered as he leaned to the floorboard. "For once...please don't be a jumpscare..."


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

: Niyaru
Meta Profile: Ghostly Whispers

Current Specter Ticket Count: +2

I'm Ready!

: Niyaru
Pony: Ghostly Whispers || uncert
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count: +1

She watched as some went upstairs for the teddy bear and some were curious about the floorboard. She took a moment to think carefully about what she should do. She wasn't about go upstairs after a teddy bear on chance she got pulled under the bed somehow. She looked at the front door where the rustling was coming from and she slowly walked over. Why would she hurry over to the door to get scared? She nervously got closer to the floor and looked at the shoes from a safe distance. Her mind went over the possibilities of what could be inside the shoes. Could it be another mouse? She decided to take her chances and got closer to the shoes to peer inside them.
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Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Revel
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 8

I'm Ready!

: Revel
Pony: Garjana
Answer Picked: C. Inspect the sound in the floorboard.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 8

Garjana's heart went out to the poor soaking wet mother, it must be heartbreaking to have their child behave like this, through no foult of hers or the child's but she couldn't help still feeling uneasy. She followed the group fetching the teddybear but others had made grabs for it, instead she decided to check out the noise in the floorboards, she wasn't sure if it was the child but something in the floorboards didn't bode well at all.


Meta Post!

: medigel
Meta Profile: xxx

Current Specter Ticket Count: 8

I'm Ready!

: medigel
Pony: Persephone Pyrefly
Answer Picked: A + a lil extra (bolded for convenience)

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 4

Oh, the poor thing just needed their teddy...Persephone knew the feeling. She loved what few stuffed animals she had received from the village growing up and knew of their special soothing powers. But it was terribly dark under that bed, and so as she went to join the group to retrieve it, she began to flutter and produce a soft light, her pixie dust tasting of hope and optimism as it often did.

"No more bad things here! We're coming, kiddo."


Stew Aficionado
Meta Post!

Username: belloblossom
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 6

I'm Ready!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Rock Kandy
Answer Picked: A. Join the group grabbing the teddybear.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 7

Kandy had been a little shocked to the the hybrid in the bathroom, if only because she couldn't figure out how her mane was wet, when the bathtub was dry. Was the floor around her wet? She touched at the surrounding area with a hoof experimentally. Was it some sort of manespray? Oh, she would have to find out later. Maybe she could bribe one of the workers to spill their secrets about the technique and setting, so that she could apply them for her own haunted house. Wouldn't Metamora be proud of all the tricks she was picking up today!

It didn't take long for her to come to her senses when one of the other ponies that had come to the bathroom moved to the hallway, talking about grabbing a teddy bear from upstairs and bringing it to the child. Oh! Sure, she could do that. She hurried out of the bathroom and started up the stairs. She overheard other ponies discussing the matter of the accident. What accident? No one seemed to know for certain. Oh bother, had she missed something crucial? Well, she knew to grab a teddy bear and with so many other ponies going with her - they had to solve this mystery one way or another! Right?


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Reoakee
Meta Profile: Moon Belle Charm's profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 7 Specter Ticket!

I'm Ready!

Username: Reoakee
Pony: Moon Belle Charm
Answer Picked: A. Join the group grabbing the teddybear.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 5 raffle ticket

The rug had been more then a bit.. unnerving. it was only when she was joined together with the rest of the group she started to calm down. She was honestly a bit afraid and holding closer to the other members of the group. The pony with a mohawk and the one with strange fish like fins were near her. That was a bit nicer to her just having others around. There was a changeling who looked like a broken doll with them as well. That pony seemed to fit in with the house and might be a plant but the pixie with the skull could be too. That was the one thing she didn't like was this place was honestly scaring her. She might not look like it at first but she just wanted to dive into the closest shadow and hide. It was a pity there was no one near her that she trusted enough for that. When it was her turn she squished into the doorway that would only let them open one at a time. She had her ears back due to the screaming. She tried really hard not to scream if anything moved.


Meta Post!

Username: AlicornPlayhouse
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 8

I'm Ready!

: AlicornPlayhouse
Pony: Momo
Answer Picked: C

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 8

Momo was tempted to run off with the main group in search of the Teddy bear, but as she watched the large group of ponies rush off, she deduced that they likely had it handled. She was good at searching, but would add basically no assistance to such a large group of ponies all rushing around. Instea,d she decided to inspect the sound beneath the floor boards. Part of her was convinced that this seemed far too easy an ending. Maybe the teddy bear was hidden underneath the floor boards, rather than under the bed? Maybe there were more clues!


Meta Post!

: Lady Angel Heart
Meta Profile: link please

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3 + 1 + 0 + 3

I'm Ready!

: Lady Angel Heart
Pony: Saga
Answer Picked: D

Saga was growing tired of these mind games. She had the sharpest mind of anyone here yet she was still stuck in the place until the rest of her group solved the what she hoped was the final ''puzzle''. Bring the kid the bear and the kid lets them out? Who knows. All Saga knew at this point was she didnt want to sit around watching another jump scare occur. She decided to take matters into her own hooves. Stepping over the noisy board in the hallway Saga pulled a pin from her hair which now fell loosely in response. While her most natural talents came in the form of book smarts such a logistics or mathmatics, Saga did have a few minor skills that she picked up on the side.

She annoyingly pushed her hair from her face a couple times before managing to somewhat tuck it back behind her ears for a moment. The second door was her current target, locked and most likely requiring a key. She was determined to have some small victory so she decided to pick the lock and find out what was hiding behind door number one. You shouldn't believe everything you see in the movies but you can in fact pick a door lock with a bobby pin should you know how the locking mechanism worked. They never told them that picking a lock was cheating.. only not to assault any staff members and.. no outside food or beverages. Quickly, but careful, not knowing when the next event would be triggered from the other room, she went to work feeling for the proper slot within the lock and listening for a click.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 3 + 3 + 0 + 1


Meta Post!

: houllow
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 4

I'm Ready!

: houllow
Pony: - cert / uncert -
Answer Picked: B - Check the shoes

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 2

How were they making sounds come from the shoes? Wei Ying had followed everyone for the most part, entertained by all the hubbub going on around him, but it was the sounds in the shoes that had him curious. Was there a mouse in there?

Everyone was really dedicated to this, he would certainly give a decent review when this was over. Also how was that kiddo doing with all the screaming? A shame, their voice probably was shot at the end of each tour.


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Joshuality
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3

I'm Ready!

: Joshuality
Pony: Poveglia
Answer Picked: C - Inspect Floorboard Sound

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 4

Another bust, it would seem. Nothing there in the living room quite screamed 'genuinely haunted'. A lot of it looked like it was placed by the staff to add to the creepy effect. Poveglia huffed, and for a moment sputtered on the artificial dust. Obvodny, entertained at the sight, snickered. "I'm glad you're enjoying this," The hybrid snorted, rolling their eyes at their bone-headed tail. "I can't seem to find anything in here, not with all these ponies ab-"

Poveglia whipped around lightning fast, eyes and ears darting around in search of the culprit that created the sound. It seemed like.. nothing. There was nothing there in front of them. At least, not physically. Poveglia called out a greeting to the air but gained no response. Shoot, it must've been something upstairs. With the little games of the haunted house forgotten, Poveglia now shifted into investigation mode. They trotted up the stairs, weaving through ponies looking for something- a teddy bear, was it? Nevermind that. Upon reaching the hallway, a new sound caught their attention, apart from the wailing. There seemed to be something, or somepony, rustling in the floorboards. It couldn't hurt to take a peek, right?


Long-Term Resident
Meta Post!

: SSBrosB
Meta Profile: profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 6

I'm Ready!

: SSBrosB
Pony: Cert + Uncert
Answer Picked: B

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 6

It seemed the child had returned and if he had had any real ears he probably would have been cringing at the sound. Instead, he chose to ignore the child but followed the rest up the stairs. Unfortunately with his limited vision and hearing he wasn't really able to make out the teddy leg sticking out from underneath the bed, but he did hear a small rustling coming from... somewhere. It sounded like shoes? He moved over to inspect them, keeping his distance just in case something else wanted to pop out at him. Those were starting to get slightly annoying.


Stew Aficionado
Meta Post!

Username: Natty-chan
Meta Profile: Profile

Current Specter Ticket Count: 5

I'm Ready!

Username: Natty-chan
Pony: Reaper
Answer Picked: A

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 6

Finally up the stairs, Reaper takes a look around at the two doorways to, what he guesses were, bedrooms. After that, he searched and found the frightened individual that had fainted earlier. He listened to Passhon explain how he found himself in this situation, nodding in understanding. ”I see. That’s very brave of you to take the dare. At the same time, be careful with dares because some can get you in trouble, hurt, or worse. I’d rather not see you at my place of work.” The Pegacorn didn’t think what he just said through, a little distracted by all the sounds and commotion surrounding them in the house. It didn’t occur to him that the easily scared pony may not want to know that he performs autopsies for a living.

His attention is pulled away by ponies downstairs yelling about a teddy bear of some kind, followed by the arrival of more participants coming up the stairs; who were more than likely coming up to look for the previously mentioned stuffed animal. As much as the Pegacorn would love to roam the Haunted house a little longer, perhaps it would be better… at least, for his current companion, if the experience came to an end. Well, hopefully it did when the bear was retrieved. With that goal in mind, Reaper joined the others and walked into the child’s room; looking around for a moment before going to the bed to attempt to retrieve the stuffed toy.
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Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Username: Jackariah Beckett
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 3

I'm Ready!

: Jackariah Beckett
Pony: Ginevra
Answer Picked: C

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 3

Ginevra saw someone rush past her and enter the small child's room to the side. They were looking for something, but for what was unclear.

The stuffed cat was still held close to her chest by one arm. It had helped steady her breath while walking through all the shadows. But things were still spoopy.

The hair all over her body rose on end as she stepped on a creaky floor board. Suddenly there was a faint rustling sound under and a groove thin enough for a claw emerged.

"Well, kitty" she whispered to herself and her fluffy white companion. "Guess we have to look now" and gulped as she reached to see what was there in the shadows.


Grizzled Veteran
Meta Post!

Meta Profile: bop

Current Specter Ticket Count:5

I'm Ready!

Pony: Lex
Answer Picked: D - check under the raised bed

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 3

Lex gave a humming noise, considering and peered underneath the raised bed. The inky blackness called to him, what was down here? Was it something delightfully scary, was it the teddy bear? He poked a hoof underneath, feeling around, curious


Meta Post!

: Fuzzy-Corgi
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 5

I'm Ready!

: Fuzzy-Corgi
Pony: Reminiscent Dream
Answer Picked: D. Something unique! (You will receive a personal response, but do not enter the basement).

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 5

Regret. So much regret. Helping move the rug revealed an old basement hatch. When it was pried open a child's voice boomed from inside, causing goose bumps to crawl over Remi's skin and take his breath away in fright.
The child's mother was crying endlessly, begging for the return of a teddy bear - which several members of the group scurried off to locate. The pony said something about an accident and how the child's father didn't mean it....mean what? Despite his fearful state, the mother's story had Remi wondering what it entailed.
He couldn't decide what to do. Other ponies had already gone to retrieve the teddy bear - he didn't want to go anywhere near the basement again. He pranced uneasily slightly on the spot, unsure what his next move would.


Meta Post!

Username: Sesshiyasha
Meta Profile: Here

Current Specter Ticket Count: 0

I'm Ready!

Username: Sesshiyasha
Pony: Nememus
Answer Picked: D, Something unique! He decides to look around the bathroom a bit more before moving back into the living room and trying to talk to the child through the basement door.

Current Raffle Ticket Count: 0

Nememus was the last through the haunted house. He had been quiet and watching everyone else and hadn't said much. He wandered into the room. He saw what transpired and the actress. He saw the rush for the teddy bear and decided it would be a good time to continue his solo journey. He decided to take the course of uniqueness. He wasn't quite sure what he was in for but this was the path he was going to take. He looked around the bathroom but didn't find more than just the mother crying over the bathtub. He wondered if maybe something about the bathtub would be important to the child. after all she was there?

He decided that no one should be alone so, what better way than to talk to the child, maybe while they got the bear he could help with just talking to the child.
"It's ok, they are going to find your Friend the Teddy Bear. You don't have to be afraid we are here to help you!" He didn't figure he would get a response, but it made him feel better to talk with the child. "I know it can be scary to be alone, but it's ok, you aren't alone anymore."


signed an NDA
Staff member
A. You receive +2 raffle tickets and +1 Specter Tickets
B. You receive +1 raffle tickets and no Specter Tickets
C. You receive +1 raffle tickets and no Specter Tickets
D. You receive +3 raffle tickets and +2 Specter Tickets
Those who went to search for the teddy bear were, once all were collected, met with a sudden cold wall as they entered the bedroom. Abnormally cold, in fact, colder than the fall air outside. The feeling of hooves can be felt, briefly, on a few members, an evasive feeling for many. Uncertain glances are exchanged, but the sound under the bed distracts most when a pony reaches to grab the teddy bear (Lex).
A clawed hand reaches out -- a Dragon paw -- dragging nails into the ground, nails scraping against the wood. Something glows underneath; an eye, red and angry. A choked gurgling escapes them, claws dragging slowly down the floor before the creature vanishes back under the bed. Anyone who checks will see they’re gone.
With the bear obtained the group begins to descend the stairs, joining the downstairs group.
Those who checked the shoe will see…. A small Dormouse! How cute! (Please send the uncert of your pony to Nym on Basilisk Stew for a small prize!)
Those who checked the floorboard will see…. A small Dormouse! How cute! (Please send the uncert of your pony to Nym on Basilisk Stew for a small prize!)
Bloodless tries to listen to the second locked room. They’ll hear several voices and the sound… clicking? A keyboard, maybe? Is this the control room? Huh! Neat!
Lydia Deetz hums a soft melody, which… seems to soothe the child within. The shrieking sounds silence, although any attempt to lift the door will cause it to begin again. Deep within the sound of humming returns, briefly.
Saga attempts to open the door, which…. She does! It clicks and, with ease, relents under any attempt to open. Inside the room is…. Several ponies! They stand in-front of a plethora of screens, with a switchboard before them. Someone yelps, bringing the attention of the large group. All their eyes land on Saga, with one pony approaching. ”Hey! This isn’t part of the house!” The door slams shut, locking again.
Lex, having been the one to trigger the boogeyman from earlier, finds that nothing remains when they check again.
Reminiscent Dream paces, which provides no clues or answers. Hopefully it settles their heart!
Nememus is met, much like Lydia was, with a soft hum. The child doesn’t offer much more, but the sound of shuffling can be heard as they draw close, perhaps to listen.
Now, with the teddy bear acquired, the trap door is opened by a pony within the group. The child screeches, pausing abruptly once they see the teddy bear. The small Dragon foal reaches out, snatching the teddy bear and holding them close.
“Teddy…” They whisper, stepping aside. “I haven’t… seen him since… the last time we all were alive.” They look up, nodding to the basement before them. “Thank you…. I’ve been so lonely…. All Mama does is cry…. Papa -- he -- he never was the same again after becoming a Vampire… he hurt us. He hurt us and left with my sister. It’s been so lonely….”
While it’s just a story the child actor is convincing in their tears, although they suddenly tilt their head, as if they heard something in their ear. A mic can be seen, nestled cleanly within. “The key to get out is behind me, right in-front of that door.” They add, glancing at Saga briefly. “It’s time you all left.”
The haunted house is complete! If the group made it out they would have discovered that the story changes every 3 hours, revealing more about the family. They could return again, whenever, if they braved the line once more. That was the plan, after all, but as someone approached the back of the basement something different happened.
A door rested against the back wall; black, large, and foreboding. There’s a lion-headed knocked in the middle, which has rusted over the years. As a pony approaches to grab the golden key before it the trap door suddenly slams shut, clicking.
The child actor jerks their head up, eyes widening. “Wha-” The trap door is locked, noted the second someone tries it. Shouting can be heard from the child’s ear mic, but attention is drawn to the door in the back. It groans, creaking as it shudders, cracking open. Behind it is… just a dark abyss, faint blue sparkles glittering faintly.
“FINALLY,” a voice booms. The figure appears before the door, faint and transparent. They look ethereal, almost, and their feet fade into nothingness. They’re floating, in fact, and their short mane floats upwards as they turn to look at your group. The all-white pony cracks a wide grin, faint glowing yellow eyes curving upwards in delight.
“You can see me?! Finally! Quick, help me get the door open -- use your living hooves and help me!”
Of course, this ends as well as you’d expect. Someone shrieks, another tries to touch the pony, and another just faints. The pony who attempts to touch him finds their hoof goes through, causing them to stumble. Panic spreads through the group as the transparent pony moves closer.
“Wait, please, hear me out. I’ve been trapped here sinc-” he’s cut off as the trapdoor slams open, revealing a group of circus members and their leader, Alastor. Alastor glances at the pony, mouth parting briefly before he barks an order at your group.
“Get out! Now!”
Hands and hooves pull at your group, dragging each participant out of the basement. Alastor stays behind, descending into the basement once every member has been forcibly removed.
“Come on, shows over, you need to go.” An employee orders, pushing the group out of the house. “The house is closed -- come back another time.”

Congratulations! You “survived” the house! Although… what was that ending? The house has been closed to the public, with no answers provided. The circus leader also cannot be found, and any attempt to summon him is met with apologetic circus-employees. The circus attempts to go on as usual, with members claiming it was all an act, but something feels…. Off.
Meta players should look out for a Meta update.
Everyone who wishes to be entered into the raffle for the CYOA prize should post their final count of tickets. You will have until the 30th to do so! Specter Tickets should NOT be posted, log those in your Meta profile!