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Stage Four: Into the Deep Unknown


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 38 38
A curious echo :: You can hear some of the others talking behind you, but the cavern walls make their voices bounce and echo in the strangest of ways. It certainly makes everything seem livelier than it actually is, though whether or not that's a good thing ...

He blinked as he looked around. Wait...what was that? He turned behind him, then turned the other way. Why...why oh why was he the one going through this? He inhaled softly then peeked around a corner. Was any other soul there? Nope. No one else. Well, that was just creepy. He sighed as he kept going.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 32 32
Skin-crawling skittering :: You hear something scuttling on the rock above, but when you tilt your head up, you see nothing there. Something about the way it sounded makes your skin crawl, and you can't wait to get out of this place. You just hope whatever's past this isn't as creepy as the cave...

He kept going alright, right into another horror movie moment. Why?!? WHY WAS THIS HIS LUCK?!? He stopped for a moment, glanced up to the ceiling then grumbled as he kept on going. This was just nightmarish and making him wanna book it so fast. He almost ran like last time, but he figured running wasn't going to solve anything.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 16 16
You can hear some of the others talking behind you, but the cavern walls make their voices bounce and echo in the strangest of ways. It certainly makes everything seem livelier than it actually is, though whether or not that's a good thing ...

Reaper totally had to jinx himself, didn’t he? Or there was just so much going on, especially from the team, that these once quiet caves couldn’t help but echo with all the noise suddenly filling it. But maybe it was because of all the mushrooms on the cave walls muffling the sound, there was something strange about how all the noise sounded. Whatever the reason, he wasn’t sticking around long.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 49 49
You continue your search for the way through the caverns. They really are quite rocky.

Once again, it was back to nothing new. A shame, things were getting exciting for awhile there. Venturing through the caves, it was nothing but rocks for as far as he could see… well, when it wasn’t mushrooms for as far as he could see. Part of him started to wonder, how long have they’ve been in here for and how much longer will this be?
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 18 18
You continue your search for the way through the caverns. They really are quite rocky.

Oh, look… even more rocks. There was a small sink in his stomach at a thought, remembering his question before they started. Maybe they didn’t get closed inside, but what if they got lost in here forever? Or he did?! Reaper frowned a little. He was intrigued by the thought of life after death, but not enough so to actually live where there is life after death. With a snort, he didn’t waste any time pushing that thought from his head; still walking onward to find the next set of rocks, or mushrooms, or odd echoes.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 9 9
It's a cave :: You continue your search for the way through the caverns. They really are quite rocky.

Well this was just fun. Passhon sighed as he kept just walking and walking and walking and walking. There was a rock there and there and there and there. Oh wait was no that was another rock. He grumbled as he kept going along. This had to end right? They couldn't be stuck in this place right?


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 22 22
Beautiful luminescence :: You're really quite struck by the beautiful luminescence in this section of the cavern. The mushrooms grow in strangely swirled patterns, creating an almost purposeful artistry from nature.

FINALLY!!! SOMETHING OTHER THAN ROCKS!!!!! He sighed in bliss as he looked around the glowing fungus. Well, okay this should be fun. He looked around the artwork of nature itself calming down greatly. Yay for mother nature being the core of his sanity. He blinked as he moved along. This moment was going to be something he could rely on.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 27 27
Nothing at all... :: There's nothing here. Just more rocks.

Well, they were back to more rocks. What a surprise........not. Passhon blinked before he sighed deeply. This was really going to drive a pony insane if they were stuck here for longer than a week. He glanced around the group wondering if any of them had started to lose their minds yet.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 2 2
If it wasn't rocks, it was more mushrooms and fungus. Lydia was half-temped to swerve the location entirely, but given she had no other options, she huffed and decided that maybe if she was careful enough, she wouldn't end up in a spore situation again. She hurried her way through, but paused when she started to notice a pattern in the walls, almost like swirling spirals. Curious, she stopped, being very careful of her surroundings, and snapped a picture, double-checking the image reflected what she was seeing. Whether it was done by nature or hooves, she had to admit, it looked cool.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 25 25
You know, for a place that was supposed to be where ghosts live, there was a significant lack of them. The caves they trekked through, the many fungi they crossed, Lydia had seen what, all of 2 ghosts, if even that? It was ridiculous! On one hoof, she had half a mind to complain if they made it back alive after all this. On the other, she might actually die here, and then she'd be a ghost too, but at least she'd figure out where they all lived right? She hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings, however, and she walked face-first into a rather large stalagmite and she cringed. Okay, time to get back to looking around...
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 3 3
[ 3: Unexpected visages? ]

Still the cave, still rocks and dirt and mushrooms. Where were the ghosts that Wei Ying had more or less expected to find? He hadn't seen anyone else for a while but there were the strange....mushrooms again. The ones that looked like random things, faces he couldn't decide what they were and other things. If this was just the first encounter he probably would have been entertained but the Suli really, really, really wanted to get out of the cave.

He wanted to see ghosts.

[ +1 AP ]


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 37 37
[ 37: ERROR ]

Ghosts yet??? Maybe??? Wei Ying thought he was feeling something unique and perhaps world changing but the feeling passed just as quickly as it came on and he was left feeling sorely disappointed. Thankfully he hadn't stepped on a rock or anything just yet so his hooves need only be tender a tiny bit.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 38 38
[ 38: A curious echo ]

Still more rocks and mushrooms and caves and Wei Ying was about to just sit down and do nothing. He could hear an echo or something of the sort but whatever - wasting time trying to distract from the fact it seemed as they they were literally getting nowhere in this quest to get somewhere would only serve to make him more irritated.

Surely he wasn't the only pony feeling irritated by the endless walking in what felt like place, right? If this was so dangerous then why did it feel like the only thing that was going to kill him was sheer boredom?


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 31 31
Walking in a cave ... ... is surprisingly boring, as long as the ground stays level.

Perhaps I should have tried to sneak my phone on this trip. I would have least had entertainment during these moments. Reaper thought to himself as he walked along, letting out a soft sigh. Maybe he watched to many ghost hunter shows? His mistake for thinking that this would be some sort of exciting journey. Well, some parts were. But when they weren’t, they were kind of bland. Maybe something amazing would be just around the corner.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 29 29
There's nothing here. Just more rocks.

Or maybe there wouldn’t. Whoever told him cave spelunking was a thrilling experience, lied to him. He knew complaining wasn’t going to fix anything, or make anything happen, but he had the right to grumble to himself. More rocks for him to ogle, still walking forward. He began to wonder how they will be compensated for their time.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 19 19
Something in the air hits you suddenly and intensely; it's a smell, something you can't identify but reminds you of somewhere you might call home. It makes an ache form deep in your chest, squeezing as though it might wrench your heart from your body; desperately you want to find the source, the whole of your being wracked by an intense need to satisfy that overwhelming nostalgia.

...imagine your surprise when you realize it's coming from a patch of mold. Ew.

Gain +1 AP.

There goes that wonderful smell again. Now, Reaper has fallen for this… twice. He should just ignore this, keep going. If it wasn’t for the thought that it could actually be a camp with possible food, he more than likely would have. With a slightly reluctant sigh, he makes his way to find the source of this smell. Just like before, he was very disappointed… and disgusted to just find more mold. I don’t know what I expected.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 25 25
A thought occurs to you... :: While you've seen a few things here and there, don't caves usually have more, you know, inhabitants?

There was that creepy thought again. He groaned internally as he walked along. Where did everyone go? They saw the mushroom picker...ONCE. Just...once. He huffed, blowing a strand of hair out of his eyes. Once and that was all. Where did everyone else go?!? He rolled his eyes in irritation as he fought back the urge to growl.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 36 36
[ 36: Stalactite attack! ]

Thankfully the aches and pains of all his previous errors were starting to ebb, and with it a bit of the sourness that held Wei Ying's mood. He was still ridiculously bored with everything, as there was only so much a stallion could tolerate of seeing the same bleakness over and over, but at least maybe they were getting closer to....whatever it was?

He still was feeling salty in his own way, and a sudden drop of cold on his withers was not a welcome treat. He prompted a heavy shiver from a body already weary, and the Suli scowled up at the offended formations overhead. At the very least Wei Ying was thankful he didn't live here - he'd have gone mad long ago with the lack of.....literally anything.