Don't you want to build a Pogemas tree?
What? No, not that other -mas -- Pogemas! A celebration of the end of the holiday season and a ringing in of the new year~ But in order to properly ring in the new year, we need to build up a nice pile of pokémon as a last bang to take the year out...
Regular Birthday Cyndaquil x3 | Shiny Birthday Cyndaquil x2
all by prog
Look, I'll be honest, these normally have an in-lore blurb to go with them but this stupid title won't get out of my head, so you deal with the fallout. A second game in celebration of Shaddaling's upcoming birthday, this...
3x Regular Birthday Chikorita | 2x Shiny Birthday Chikorita
all by prog
It's someone's birthday soon, and we've got some very special potatoes pokémon roaming around for the celebration! ... Unfortunately, they're a little bit wily, so we uh. May have. Lost them. But only a little bit! They're...
"You know, this is actually rather impressive."
What was once a beach filled with pieces of broken trees, ship debris, and pokémon - both surviving and not - was once again a pristine swath of clean, white sand and sparkling, sapphire water. The inhabitants of the new region had come together...
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