Search results

  1. Dungeon Master Lyra

    The Library [IC/OOC Information]

    The Library As you enter the large building, the first thing you notice is how barren the shelves are. You were expecting a much larger selection since there was such a large space. You slightly grimace, wondering if there was a better place to do your research when you're approached by a...
  2. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Race Directory

    Concordance Corshyrn - Woshryn Elves - Dark Elves - Wood Elves Fiend-Touched Half-Dragons Half-Elves Humans
  3. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Race Directory

    Hi! Welcome to Bastion's Rise! This is where the directory of races will be to help make things easier to find. You might notice some similarities between the races here and the races in D&D, this is merely a coincidence. Wait. No, no it's not. Truth be told, many of the races in this shop...
  4. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Lifemate Registry

    Forms Lifemate Form Lifemates Here~! Owner 1/Character Name: Owner 2/Character Name: Cert Links:
  5. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Lifemate Registry

    Broken Lifemates Currently none~! <3
  6. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Lifemate Registry

    Lifemates Page One
  7. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Lifemate Registry

    Lifemate Thread Rules You must post here (and be quoted with the agreement) to be eligible for the possible extra child. Your character may only be lifemated to one other character in the registry. However, if the lifemated characters are in a poly breeding together then the group will get the...
  8. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Lifemate Registry

    Lifemate Registry Welcome to the Lifemate Registry! Here is where we'll keep track of lifemates for a chance at an extra baby. However, you will still need a breeding permission to breed just to make sure that everyone is still on the same page. <3
  9. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Breeding Permission Thread

    Forms Couple Form Couple Permission Here~! Owner 1/Character Name: Owner 2/Character Name: Cert Links: Lifemates?: Valid Until: (Is this for a specific breeding thread, only until slot, blanket permission?) Can Be Entered By: (Specific Person? Everyone?) Poly Form Poly Permission Here~...
  10. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Breeding Permission Thread

    Breeding Permissions Page One
  11. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Breeding Permission Thread

    Breeding Permission Thread Rules You must post here (and be quoted with the agreement from all involved parties) to be eligible for any and all couple breedings, including lifemates. Singles do not need permission unless lifemated. To break a breeding permission, you must quote the...
  12. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Breeding Permission Thread

    Breeding Permission Thread Hello! Welcome to the Breeding Permission Thread. This is where you'll post to agree to breedings with your character's partners! <3 These are required for all breedings to make sure that everyone is on the same page.
  13. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Identical Twin Permission Thread

    Forms Identical Twins Form We had Identical Twins![/size] Owner of Parent 1/Character Name: Owner of Parent 2/Character Name: Owner of Parent 3/Character Name: (Delete if not applicable.) Owner of Parent 4/Character Name: (Delete if not applicable.) Cert Links: Owner of First Twin: Who is...
  14. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Identical Twin Permission Thread

    Identical Twin Permission Thread Rules Identical twins will be indicated by the colorist when dropped. Twins may only be the same 'gendered' lines with a slight hue shift. Nearly identical characters with one on masc and the other on fem lines do not count. If your breeding resulted in...
  15. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Identical Twin Permission Thread

    Identical Twin Permission Thread Did your breeding produce twins? Then come here to post who owns the twins! <3
  16. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Breeding Information

    Breeding Forms Singles Form [code]
  17. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Breeding Information

    In-Character Information Breedings mean something completely different to all races now that the Plague has come and gone. The Plague has left all races infertile, meaning that without magical assistance no one can reproduce naturally. To combat this, a mysterious old woman named Sheena has...
  18. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Breeding Information

    Breeding Terms RNG - Slots that are randomized through a Random Number Generator. CC - Colorist Choice. A custom that is hand picked by the colorist. Low-Luck - This is reserved for specific breedings that have had at least 10 tries with no luck. No-Incest - Some colorists may not be...
  19. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Breeding Information

    Breeding Guidelines Payment - Breedings are currently PWYW. Trades are due within 48 hours. Proxy - You may not proxy for someone else in breedings. Posting - Only one owner of the breeding pair should post the pair for breedings. WIPs - WIPs are not available for breedings except in...
  20. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Breeding Information

    Breeding Information Welcome! This is where you can learn about everything you need for breedings. Come have a look!